Rude Awakening

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rude Awakening


Choose one —

  • Untap all lands you control.
  • Until end of turn, lands you control become 2/2 creatures that are still lands.

Entwine (Choose both if you pay the entwine cost.)

wallisface on Why is Untapping Lands a …

2 weeks ago

legendofa I have an issue with you contesting my statement of "a large portion of those cards are extremely old" and then deciding yourself what the goalposts should be for my own statement. I never said that only old-bordered cards are old... the current "new" border has still been in use for a ridiculous quantity of time, and the colour pie has shifted numerous times since its creation. For me, anything that was printed 10+ years ago, fits into the "extremely old" category... so if you're going to pull me-up on what's old-or-new, that is the yardstick i'm measuring.

Now, ordering cards by how old they actually are (instead of arbitrary card-frames) yields the following (using only the cards you've already listed):

1993 (31 years ago): Ley Druid

1995 (29 years ago): Juniper Order Druid

1996 (28 years ago): Nature's Chosen, Emerald Charm

1997 (27 years ago): Elder Druid, Earthcraft, Llanowar Druid

1998 (26 years ago): Awakening, Argothian Elder

1999 (25 years ago): Early Harvest

2002 (22 years ago): Krosan Restorer

2004 (20 years ago): Rude Awakening, Nature's Will

2005 (19 years ago): Stone-Seeder Hierophant, Seedborn Muse, Patron of the Orochi

2006 (18 years ago): Magus of the Candelabra

2007 (17 years ago): Woodland Guidance

2009 (15 years ago): Garruk Wildspeaker

2010 (14 years ago): Bear Umbra

2012 (12 years ago): Arbor Elf, Urban Burgeoning

2013 (11 years ago): Voyaging Satyr

2014 (10 years ago): Nissa, Worldwaker

2017 (7 years ago): Initiate's Companion, Hope Tender, Nissa, Genesis Mage, Blossom Dryad

2018 (6 years ago): Ley Weaver, Cacophodon

2019 (5 years ago): Wilderness Reclamation, Rime Tender

2021 (3 years ago): Sculptor of Winter, Saryth, the Viper's Fang, Jorn, God of Winter  Flip

2022 (2 years ago): Likeness of the Seeker  Flip, Civic Gardener

2023 (last year): Rustvine Cultivator, Portent Tracker

2024 (this year): Innocuous Researcher

Using the above data, the below rant is in defense of my claim "From what i’m seeing, the general trend is that this effect used to be quite prominent in green but something that’s slowly being phased out/down for green over time", which may have been the other thing you were contesting??

Now, at face value this paints a picture that indicates an-eb-and-flow of constant printings of green-land-untap effects, perhaps even slightly favoring those printings in the more recent years. HOWEVER - this does not take into account the actual percentage of cards printed in any given year.

For example, in 1996 2 cards exist in our category, BUT only 468 new cards were printed that year. 2022 also has 2 cards in our category printed, but also had 2004 new cards printed into it, meaning those 2 cards represented a significantly lower percentage of what green represented that year.

With Wotc printing an increasingly large quantity of cards every year, this effect has been getting an increasingly lower-percentage-share of cards given to it. The one anomaly I see is 2017, where 4 cards were printed in a year that made 861 new cards, making it about on-par with our beforementioned 1996 example.

legendofa on Why is Untapping Lands a …

2 weeks ago

wallisface I'm still going to contest that. Scryfall search comes up with 45 mono-green cards with the words "untap" and "land". Ignoring stuff like Blizzard and Chokefoil, there are nine cards in that group with ye olde bordere that untap lands, seven with the Modern border, and fourteen with the 2015 border, skipping those whose primary purpose is to turn lands into creatures like Wakeroot Elemental. Two of them are legal in Standard, and thirteen--about a third of the total, and more than ye olde bordere--are legal in Pioneer. I'm not seeing the dropoff for land untapping in green.

Ye Olde Bordere, "untap" + "land": Ley Druid, Elder Druid, Juniper Order Druid, Nature's Chosen, Early Harvest, Earthcraft, Awakening, Argothian Elder, Krosan Restorer. total 9

Modern Border, "untap" + "land": Rude Awakening, Nature's Will, Stone-Seeder Hierophant, Magus of the Candelabra, Garruk Wildspeaker, Bear Umbra, Urban Burgeoning, Voyaging Satyr. total 8

2015 Border, "untap" + "land": Nissa, Worldwaker, Initiate's Companion, Hope Tender, Nissa, Genesis Mage, Blossom Dryad, Ley Weaver, Wilderness Reclamation, Sculptor of Winter, Saryth, the Viper's Fang, Likeness of the Seeker  Flip, Civic Gardener, Rustvine Cultivator, Portent Tracker, Innocuous Researcher. total 14

Ye Olde Bordere, "untap" + "permanent": Emerald Charm, Seedborn Muse. total 2

Modern Border, "untap" + "permanent": none.

