Bramblewood Paragon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bramblewood Paragon

Creature — Elf Warrior

Each other Warrior creature you control enters the battlefield with an additional +1/+1 counter on it.

Each creature you control with a +1/+1 counter on it has trample.

SufferFromEDHD on Xenagos God of Revels, Berserkers and Warriors EDH

2 days ago

Ghitu Encampment cheap warrior

Obsidian Battle-Axe free!

Bramblewood Paragon solid mini commander

Heiko Yamazaki, the General nifty utility

Kargan Intimidator warriors can't be blocked

Sosuke, Son of Seshiro warrior death touch

C5r1a5z0y on List of Bugs and Feature …

3 months ago

5 Champs promos are incorrectly listed as foil cards in the database, so they show up wrong in decks:

The first one released of this cycle is correct though:

I can see how it was missed - the other half of champs promos were all foils, as they went to the winners only.

forneyt on Leinore, The Counter Queen

1 year ago

Hardened Scales and Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider are pretty dope for counter decks like this one!

Hamza, Guardian of Arashin can make your big creatures cheap, and Gavony Township is a decent mana-sink if you end up top-decking.

Kodama of the West Tree, Bramblewood Paragon, Gnarlid Colony, Trollbred Guardian, and Tuskguard Captain each give your creatures with counters on them trample (Kodama being the best one).

Abzan Falconer gives them flying instead.

Basri's Lieutenant is a fun card since it can repopulate your board after a board wipe and can block a lot of problematic creatures like multicolored commanders.

wallisface on

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • you’re only at 58 cards - you need 60 for a legal deck.

  • I’d suggest going up to 20 lands (and also ditching the mana dork).

  • you currently have no other warriors in your deck, making Bramblewood Paragon pretty useless as you’ll almost never be gaining counters off it.

  • you’ll never be gaining counters from Scute Mob either - with only 18 lands you won’t have 5 in play until around turn 9-10… no game is lasting that long.

  • both Forced Adaptation and Hydra's Growth are super risky/unideal cards to run as your opponent only has to use one killspell to remove both the creature & enchantment (costing you 2 cards for their 1).

  • your deck currently feels very rag-tag/clumsy as far as being very slow to look threatening (Avatar of the Resolute and Rancor are the only cards that look strong in your deck currently. The rest feel weak/awkward/slow). Cards i’d suggest considering include Pelt Collector, Experiment One, Strangleroot Geist, Aspect of Hydra, Quirion Beastcaller, and maybe Servant of the Scale.

ViscountVonSausageRoll on Green Counter Gang

1 year ago

I like. One thing that sticks out is you don't have any way aside from 1x Master Symmetrist to give trample to your dudes. This could allow absolutely behemoth creatures to be chump-blocked.

In stickin' with the theme of +1/+1 counters, may I suggest Crowned Ceratok, or Bramblewood Paragon?

Also if you're looking for themed green mana ramp Gyre Sage is pretty dope.

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Hardened elves

1 year ago

If you're more focused on the Bramblewood Paragon, have you considered Elvish Warmaster? He's cheap, a warrior himself, makes token warriors, you have enough elves to justify playing him, and multiple copies will each trigger separately. Hope this helps.

Flavuss on Hardened elves

1 year ago

wallisface I made a few tweaks to make the list more +1+1 counters centered , what do you think now? I thought as the finisher as Joraga Warcaller + Bioshift (hopefully with at least one hardened scales) to boost all the board.

Growth-Chamber Guardian adapt ability can be decent but the thing was to drop it after Bramblewood Paragon to thin the deck a little bit and to have another fast creature in hand. Do you think its wrong? depending on the board Pelt Collector can reach 5/5 , i dont think thats too bad for a 1 drop that can be used to move the counters on Joraga Warcaller no? feel free to correct me. BotaNickill Thank you i'll give it a look :)

wallisface on Hardened elves

1 year ago

Imo your list would be better without Hardened Scales - the only card that utilises it well currently is Bramblewood Paragon (Pelt Collector just gets out of range of gaining more counters quicker, Growth-Chamber Guardian being a 5/5 instead of a 4/4 is meh, and the extra counter on Joraga Warcaller feels negligible).

I think, because you’re a stompy deck, you’d probably benefit from ditching Hardened Scales and Bioshift in favour of more stompy/aggressive cards, like Rancor and maybe Aspect of Hydra, or some Elf mana-dorks to help you spew your hand out onto the board quicker

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