Devout Chaplain

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Devout Chaplain

Creature — Human Cleric

, Tap two untapped humans you control: Exile target artifact or enchantment.

Max_Hammer on These silly hoomans - Need Help

1 year ago

Well hello there! I had way too much time on my hands, so here’s this. By the way, it’s all ordered best to worst. (:

Pay less to play more.

  • Circle of Dreams Druid is going to drop loads of mana, assuming you can pay the three green.
  • Fallaji Wayfarer is going to give all of your stuff (including your commander) convoke! Not all, but a lot.
  • Hamza, Guardian of Arashin is going to make a lot of your creatures cost a lot less.
  • Herald of War makes all of your humans dirt cheap if he gets counters. But, oh, what’s that? This deck loves making counters for creatures? Perfect.
  • Nissa's Expedition is just Cultivate but it potentially costs a lot less.
  • Gaea's Cradle is perfect if you have a small fortune laying around and you’re in need of mana.
I need more! More!!!

  • Bennie Bracks, Zoologist every time you make a token? So every turn? Alright, sick.
  • Ulvenwald Mysteries lets you investigate the murder of your entire army. A board wipe kills this deck, but this (plus loads of mana) could help bring it back.
  • Season of Growth lets you scry a lot, letting you look for pretty much whatever and just pull it out.
No, you’re not allowed to have that! Because I said so! Exile it! Now!

  • Devouring Light, Conclave Tribunal, Hour of Reckoning are all removal spells but if you’re on a mana budget with a lot of 1/1’s.
  • Elspeth Tirel is a board wipe, if you manage to keep her around for long enough. If that’s not what you need, though, she’s got plenty of utility otherwise.
  • Coordinated Barrage, Kabira Takedown  Flip, and Outflank aren’t super powerful, but can destroy pretty much anything that comes your way. If it’s not hexproofed, shrouded, or indestructible, it will be killed.
  • Devout Chaplain says “The power of Christ compels you! Begone!” but this time it actually works.
  • Sanctuary Lockdown lets you say “Not this combat phase, Satan,” and if you have enough mana, you can do that again and again and again. Plus, if you decide you can’t, then it’s still a big boy.
  • Kamahl's Will will destroy just about anything in sight and can give you extra attacking force, if you can manage a way to keep all of your lands safe.
Gotta keep your stuff safe, yeah?

  • Loxodon Hierarch is going to save your deck (which is very sensitive to board wipes) from a board wipe, judy once. Use wisely.
  • Scapegoat won’t save your tokens, but it will save everyone else, commander included.
  • Kindred Boon can slowly but surely make literally every creature you own indestructible.
  • Ephemeral Shields is extra protection that can easily be pulled out of your back pocket.
  • Basri's Lieutenant isn’t going to save your deck, but it will buy you time or give you a chance next turn at a kill, if the board wiper was low.
Make all of your stuff bigger!

Make more stuff! The theme of these suggestions is Give me more, if you couldn’t have guessed.

Might of the Masses is always fun in a creature deck, one green for a massive “Fuck you” at instant speed is great. Now here’s a bunch of Might of the Masses style cards.

I was looking for cards with the keyword “Human” and a million Gideon cards came up, so here’s all of the Gideon Planeswalkers. None of them are bad, per se, but all Gideon cards are not made equal.

  • Gideon, the Oathsworn just happens to slip and give all of your creatures an absurd number of counters. Not to mention the big body (noticing a pattern yet?) and the one-sided board wipe! He’s got a weird face again, sadly, pass.
  • Gideon, Champion of Justice is a board wipe and a big, bad creature all wrapped into one. 7/10, he can dominate me.
  • Gideon Jura can goad and destroy stuff. Perfect for removal and instigating fights when you know you’ll win. Not to mention the big scary 6/6 lurking beneath. Also a weird face, pass.
  • Gideon of the Trials reads “Fuck your biggest creature, he’s not going to do anything, and also, as long as I’m around, fuck you more.” Nothing crazy, but can definitely make you public enemy #1 for having an effect like that. Pretty normal face, but that ability makes him a dick. 3.4/10
  • Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip is just some kid. Ignore him. This is a child, pass.
  • Gideon, Battle-Forged!? Where did you come from? Nothing super interesting here, but for one mana not bad. Weird face, pass.
  • Gideon, Martial Paragon can give buffs to all of your stuff, which is definitely not bad at all, and your opponents are automatically dead if he gets that ten ability off. That said, this Gideon can get it. 10/10.
  • Gideon Blackblade is eh. He’s okay. He can get it, though. 7/10.
  • Gideon, Ally of Zendikar can do some generic Gideon stuff. Make tokens, give buffs, be a 4/4. Eh. 6.7/10.
This is just stuff I couldn’t find a specific panel for, so yeah.

Your deck is pretty spotless, so unless some of these are direct upgrades or you know what you want to take out, then this is all I have for you here.

