Harald Unites the Elves

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Harald Unites the Elves

Enchantment — Saga

(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)

: Mill three cards. You may put an Elf or Tyvar card from your graveyard onto the battlefield.

: Put a +1/+1 counter on each Elf you control.

: Whenever an Elf you control attacks this turn, target creature an opponent controls gets -1/-1 until end of turn.

jarncards on Sleeping Elves Kill

8 months ago

Collected Company is one of the better cards in a deck like this.

If you run Green Sun's Zenith, I think you should run Dryad Arbor 100% of the time. Having the option to 1 mana ramp tutor as needed is the best in the game, even if it's fragile.

If you want to do the whole tap ten elves thing Benefactor's Draught, Vitalize, and Mobilize are useful. And as long as you're using mana dorks, they are good throughout the game. Birchlore Rangers is also a good mana dork for getting either color as needed if it matters. Like some of the others you have it can use creatures with summoning sickness.

Add Regal Force, you'll have the mana, and it draws infinity. Toski, Bearer of Secrets is also amazing at this.

Consider Patriarch's Bidding for when your ridiculous board state earns the response it will deserve. Also Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant

I cant build a green/black deck without Gaze of Granite and Pernicious Deed. They are great

Timberwatch Elf for the commander, or maybe Gempalm Strider might be better than Overrun. Trample isnt so important with so many creatures that will likely outnumber blockers, and the extra card from cycling and utility of another creature is worth considering. Ezuri, Renegade Leader is already in your deck and he's definitely the best option though. Beastmaster Ascension also works like a really inexpensive overun and turns on really easily.

Some of the green and black backgrounds area awesome Criminal Past, Cultist of the Absolute, Haunted One and Raised by Giants will stick around for the next cast even after your commander gets removed.

Consider Constant Mists or even instead of Fog, however I really don't think you need any of the fog effects. Honestly, you might actually need to worry about other people's fogs instead. Questing Beast is the only card that is capable of piercing though a Teferi's Protection or The One Ring in these colors. THrow in a Natural Order and you can get that, or a Craterhoof Behemoth when it matters most

Viridian Zealot, Reclamation Sage, Nullmage Shepherd, and Elvish Lyrist are useful for removal. You already have Glissa, but I dont think she's enough.

Elvish Champion might be your best lord. Pair it with Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth. Also definitely want to add Shizo, Death's Storehouse. Having lathril connect is important.

If you keep the tyvar planeswalkers, Harald Unites the Elves does a lot.

Kithkin Mourncaller might draw cards to use with your excessive mana. Leaf-Crowned Visionary, Skemfar Avenger, Miara, Thorn of the Glade do too, at a cost.

consider Crop Rotation. It can get nythkos, yavimaya.

Looking at your list you have almost nothing that turns on lathril in combat. look at Alpha Authority, Familiar Ground, Alpha Status, Gift of Doom, Rancor, Spider Umbra, Alpha Authority, Canopy Cover, Vorrac Battlehorns. Fallen Ideal is possibly my favorite with the die/sacrifce synergies you already have. Im not a fan of token doublers. I think youd be better off powering up lathril to make more tokens in the first place.

I would dump any ramp card that costs more than 3

Flavuss on Discardelves

1 year ago

msimcoe First of all i'd like to thank you for the detailed comment . For the mana base : i was thinking from the start about the fetch+shock lands modern Staples but i tried to avoid them because of the Life loss: with all the dorks that let me add mana while losing Life i thought It was a bit risky to try the Classic fetch + shock and i find the mana fix in this deck to be quite easily manageable . I tried Woodland Cemetery too but i found that sometimes It came tapped early in the game . [Fury] and dork removal Is the reason im playing target discard , to enable the dorks plays discarding their removal spells. But you're definitely right about the pure discard being Better later in the game , especially with Nath of the Gilt-Leaf. I've imagined this list to be a slower Elf ramp: "defending" the early plays by controlling the opponent hand i think its crucial for the strategy. But still , to find the perfect balance between the early targeted discard and the generic discard its something do be done here. I'll definitely try funeral charm by removing 2 target discard cards. I find Devoted Druid to be quite a nice addiction here because It has good sinergies with Tyvar the Bellicose and the +1 Tyvar Kell : to turn the mana dorks into Little beaters throught those cards was one of the approach i took while Building the deck. Do you think that this strategy Is lackluster ( keep in mind the slower-controllish way of this build) ? Harmonize feels good when It hits but you're right , im looking for some other draw engine to keep the flow going and i Will try Beast Whisperer for sure. What do you think about Harald Unites the Elves ? Maybe its Just me loving this card but i think It deserves a Place somewhere ahah.