2015 Border, "untap" + "permanent": Cacophodon, Rime Tender, Jorn, God of Winter  Flip. total 3

Ye Olde Bordere, "untap" + "Forest": Llanowar Druid. total 1

Modern Border, "untap" + "Forest": Patron of the Orochi, Woodland Guidance, Arbor Elf. total 3

2015 Border, "untap" + "Forest": none.

So there's 39 green cards that can untap lands in some capacity, with 34 of those being more or less land-specific. Again, these counts ignore cards that untap lands by turning lands into creatures, focusing only on those whose main function is the untap. It also ignores Un-cards.

Analysis of blue to follow.

Profet93 on Azusa, Lost but Staxy

2 months ago

have you considered Rude Awakening > sylvan? I know it's a bit more expensive but it's flexible and works extremely well with cradle.


capwner on Your Sass Is Grass! (Sasaya Combo) *Primer*

8 months ago

Profet93 thanks for the comment and the +!! Yes I had seen Rude Awakening, it definitely does the stuff the deck is trying to do. However I think we only need one untapper 'spell' and I think Early Harvest is a little bit better. Definitely think the card could have a place in a more creature oriented build with Overwhelming Stampede type effects. I agree a little more redundancy on wincons could be good, my first choice would probably be Hurricane.

Beast Within is one of my all time favorite cards, love this freaking card. I also like Song of the Dryads for spot removal. These are in some of my other green decks for sure. This list is so tight that again I think we need to run the absolute best removal cards possible in the available slots, which IMO is Oblivion Stone, Perilous Vault, and Bane of Progress. And maaaaaaaybe World Breaker because the cast trigger gets around some stuff like Humility, but our artifact wipe kills that too. I also had Reclamation Sage for a while. I think removal on a creature is always better here because then we can toolbox for it.

Castle Garenbrig is an interesting one I hadn't really thought of. Kind of a backup plan if we're not able to get Sasaya online? I had Nyxbloom Ancient in the deck to serve a similar purpose but ended up cutting it because it died so easily and we were usually just dead anyways. Garenbrig is more resilient but less powerful. My initial thought is that it wouldn't be useful outside of some really niche situations so maybe would not be worth cutting another basic.

Thanks for checking out the deck and for the suggestions!! Definitely hit me with more if you think of any, or if you have any specific decks you think I should check out. I'm just getting back on tappedout after a pretty long hiatus so the amount of cool decks is kind of overwhelming. I always like seeing underrepresented commanders that can do something unique / have unique building criteria, especially mono colored, so please feel free to send me any lists like this or post them here :)

Profet93 on Your Sass Is Grass! (Sasaya Combo) *Primer*

8 months ago

capwner +1

That's a hell of a description. Have you considered Rude Awakening as a similar early harvest? It's a ritual and wincon all in 1. Redundancy can be nice.

Beast Within - Removal. This deck looks amazing but without removal, you're gonna have a hard time. Some interaction is key IMO.

Castle Garenbrig - I understand basics are a huge part of the deck but this might be worth considering.

artaud21 on Azusa goes Turbo(land)

9 months ago

Did not update the list for long so it's time to look through few cards from latest sets at least:

Cityscape Leveler - artifact version of Ulamog. It's cheaper and repeatable (attack trigger) but being artifacts makes it die from collateral Bane of Progress

Green Sun's Twilight - mini-Genesis Wave is... mini even if it's 2 mana cheaper. Choice to put into hand can be useful for Eldrazis though.

Invasion of Ixalan  Flip - minor searching effect plus minor beater if you can spare 4 combat damage. I think I pass.

Invasion of Ikoria  Flip - powerful card which has to compete with better searching effects in Green Sun's Zenith and Chord of Calling though. Possibility to have 8/8 beater is tempting but gives opponent 6 life first and that may be relevant.

Tranquil Frillback - another variation of Reclamation Sage effects. Versatile but requires for than 3 mana to compete.

The Shire - funny land for Food-based builds. No real use here especially when Ouphe and Bane are around.

Blossoming Tortoise - it ramps (repeatedly) and lower costs of a number of our lands but takes 4CMC slot which is one of the most crowded. Clearly better when using Rude Awakening.

Bramble Familiar - mana dorks do not really fit into Azusa but this one can turn into quasi-seach effect with some for of buyback. Too slow in my opinion.

Feral Encounter - despite being 2CMC it is designed to be cast on Turn 4 or later. Disqualified.

Flayer of Loyalties - this one is interesting. I'm going to swap second Kozilek for it and test how aggressive/oppressive it can be.

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