  • Thraben Doomsayer’s first ability can be easily beaten by other cards, and his second ability is mostly useless, since you’re pretty screwed at 5 HP either way.
  • Heron's Grace Champion Lifelink is cool, but not something you super need. It’d be worth it if it was permanent, but it’s not, so pass.
  • Maja, Bretagard Protector just feels a little expensive for such a lackluster ability, Idunno.
  • DareiJuxis on A New Dawn for the Humankind 2.0

    2 years ago

    Jhi69 I am glad you to have provided you with decent suggestions. I think that, as I said, cards to replace are Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Nils, Discipline Enforcer, and The First Iroan Games. Avacyn was strong in the past, but she is not what she was. I understand she can "win" games, but that does not mean that there are not cards that can win more games than she does. I understand the idea of Nils, but it is just not worthwhile in my opinion. I do not think Wild Beastmaster should just be looked at as a finisher, but even if it were you already have the solution in your deck- Chord of Calling. Regardless failing those cuts, I would recommend cutting the following as well-

    • Drannith Magistrate- As far as I can tell, this is just here to stop commanders from coming online, and has no way of repeating itself. I do not think that it is good enough outside of maybe cEDH unless there are other ways one's opponents are trying to cast spells from outside of their hands. Basically, it does not synergize enough with what you are doing nor stop enough of your opponents, especially since all (presumed) 3 will be interested in taking it out.
    • Devout Chaplain- I think this requires too much board presence to work, and needs haste to solve imminent problems. This would be the number 1 cut for Hopeful Initiate. It does not exile, but with enchantments and artifacts that's rarely a cause for concern.
    • Masako the Humorless- This seems like slightly better than a fog, sometimes. A lot of potential to be a dead card, with not enough upside in my opinion. I'd much rather see an effect that gives vigilance, especially since you have cards that tap for other reasons.
    • Luminarch Ascension- A decent standard card for sure, but miserably slow in EDH.
    • Intrepid Hero- I think as a general statement, using a card that hates on only one of your opponents most of the time is not worthwhile. It is also slow since it needs to tap.

    I think any of these cuts could be made for any of the cards I have pointed out.

    LinkOpensChest_wav on Yikes! Humans!

    2 years ago

    Today is payday, so I'm ordering Tireless Tracker, Champion of Lambholt, Kyler, Sigardian Emissary, and Devout Chaplain. Tireless Tracker hurt to buy, but I don't think it's likely to come down in price anytime soon, so I think it was a good investment.

    I ordered Beast Whisperer too. Poor elf is going to feel a bit out of place amidst all these humans and angels, but hopefully they'll accept him :P

    Harmonize is cheap, so that was a no-brainer as well.

    I've also started to think what I can cut and what I can replace.

    I will cut: Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa, Kamahl, Fist of Krosa, Cathar's Call, Durable Handicraft, Lunarch Veteran  Flip

    I will add: Tireless Tracker, Citadel Siege, Parallel Lives, Cathars' Crusade, Beastmaster Ascension

    I'm not sure yet where I'll add some of the other cards I just ordered, but I'll have to tinker around with the deck and see where I can replace things to get the most value. I might backtrack on some of this too after next time I play it. Cards like Cathars' Crusade and Beastmaster Ascension might put a mark on me, whereas sometimes those small budget spells can fly a bit more under the radar, such as Durable Handicraft. It doesn't really have a "reputation".

    You're amazing though. I feel like you should get some credit as this deck's co-author haha

    SaberTech on Yikes! Humans!

    2 years ago

    I've yet to have the chance to sit down across from a human tribal commander deck. Considering how much support the tribe has gotten over the years that kind of surprises me, you would think that they would be more common. This deck looks like it is gearing to be a fun human stompy deck and its price is pretty reasonable. Some key points you may want to pay attention to though is that the deck has very few removal options and I think there are some pump effects that you are missing out on.

    Kyler, Sigardian Emissary is really affordable right now and looks like a good addition to help give your creatures some extra power to throw around. It conflicts with Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa though. Still, it's a cheaper card to buy than Cathars' Crusade while giving a similar game-swinging effect, especially if you were to also run Increasing Devotion in the deck.

    Good-Fortune Unicorn and Renata, Called to the Hunt do half of what Durable Handicraft can do but don't require you to pay mana to do it, letting you play more cards more easily in a turn while still giving you a pump effect. They help build up the +1/+1 synergies that you are already working with, like Abzan Falconer.

    Champion of Lambholt Would be another way to help you to push a bunch of damage through and feeds a bit off of other cards you may rung that can pump it.

    In regards to removal, I think that you should be running some more instant speed options instead of damage prevention cards like Repel the Abominable, since you don't need to worry about preventing the damage from creatures that are already dead. There are a number of good options. If you are worried about creatures dying then you could consider Valorous Stance since it is about to be reprinted and can both kill and protect.

    Working in some creatures that double as removal is another way to go.

    Kogla, the Titan Ape is a top-of-curve budget pick-up that can save your human creatures and lets you re-use ETB effects like Eternal Witness's, on top of doubling as removal.

