Crashing Drawbridge

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Crashing Drawbridge

Artifact Creature — Wall


: Creature you control gain haste until end of turn.

4to16characters on Arcades, goes to Wallmart

4 weeks ago

Crashing Drawbridge is highly recommended.

Niko9 on Skrelv's Toxic Masculinity

1 month ago

Deck looks really fun, and as somebody who runs a mono white deck a lot, this list looks awesome : )

I have a few suggestions, just because you were asking about making this as competitive as possible.

You could probably get away with running more utility lands, stuff like War Room or Roadside Reliquary are nice when you just need to draw something, and I like Blast Zone a ton because it's always something you can sink some mana into and when it goes off it's amazing. Treasure Vault can be kinda similar where you can sac a little efficiency and get an amazing turn.

Dowsing Dagger  Flip is a great equip and you have lots of attacking and evasive creatures, so might be awesome.

Concerted Effort could be an absolute bomb, giving all your guys double strike, flying, or protection. Effort and Mother of Runes are so great together.

For max cometitiveness, I think about a Phyrexian Dreadnought and Tocatli Honor Guard or Hushwing Gryff package, just because dreadnaught is such a crazy toxic target, and honor guard can even be tutored off Pyre of Heroes and Mother of Runes or Alaborn Zealot. Zealot also works well with protection because you can pro her from her own destruction, and really, worst case she is just a 1mana protection from attacks. It's a convoluted combo for sure, and I'd only do it because I have a few dreadnaught copies from back in the day, he is way too expensive now : ) Also, things like Hushbringer can just be great stax pieces on their own.

Duelist's Heritage might work well with toxic

And I really like Crashing Drawbridge in any attack focused deck, just for the haste, but sometimes to have a big butt blocker too.

TijuanaBachelorParty on Date Night with Phage

7 months ago

NV_1980 thanks! Cavern of Souls is one I had not considered yet. Not being countered is important though the balance between utility lands and the number of swamps is tough for this deck. Perhaps a land that could replace Thespian's Stage.

As for the haste enablers, Crashing Drawbridge could come in handy for repeatable haste and a decent blocker. One set of boots has been functional as of now but another could help out.

NV_1980 on Date Night with Phage

7 months ago

Interesting deck; +1!

Adding some more hexproof (Swiftfoot Boots) to protect Phage and some more haste enablers (Crashing Drawbridge) so she can attack on arrival, probably wouldn't hurt. Also, I would consider Cavern of Souls to deny your opponents the opportunity to counter her.

Quickspell on ‘Tis But A Scratch

9 months ago

Maybe Crashing Drawbridge to give your creatures haste, and Entomb and Buried Alive to Reanimate your most powerful Knights. You could Secret Salvage a Nazgûl to search your library for the other eight.

Fireshrieker for your Commander, and definitely Silverblade Paladin. But you could also consider just going for Sakashima the Impostor and similar copycats to double down on your commander’s abilities.

Crow_Umbra on Can't Thwart the Wild Court [Primer]

10 months ago

Solid deck and fun primer! I've been on the fence to build either Ellivere or Gylwain, Casting Director. G/W Auras was one of my first favorite decks when I first started playing 10 years ago, and Aura Voltron was subsequently the first commander deck I put together via Tuvasa the Sunlit.

I'm a little surprised Spirit Mantle is in your Maybe-Board, but I can see how Benevolent Blessing has a functional similarity, and has benefit of having Flash. If anything, I think Spirit Mantle could replace Unquestioned Authority, esp since you tend to draw from Ellivere quite a bit.

Similarly, I think Sigarda's Aid could be helpful in moving it over from your Maybe-Board. In one of my last Aura decks, it let me turn some of those Aggro Auras into combat tricks, or the removal stuff like Kenrith's Transformation into instant speed shenanigans.

My last rec is that you do have a potential combo option with Siona, Captain of the Pyleas and Shielded by Faith. Only hang up is that you need either a haste enabler like Concordant Crossroads or Crashing Drawbridge to give the tokens haste, or Altar of the Brood to negate the need for haste. It's a combo option, but your deck might not need it if the Aggro is already working well for you.

Either way, nice build and keep up the primer writing!

Uberriffic on Pacifism Barrage!

1 year ago

Runed Arch, Skeleton Key, Floriferous Vinewall, Endoskeleton, and Wall of Shields(which doesn't say on the card, but has apparently been Errata'd to include Defender) could be worth considering to include in this deck.

Also, a niche combo you could pull off would be to include a Wickerwing Effigy and use it to cast your Tree of Perdition which would then come in with all of its abilties, but as a 1/1. Keep it alive for a turn cycle and decide who you like the least. Bonus points if you have a way to do it on the same turn, such as with Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler or your Crashing Drawbridge

pinecone2k3 on Token Tornado

1 year ago

vrcklgdujnwtddlzrd Thank you! Your comment led me to Crashing Drawbridge, which could be exactly what I’m looking for!

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