Regal Force

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Regal Force

Creature — Elemental

When Regal Force enters the battlefield, draw a card for each green creature you control.

EDH 1098 / 621
Kamahl, Fist of Krosa feature for Om Nom Trample

Profet93 on Non-Alchoholic Patron

3 months ago


Early Harvest - ramp

Return of the Wildspeaker - Draw / overrun

Greater Good - Draw / sac outlet (prevent stealing, exiling, etc...)

Regal Force / Shamanic Revelation - Draw

Yavimaya Hollow - Regen / politics

Profet93 on Elves go brrrrr

4 months ago

DeoCroma +1 counters are not in my wheelhouse, but I'll do my best to help.

Hurricane - Bye bye fliers

Heart Warden - Elf the mindstone

Devoted Druid - Ramp

Regal Force - Draw

Elvish Guidance - Ramp

Legolas's Quick Reflexes > Arbor Armament

I think fight cards might be a better alternative to plummet. While they are reliant on having a high power creature, that doesn't seem to difficult given the deck. The flexibility allows you to hit other non-fliers as well. Inscription is definitely a potential consideration. Kami seems solid as well. I'd say include them as test swaps at least and see how they perform.

I can offer potential cuts should you wish.

jarncards on Sleeping Elves Kill

8 months ago

Collected Company is one of the better cards in a deck like this.

If you run Green Sun's Zenith, I think you should run Dryad Arbor 100% of the time. Having the option to 1 mana ramp tutor as needed is the best in the game, even if it's fragile.

If you want to do the whole tap ten elves thing Benefactor's Draught, Vitalize, and Mobilize are useful. And as long as you're using mana dorks, they are good throughout the game. Birchlore Rangers is also a good mana dork for getting either color as needed if it matters. Like some of the others you have it can use creatures with summoning sickness.

Add Regal Force, you'll have the mana, and it draws infinity. Toski, Bearer of Secrets is also amazing at this.

Consider Patriarch's Bidding for when your ridiculous board state earns the response it will deserve. Also Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant

I cant build a green/black deck without Gaze of Granite and Pernicious Deed. They are great

Timberwatch Elf for the commander, or maybe Gempalm Strider might be better than Overrun. Trample isnt so important with so many creatures that will likely outnumber blockers, and the extra card from cycling and utility of another creature is worth considering. Ezuri, Renegade Leader is already in your deck and he's definitely the best option though. Beastmaster Ascension also works like a really inexpensive overun and turns on really easily.

Some of the green and black backgrounds area awesome Criminal Past, Cultist of the Absolute, Haunted One and Raised by Giants will stick around for the next cast even after your commander gets removed.

Consider Constant Mists or even instead of Fog, however I really don't think you need any of the fog effects. Honestly, you might actually need to worry about other people's fogs instead. Questing Beast is the only card that is capable of piercing though a Teferi's Protection or The One Ring in these colors. THrow in a Natural Order and you can get that, or a Craterhoof Behemoth when it matters most

Viridian Zealot, Reclamation Sage, Nullmage Shepherd, and Elvish Lyrist are useful for removal. You already have Glissa, but I dont think she's enough.

Elvish Champion might be your best lord. Pair it with Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth. Also definitely want to add Shizo, Death's Storehouse. Having lathril connect is important.

If you keep the tyvar planeswalkers, Harald Unites the Elves does a lot.

Kithkin Mourncaller might draw cards to use with your excessive mana. Leaf-Crowned Visionary, Skemfar Avenger, Miara, Thorn of the Glade do too, at a cost.

consider Crop Rotation. It can get nythkos, yavimaya.

Looking at your list you have almost nothing that turns on lathril in combat. look at Alpha Authority, Familiar Ground, Alpha Status, Gift of Doom, Rancor, Spider Umbra, Alpha Authority, Canopy Cover, Vorrac Battlehorns. Fallen Ideal is possibly my favorite with the die/sacrifce synergies you already have. Im not a fan of token doublers. I think youd be better off powering up lathril to make more tokens in the first place.

