Saryth, the Viper's Fang
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Saryth, the Viper's Fang

Legendary Creature — Human Warlock

Other tapped creatures you control have deathtouch.

Other untapped creatures you control have hexproof.

, : Untap another target creature or land you control.

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Spitting Slug
Topan Ascetic
Scattershot Archer
Might of the Old Ways

Master_J on Froggin Time!

1 month ago

OUT: Retreat to Kazandu, Saryth, the Viper's Fang

IN: Greater Good, Elves of Deep Shadow

In my first play through as part of my pod, each of my creatures, and my commander, kept getting killed and I was short on mana both games. Taking out some evasion enabler and a low-quality landfall piece to get some more consistency / mana, as well as an alternate payoff from my commander.

Crow_Umbra on Petrified by the Gorgussy [Primer]

3 months ago

Thank you for taking the time to offer your feedback, and for reading through the primer Profet93, I appreciate it.

I like what you've suggested and wanted to offer my thoughts in turn:

  • Skullclamp - A great card draw staple. I think I didn't initially consider this one mostly because I currently have ~8 creatures with 1 toughness, & don't really make small 1/1 tokens besides Preacher of the Schism. High likelihood for revisiting & inclusion.

  • Sakura-Tribe Elder/Rampant Growth - I could see Steve slotting in over Farseek. I have Farseek in here as a means of grabbing Overgrown Tomb for quick fixing.

  • Viridian Longbow - This was also suggested by UltimateRoxas40. Definitely a kind of cheeky include. I used to run it in an early version of my Prosper, Tome-Bound deck. The higher concentration of Deathtouch in this deck raises its ceiling. I don't play with equipment much beyond Skullclamp, Lightning Greaves, & Swiftfoot Boots, but might consider swapping one of the instant/sorcery removal spells depending on how first irl playthroughs go.

  • Academy Manufactor - I considered this for the deck initially, but it turns out it would be a non-bo with Vraska, the Silencer. Her wording reads "Whenever a nontoken creature an opponent controls dies, you may pay . If you do, return that card to the battlefield tapped under your control. It's a Treasure artifact" Manufactor only makes its plethora of tokens whenever an effect creates a Treasure, Food, or Clue token. Currently, Deadly Dispute, Tireless Provisioner, & Revel in Riches are my only cards that make treasure tokens.

  • Mastermind Plum - He has replaced Preacher of the Schism in a couple of my other decks already, so I guess I might as well continue the trend. I think I picked Preacher mostly because I have copies on hand, & my Mastermind Plum is already in another deck.

  • Infectious Bite - Forgot about this card & must have overlooked it in my initial brewing. Will likely swap out with Bite Down.

  • Bootleggers' Stash/Parallel Lives - Ehhhhh, I kinda like Revel in Riches as my awkward value 5 drop more than Bootlegger's Stash. I don't think I'd consider Parallel Lives for similar reasons listed as Academy Manufactor.

Regarding all the anti-token stuff you mentioned, I agree that Pernicious Deed is what I'm most likely to include. I had it in the initial draft of this deck, but swapped it for some other removal.

  • Liquimetal Torque - Definitely a case of "I know I have this on hand". I was also considering Fellwar Stone for this slot. As cool as Jet & Emerald Medallion are, I don't have a copy of either yet. I usually try to focus on what I have initially, then save stuff like the medallions for future upgrades if I like a deck enough to continue investing in it.

  • Kura, the Boundless Sky - I typically play against a Kangee, Sky Warden deck quite frequently in my meta. My friend that pilots the deck will frequently go after decks that don't have flying defenses up, & tends to avoid swinging at boards that will stop the flyers. So Kura is here to play mind games with him & deter aggro as a deathtouch flyer, but also is just a bigger body that can help soar over defenses & chip people for 4 damage until they can do something about it. Once he does die, I will pick the land option.

  • Saryth, the Viper's Fang - I feel like I tend to see 1-2 wipes per game, but much more targeted removal. Wipes are inevitable, so I don't really worry about them. I'd rather dissuade targeted removal, or at least speedbump folks by offering Saryth up as the bottleneck to the rest of my board without a wipe. If she is too redundant, this could be a potential swap out.

  • Questing Beast - I like it for being a haste-y body that also blocks well against aggro crack back. More importantly it helps negate the occasional Fog effect. Because of my main meta being more aggro, I'd rather have bodies on board than to a certain extent than a higher volume of kill spells. The deck started off with more instant & sorcery speed removal, but felt anemic for board presence.

  • Guardian Project - Don't think I've ever encountered anyone killing creatures in response to the trigger for denial. Maybe it's happened once or twice, but I don't think it's happened with any kind of consistency to make me worried about it.

  • As for the 3 X finishers, this is definitely another case of "I have these on hand". Most of the time Damnable Pact will be a draw spell for myself, but does have that corner case potential to finish off someone that's low enough. I've seen Exsanguinate enough in my meta, & if it hasn't acted as a finisher, it helps its caster stabilize enough to attrition everyone else out. I think I'd rather include Rise of the Dark Realms over Finale, mostly for budget purposes.

