Season of Growth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Season of Growth


Whenever a creature enters the battlefield under your control, scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)

Whenever you cast a spell that targets a creature you control, draw a card.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on the POWER of the Tree Frog

6 months ago

This looks super fun, great job! You have quite a few spells that target your stuff, so why not give Season of Growth a shot? Also, this seems like a great deck to include Rite of Consumption. And finally, for an unusual pick, Ruxa, Patient Professor has some serious synergy with your commander.

Housegheist on Kenessos, Priest of Thassa

1 year ago

Maybe you can get some inspiration in my Kenessos-Deck:

That Fishy Flashy Situation

Commander / EDH* Housegheist


One powerhouse is Season of Growth

Housegheist on Kenessos N Kiddos: The King of Killer Krakens

1 year ago

Like you list. You should definitely try Season of Growth. It synergizes extremly well when Kenessos ability hits. Almost like a mini budget Cream of the Crop. The creature list looks solid.

You have more Top-Deck manipulation (Library, Rack, Top) which are unfortunately uneffordable atm, but i would assume, they rock this deck :o)

Have you playtested it yet?

Housegheist on That Fishy Flashy Situation

1 year ago

sean360 Thank you for commenting.

As described, the deck funktions pretty darn well without Prophet of Kruphix, since it’s only value is to untap and activate the abilities (Kenessos or the cheat-effects). I don’t remember hardcasting any of the fattiest yet with her ability yet. Would be an easy swap :D

Elvish Piper and Quicksilver Amulet are just for redundancy. Since it cannot be avoided to draw one of these, i must have an opportunity to cheat them in. Piper is not that mana-intense, but slow… Amulett can be activated, when it hits, which is only good, when i have said untappes (Prophet/Seedborn).

As it turned out, Season of Growth, Aqueous Form and Monster Manual have turned out to be MVPs in the deck. The provide so much value, it’s absurd.

Training Grounds is on my extended want list, but not in my budget currently :D

I would appreciate an up, if you like it. I will check yours, maybe get some inspiration.

BotaNickill on Oh, Rotty!

1 year ago

Thanks so much for the help Amigo! I appreciate your advice! I was definitely floundering a bit with the right mix of targeted spells. I had this built as the storm/breach deck first but then realized I didn't have the right cards to make it competitive, so I searched for another option and came up with this Naya VS because I felt like I was closer to having the right cards to make it pop! I have more Dromoka's Commands laying around, so I could up those to 3 or 4, I have the playset of Vines of Vastwood sitting here, I will look in my MM2 binder and see if I have Apostle's Blessing I don't have another Dreadhorde Arcanist, Season of Growth, or Feather, the Redeemed, but I have been watching for them at my LGS. They do have 10 Snakeskin Veils tho! so I'll nab some of those up. Thanks again for the suggestions!

legendofa on Oh, Rotty!

1 year ago

How hard is it to reach delirium? There's a bunch of instants, a few sorceries and fetch lands, and let's say a creature dies once in a while. If you're not hitting delirium regularly, I would switch DRC for another Season of Growth and just draw past the cards you might not need.

My next thought is to either cut the Bloated Contaminator for another Dreadhorde Arcanist, or add more cards that grant counters of one kind or another. Dromoka's Command is solid, and you come up with any Snakeskin Veils, those would help a lot.

The typical play pattern I see is T1 Venerated Rotpriest, T2 pump and attack for damage and poison, T3 either Arcanist or Feather, the Redeemed, then just keep casting spells after that, attacking where you can. If that sounds right, then maybe look for some more hexproof-y protection-y spells like Apostle's Blessing, instead of just making your creatures bigger with Scale Up and Mutagenic Growth. I know those mostly from infect decks, where the goal is to get 1-2 creatures as big as possible, to deal as much infect damage as possible.

A T1 Glistener Elf, T2 Scale Up into Vines of Vastwood into Mutagenic Growth is very different from the same thing with a Rotpriest. With the Elf, you might have just won. With the Rotpriest, you just dealt 12 damage and gave three poison counters. Serious damage, but you're probably not going to do it twice in a row.

So I guess my suggestion (probably biased by my preference for control over aggro) is to focus mostly on keeping your creatures alive so they can be targeted by spells, choose the right time to attack, and let your poison counters do their work. Now that I think about it, some spells that grant vigilance might help, too.

to_regatha_and_beyond on Art-Infect

1 year ago

Infect decks usually tend to be a lot more aggressive. Maybe add another Blighted Agent and 3 more Phyrexian Crusaders as those are your aggressive plays here? Make sure to get a playset of Glistener Elfs as those tend to end up doing a bunch of poison damage over the course of the game. I think you could add those in instead of Season of Growth, Square Up, Coretapper, and Myr Reservoir. Those all slow down your game, and Coretapper esoecially tends to do nothing at all.

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