I would dump any ramp card that costs more than 3

DreadKhan on Pariah's Stompy Gruul Deck

1 year ago

I noticed a few things you might want to take a look at while testing your deck out, first you run several examples of artifacts that ramp you, this is usually a questionable choice in any Green deck, but Gruul is very good at ramping in particular, it has the least need for artifact mana. Some people run artifact wipes like Bane of Progress to punish people who are stuck with artifact ramp. There are always more creatures that can be tapped for mana, but there are also cards like Farhaven Elf and Wood Elves that find a land, there are quite a few of these out there. At your budget I think you should be running Myriad Landscape and Blighted Woodland, and I would consider Guildless Commons as a way to sneak an extra land drop out of your hand (you could also just run more lands).

Second, I think you might want to include more answers to artifacts and enchantments, if not creatures. Gruul decks that run big creatures can look to fight effects to help pressure opponent's boards/kill stuff like Magus of the Moat, Domri Rade and Domri, Anarch of Bolas are budget options that can help make fights happen, Ulvenwald Tracker, Thorn Mammoth, and Gruul Ragebeast are creatures that can generate repeated fights. Beast Within, Chaos Warp and Wild Magic Surge are all pretty interesting cards for a Gruul deck to look at, but there are also cards like Reclamation Sage or Caustic Caterpillar/Thrashing Brontodon, as well as Conclave Naturalists or Indrik Stomphowler that can help deal with artifacts/enchantments that interfere with attacking, and anything that can be used at instant speed has value in disrupting combos. At your budget Road / Ruin might be good, it offers ramp and removal in one card.

Third, you might want more card draw, there are a variety of ways to do that in Gruul, but many of the better options are Green spells. If you consistently have a big enough creature out Return of the Wildspeaker is good, as is Rishkar's Expertise, Momentous Fall and Greater Good. I like Bonders' Enclave if you think you can count on having 4 power out, and War Room is pretty handy in a pinch. Regal Force can draw a bunch of cards if you have green creatures. Garruk's Uprising might be budget enough, but Toski, Bearer of Secrets and Ohran Frostfang are cards to think about if you ever want to upgrade, both are very strong, Frostfang's deathtouch is superb synergy with Trample. If you do go with more Fight effects, Neyith of the Dire Hunt can draw a card for each fight and has other synergies with the deck. Dragonborn Champion is cheaper than Frostfang or Toski, but it requires your creatures to be big and probably have trample, so it might be worth a look.

Here are a few cards that might help that don't fit into the above categories/aren't necessarily solving a problem, but I think are worth thinking about. War Cadence is an all time favorite of mine, you can use it on anyone's turn if you have spare mana, very handy to make it impossible for an archenemy to block, also handy when you get down to 1v1. Have you thought about a Breaker of Armies? When it attacks, that player has to block it with everything, but you technically get to assign damage as you see fit unless they have Banding, so this tends to clear out an opponent's board while letting your other creatures get in unblocked vs that opponent. With your relatively low land count I feel like Abundance would be decent. With so many sources of Trample in your deck Bow of Nylea would be a sweet addition, Deathtouch and Trample are very good together.

Hope some of this is helpful, Gruul stompy decks are a lot of fun!

Helnas on Omnath locus of mana (opinions needed)

1 year ago

Instead of the mana doublers, i would add something like Bear Umbra, untaps your land if you swing with your commander, plus totem armor. Get some protection aswell, Lightning Greaves Yeva, Nature's Herald (just cast commander straight back when he gets destroyed, keep it in your hand). maybe a few spells like Tamiyo's Safekeeping, Tyvar's Stand, Gaea's Gift, Momentous Fall, Shared Summons, Wrap in Vigor some other creatures i didnt think of before: Oracle of Mul Daya, Silverback Elder, Apex Devastator, Cultivator Colossus, Ghalta, Primal Hunger, Cankerbloom, Topiary Stomper, Regal Force

For cutting cards, i would just cut cards that arent creatures or synergize with creatures, or dont do alot most of the time. something like Exponential Growth is gonna be a dead card in your hand most of the times.