    Devout Chaplain is a particular payoff for running humans, giving access to a repeatable source of artifact and enchantment removal. Intrepid Hero also gives you a way to cut down your opponents' larger creatures while you build up your own forces.

    As a random addition: Sakura-Tribe Elder can combo with Emeria Shepherd to pull a bunch of Plains out of your deck in one go.

    Humans have a lot of options to work with so I imagine that you could be tinkering with this deck for a long while to figure out what you like and what you don't. I hope some of my suggestions help give you some ideas to try out.

    MaltOMeal on Absolute Theocracy

    3 years ago

    Sup lobsternips!

    As a baseline, you'll need to add lands, which I'm sure you know. Since you're making Treasure and Gold tokens in this deck you'd probably be good with roughly 34-36 lands, leaning more to the most mana color you'll need, say like a 25/25/50 split if thats what you're going for.

    - We'll cover your cards to include by type, so lets start with creatures. I like the Angels, Demons, and Dragons subtheme, if you were considering it I'd try and include Kaalia of the Vast if you can get your hands on one, otherwise just slim down on the tribal stuff, reaching too far into each different theme could result in inconsistencies and clunky play. I've been there, it sucks a lot. (Unfortunately, you can't run Shalai, Voice of Plenty since she has a Selesnya color identity)

    -When it comes to your Dragons, I think you hit the nail on the head, nothing I would really change or take out. Allows for Magda, Brazen Outlaw to have a decent outlet if you don't want an artifact.

    -Finally, the other things you've got going. Dockside should just be an auto-include, albeit a heavy price tag, but if you can get one you should definitely include it.

    • Dark Impostor , while mana intensive is still a decent mana sink that can function effectively as targeted removal. Definitely keep your edict creatures, they are super useful and trigger Negan, and thats what you want.

    • Starnheim Aspirant is useful if you go super heavy into the Angel theme, but if you skimp on the Angel theme this could very often be a dead card.

    • Storm-Kiln Artist , I like this a lot for this deck, can be a beater, and generates value.

    • Vault Robber , seems bad, and bad to do. Synergizes with Magda and makes Treasure tokens, but thats really it... PLUS it requires you to have a creature in YOUR grave. I'd cut this, but if you have a reason to play it I'm not seeing immediately play it in your deck.

    • Viscera Seer , good card, good sac outlet, not much else to say.

    • Creatures I'd include based on what I've seen: Solemn Simulacrum , Burnished Hart and Mayhem Devil . Some good ramp and a decent damage dealer if you'd like to play a cheap one. Plus the Devil is great at just 3 mana.

    First thing I wanna point out is the abundance of them, its good, but its quite a few. I like the variety of them though, from token generation to mana value, all of them are GOOD in a sense.

  • Angelic Renewal is basically a one time effect. While good, there are better recursion spells out there, but this one does fit the Angel theme so thats really cool. :D

  • Land Tax : Definitely play this if you want more inclusions in your deck and want to play less lands, but don't forget to have a focus on more basic lands for the landbase.
  • Luminarch Ascension is subject to removal by other players, and somewhat makes you a target, but with Divine Visitation and your non-Treasure generators make this super useful.
  • Aside from that, I think that's a decent spread of enchantments. Nothing to add really, love the inclusion of the Sagas and Revel in Riches .

    I'm sure you'll add more later, but here are some I'd DEFINITELY include:

  • The three signets for your colors, Arcane Signet as well.

  • Goldvein Pick : hidden tRAESurES!!!
  • Inspiring Statuary for a low mana investment, you can effectively keep your Treasures around, or use your Gold tokens twice(tap it for colorless, then sac it for colored mana).
  • Panharmonicon to double up on edict effects.

  • Not much in this category outside of removal or token generation.

  • Wouldn't run Secure the Wastes strictly because it doesn't put Humans into play, play the sorcery option Martial Coup instead if you want a token creator with some OOMPH.

  • I'd recommend more removal, but with everything else considered I think you're pretty much good here. Really like the Crackling Doom and Vona's Hunger inclusions.

    OOOOkay, lots to look at here.

  • Mortuary Mire : Get that creature back in play!
  • High Market : Useful when Dictate of Erebos is in play.
  • Sanctum of Eternity / Command Beacon : You never know when you might need to use them. Negan can get expensive real fast.
  • That basically does it for my brief review, hope I was of some help!

    griffstick on [PRIMER] Trynn & Silvar, Dangerous Bonds

    4 years ago

    Outlaws' Merriment seems perfect. Also Krav, the Unredeemed and Regna, the Redeemer seem like it fits. Vigilante Justice might be fun. Maybe Commander's Authority. Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis should deserve a look. Another cool card would be Gallows at Willow Hill. If you think you can make enough human tokens take a good look at Devout Chaplain. Keep the tokens coming with Hanweir Garrison. Homura, Human Ascendant  Flip needs a sac outlet. Good thing your Cmdr has a sac outlet. Requiem Angel and Xathrid Necromancer both benefit from creatures dying. And since we are talking about creatures dying why not add Dictate of Erebos and Grave Pact and Butcher of Malakir.

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