PS. This Go Blank Will definitely find a Place in the sideboard . Yes , your input has been very helpful.

Stardragon on Elves lovers...HELP!

1 year ago

For flying hate cards Hurricane/Squall Line, Spidersilk Armor/Gravity Well, Whiptongue Hydra are all great fly haters and Bower Passage makes your elves unblockable to fliers. While none of these should be thrown into your main board some should make it into side board if you really can't handle your friends flying spirits.

Card to help you:

Tyvar Kell I would add since so many elves only tap for green mana this will help you get more black mana. Plus his +1 buffs an elf (not as good as if buffed 2 or 3 but hey it still ok) and gives deathtouch till the end of turn meaning it's always a viable attacker. like Xenagos, he has a 0 ability that make a token and they are of course elves and his ult gives you hasty elves!!! (rare in non red) plus some draw power

Circle of Dreams Druid-Is Gaea's Cradle on legs

Harald Unites the Elves- Can help you cheat a elf or Tyvar into play, buffs all yours elves than can be a board wipe if attack with your massive army of elves

Priest of Titania- is Elvish Guidance on legs which itself is a Elf version of Gaea's Cradle as Kret pointed out

Other game enders are your standard Overrun, Overwhelming Stampede, Triumph of the Hordes and Craterhoof Behemoth

RadicalCrawdadx on The Elven Swarm Drain

2 years ago

Balaam__ Yeah I don't struggle really haha I think the one Harald Unites the Elves I'm gonna swap out for Elvish Promenade to test it out. otherwise this is one of my favorite homebrews :)

RadicalCrawdadx on The Elven Swarm Drain

2 years ago

Balaam__ do you have any recommendations for me?

I'm almost sure that I am going to replace the Harald Unites the Elves but I'm debating on one more Shaman of the Pack or a 4th Elvish Mystic.

RadicalCrawdadx on The Elven Swarm Drain

2 years ago

Hey, Balaam__, thanks for the upvote! Actually the three Elvish Mystic are pretty consistent, to be honest; there is rarely a game I don't have seven creatures on the field by turn 3.

Ultimately this deck was designed to play against my friend group so there could definitely be changes needed to make this deck more competitive. For example, I am currently debating exchanging one copy of Harald Unites the Elves for something else, but I am not really sure on what yet.

orenrahat on Lathril Casually Competitive

2 years ago

If you are going with elf token theme, Presence of Gond might synergize well. You may also want to look at combos that utilize Devoted Druid (if you attache gond to devoted, there are a few ways to get infi elf token using ETB effects, like Ivy Lane Denizen or Coat of Arms.

Many elf decks can benefit from Skyshroud Poacher

Here are a few more cards that can synergize with an elf token /black deck. Eyeblight Massacre, Gilt-Leaf Palace, Harald Unites the Elves, Prowess of the Fair, Serpent's Soul-Jar, Tyvar Kell

I would get rid of Canopy Tactician it doesn't give that much mana at 3 CMC.

Seedborn Muse is not doing much in your deck, since you don't have a lot of tapping. Bloom Tender can help with color fixing.

Nature's Lore is better than Rampant Growth.

Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip is slower Gaea's Cradle and also let you scry 4 and get a creature.

You may want to look at modal lands Turntimber Symbiosis  Flip, Agadeem's Awakening  Flip to name 2.

You might be able to eak 1% bu adding the other fetch lands, at the very least add Prismatic Vista

legendofa on Planeswalker Sorceries

2 years ago

I have a question about intent. Harald, King of Skemfar and Harald Unites the Elves allow you to find a Tyvar card. Right now, that's for Tyvar Kell. Creating a sorcery with subtype Tyvar would allow that card to be selected by Harald, King or Harald Unites. Is this acceptable?

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