Also dont understand most artifacts in your deck. Diviner's Wand for example, 3 mana to cast, 3 to equip, 4 to draw 1 card, 10 mana to draw your first card, and 4 mana for each card after that doesnt seem worth it at all. Id also cut 1x Mirage Mirror, Staff of Compleation, Helm of the Host, Lithoform Engine, Book of Rass

Id also cut: Vigor, Ironscale Hydra, Seeker of Skybreak, Viridian Joiner, Nantuko Mentor

And i would add 4-5 lands. playing a land per turn is stronger then playing an arcane signet or sol ring and then miss a land drop. (id cut arcane signet and sol ring aswell, they are bad draws past t4)

multimedia on Elven Kingdom

1 year ago

Hey, well done so far for your first green deck.

Some changes to consider, to further reduce price, up power level and reduce mana curve:

Emerald Medallion is the worst expensive price card here. All the Medallions are way overpriced for what they do because they aren't getting reprinted. Castle Garenbrig is not worth $5, you don't need it's small amount of ramp when you can get more ramp from Elves. With Elves, Elvish Guidance is $1 alternative for Cradle, bonus interaction with Arbor Elf.

Staff of Domination can keep power level high without breaking the bank. It's a combo piece with key mana Elves to make infinite green mana to then draw into a wincon. Regal Force and Eternal Witness are creatures who have same effects of noncreature cards, but since they're creatures they can be tutored for.

Triumph of the Hordes, Overrun, Overwhelming Stampede, Ezuri, Siege Behemoth, Forerunners, Thunderfoot, all of these to overrun your Elves is overkill. Consider cutting some of these for more tutors? Pyre of Heroes, Fauna Shaman, Summoner's Pact, Chord, Harbinger can all get Ezuri. Choose one of Forerunners, Thunderfoot or Behemoth? Fierce Empath, Fauna, Pact, Chord can get it.

Good luck with your deck.

Profet93 on Azusa, lost but seeking

1 year ago

Boseiju, Who Endures - Removal

Castle Garenbrig - Ramp, not necessary given your 1 drops, lower amount of creatures. But its floor is slightly lower and ceiling is slightly higher than average, so I believe it is a worthy inclusion

Field of the Dead - Free zombies! Such a good inclusion, don't sleep on it. Imagine with boundless realms, scapeshift, etc....

Misty Rainforest/similar lands/ETB Tapped Fetchlands - Too much value with crucible to ignore. Not to mention it allows you to shuffle if you have a top deck utilization such as Oracle of Mul Daya, top, etc....

Sanctum of Ugin - Nice tutor effect, not necessary but I've found it extremely helpful. Given in Azusa we run out of cards quickly, this allows you to tutor for either Kozilek to refill your hand.

Yavimaya Hollow - Protection, not needed but nice to have. Also, politics.

Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth - Not needed but allows you to tap maze for green mana, ancient tomb, etc...

Fierce Empath - Tutor for ulamog or kozilek for draw or removal. Or just any higher CMC creature you need really. Not necessary but I've always enjoyed him

Lotus Cobra - Ramp! Much better with fetches. Speaking of fetches....

Ramunap Excavator - Redundancy for crucible of worlds. More easily recurabble as well.

Regal Force - Tooth and nail into avenger + regal.

Scute Swarm - MASSIVE token generation, even better with regal

Tireless Tracker - Draw, slow, better with Lotus cobra. Not necessary, but if you find yourself running out of gas consistently, this might be worth considering.

All Is Dust - Wipe (over Spine of Ish Shah for Sure) that synergizes with Sanctum of Ugin. I've done this more times than I can count

Finale of Devastation - Like an additional G-Sun Zenith but with a higher ceiling. Also, a wincon

Rishkar's Expertise - While not optimal for your build per say, it has a high ceiling. Thought it was worth mentioning.

Scapeshift - Tutor, landfall trigger, trigger field of the dead. Synergy with land recursion such as crucible or ramunap. Should you ever wish to consider a token landfall package given your lack of creatures, this would supplement that. Not needed but nice to have

Given the amount of suggestions, you can either tell me what you like/want to include and I can provide suggestions for cuts based on that, or I can just go through your list right now and provide you my thoughts. Lmk what you think!

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