Thank you for the questions and suggestions! Definitely a fun thought exercise to get my day started.

outofnothing0 on Non-Alchoholic Patron

3 months ago


-Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth actually has anti-synergy for this deck as it untaps ALL of my opponent's lands when I activate my commander's ability. If someone else plays one I try to destroy it with Beast Within or Acidic Slime as soon as possible.

-Deserted Temple is a maybe right now as I can already do that with green creatures like Voyaging Satyr and Saryth, the Viper's Fang which i can then untap to do it again which is insane...

Thanks for the suggestions!

Crow_Umbra on Laughing Lizard Likes Larceny

3 months ago

Bristly Bill kinda makes me want to try Mono-Green again. Last time I tried it was a General Green Goodstuff™️deck helmed by Saryth, the Viper's Fang. Kinda fun, but also fairly generic & unfocused. I was initially pretty hyped to build Yuma, Proud Protector before he was revealed, but felt a bit underwhelmed. I might revisit him, as I was considering converting my Lord Windgrace deck into Yuma.

I have the feeling that there will be plenty of Ninjutsu Felix decks, especially for ones that lean "give evasive creatures triggers". That's kinda the route I went with Brokkos, since he could mutate onto a small body host & turn it into a 6/6 Trampler. Depending on meta, smaller evasive creatures might have a hard time if you're experiencing lots of aggro crack back. Here's a general Scryfall search aggregate of combat damage triggers in Sultai.

Sultai Nashi is a pretty cool design. The pull between Rats & Legends kinda put me off from building it, especially once I saw most lists were more Rat focused. I'm a fan of repurposing decks into something else that can share mana and other key components. My decks most on my chopping block at the moment are Gylwain, Prosper, & Windgrace.

NV_1980 on Reyhan and the Dargo Nauts

10 months ago

Pretty cool. I second Klipeda's comment! Some cards that might also be fun in here would be Shattergang Brothers, as they fit well with the sacrifice theme. In order to hit your opponents a bit more and thus benefit on a slightly more consistent basis from Ikra's ability, I'd say maybe Saryth, the Viper's Fang or Ohran Frostfang could be good.

ShadowAblaze on Golgari deathtouch

11 months ago

Hooded Blightfang and Fynn, the Fangbearer are must-haves if you plan to be playing mostly death touch creatures. They each make your creatures have more impact on their attacks.

Saryth, the Viper's Fang is great protection for your board while Chevill, Bane of Monsters can be a fun way to get card advantage.

Vraska, Swarm's Eminence creates tokens with death touch :)

idfkgabe on Coven of Autumn

1 year ago

Hey man, looks like a great deck. I come to give suggestions.

  1. Saryth, the Viper's Fang I believe this would be a good card to your deck because it helps let your creatures that are untapped are hexproof, while the creatures you control are tapped they have death touch.

2.Somberwald Sage pretty good at putting down your commander or big cards.

3.Fauna Shaman good at getting creatures in beginning of game or mid.

DreadKhan on Kresh of the savage horde

1 year ago

Board wide damage effects seem pretty good with your Commander, Pestilence, Pyrohemia, Chain Reaction and Blasphemous Act all jump out as good enough cards. Mandate of Abaddon is probably well beyond good if Kresh is at all beefy, he'll suddenly be even bigger on an empty board if all goes well. As long as your Commander has at least 4 toughness Ezuri's Predation would be hilarious, even if a bunch of 4/4s bite the bullet your Commander just gets bigger.

Rite of the Raging Storm seems almost unholy with your Commander, I normally love this card but here you are going to be farming 5 power creatures over and over, and they're never attacking you.

They're both small and random, but Temur Battle Rage and Tainted Strike can both turn your Commander into a 1 shot fairly easily.

If your Commander is fairly big then Return of the Wildspeaker, Rishkar's Expertise, Soul's Majesty, Momentous Fall (also good if your Commander is going to die, as is Greater Good), Grothama, All-Devouring, and Mask of Griselbrand can all draw you a decent number of cards. Overwhelming Stampede and Fungal Sprouting both seem very good with your Commander.

I like Fight effects if I suspect I'll have the biggest body on the board, Ulvenwald Tracker, Domri, Anarch of Bolas, Kogla, the Titan Ape, and Thorn Mammoth are pretty good sources you can repeat.

Thunderfoot Baloth, Siege Behemoth, Kamahl, Heart of Krosa, Blossoming Bogbeast, and Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma are decent sources of Trample that are stapled to a body, and they're all fairly budget. Keep an eye out incase Pathbreaker Ibex goes down in price, that's a very good effect with your Commander. Just a heads up, but if you run lots of sources of Trample for your Commander, then anything that provides Deathtouch looks a ton better, with Deathtouch you just deal 1 damage per creature and Trample over the rest. Bow of Nylea, Saryth, the Viper's Fang, and Ohran Frostfang are all very good sources afaik, there are others kicking around if you look!

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