Miara, Thorn of the Glade
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Miara, Thorn of the Glade

Legendary Creature — Elf Scout

Whenever this or an Elf you control dies (is put into the graveyard from the battlefield, tokens enter the graveyard before they cease to exist), you may pay and 1 life. If you do, draw a card.

Partner (You can have two commanders if both have partner.)

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Brairblade Adept
Scarred Vinebreeder
Unscrupulous Agent
Thornmantle Striker
Deathknell Berserker
Briarblade Adept

jarncards on Sleeping Elves Kill

8 months ago

Collected Company is one of the better cards in a deck like this.

If you run Green Sun's Zenith, I think you should run Dryad Arbor 100% of the time. Having the option to 1 mana ramp tutor as needed is the best in the game, even if it's fragile.

If you want to do the whole tap ten elves thing Benefactor's Draught, Vitalize, and Mobilize are useful. And as long as you're using mana dorks, they are good throughout the game. Birchlore Rangers is also a good mana dork for getting either color as needed if it matters. Like some of the others you have it can use creatures with summoning sickness.

Add Regal Force, you'll have the mana, and it draws infinity. Toski, Bearer of Secrets is also amazing at this.

Consider Patriarch's Bidding for when your ridiculous board state earns the response it will deserve. Also Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant

I cant build a green/black deck without Gaze of Granite and Pernicious Deed. They are great

Timberwatch Elf for the commander, or maybe Gempalm Strider might be better than Overrun. Trample isnt so important with so many creatures that will likely outnumber blockers, and the extra card from cycling and utility of another creature is worth considering. Ezuri, Renegade Leader is already in your deck and he's definitely the best option though. Beastmaster Ascension also works like a really inexpensive overun and turns on really easily.

Some of the green and black backgrounds area awesome Criminal Past, Cultist of the Absolute, Haunted One and Raised by Giants will stick around for the next cast even after your commander gets removed.

Consider Constant Mists or even instead of Fog, however I really don't think you need any of the fog effects. Honestly, you might actually need to worry about other people's fogs instead. Questing Beast is the only card that is capable of piercing though a Teferi's Protection or The One Ring in these colors. THrow in a Natural Order and you can get that, or a Craterhoof Behemoth when it matters most

Viridian Zealot, Reclamation Sage, Nullmage Shepherd, and Elvish Lyrist are useful for removal. You already have Glissa, but I dont think she's enough.

Elvish Champion might be your best lord. Pair it with Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth. Also definitely want to add Shizo, Death's Storehouse. Having lathril connect is important.

If you keep the tyvar planeswalkers, Harald Unites the Elves does a lot.

Kithkin Mourncaller might draw cards to use with your excessive mana. Leaf-Crowned Visionary, Skemfar Avenger, Miara, Thorn of the Glade do too, at a cost.

consider Crop Rotation. It can get nythkos, yavimaya.

Looking at your list you have almost nothing that turns on lathril in combat. look at Alpha Authority, Familiar Ground, Alpha Status, Gift of Doom, Rancor, Spider Umbra, Alpha Authority, Canopy Cover, Vorrac Battlehorns. Fallen Ideal is possibly my favorite with the die/sacrifce synergies you already have. Im not a fan of token doublers. I think youd be better off powering up lathril to make more tokens in the first place.

I would dump any ramp card that costs more than 3

hat101 on Elf Noble Lathril

2 years ago

Maybe consider Seedborn Muse, since you have a lot of tap effects.

Cuts I might make from your maybe board:

xram666 on [Marwyn] Army of Elves

2 years ago

Nice deck. +1 from me. My black green elf EDH deck is with Miara, Thorn of the Glade and Numa, Joraga Chieftain at the helm but very similar in some aspects (Miara & Numa Elves). So I have some suggestions for you:

With we untap abilities and the mass of elves you create Timberwatch Elf could be a nice addition.

Always nice in tribal token decks is Coat of Arms but this card depends on your meta of course.

As you already play Miara, Thorn of the Glade and can create a lot of mana you could also play Numa, Joraga Chieftain as a mana sink.

Alas I cannot tell you what to cut for the cards.

But I would try Binding the Old Gods for Putrefy as it is more flexible and also ramps.

Guerric on Help Building my First Competitive …

2 years ago

Hi ionlyplayelves!

I can definitely see removing Casualties of War. It is devastating in the right context, but it does cost six mana, and while you'll have much more than most, it sometimes better just to play more mana efficient single-target removal spells like Beast Within, Go for the Throat, Hero's Downfall, etc.

I actually like Gnarlroot Trapper because it's another dork. I think if you build this right you'll have a lot of lifegain and the one won't bother you too much, and of course the deathtouch is a nice bonus.

I think Pact of the Serpent is a great card. You could potentially draw a crazy amount of cards with it, but for three mana it will be great even if you get only three to five.

I hear the argument on Twinblade Assassins. Five mana is a lot for something that will only draw you one extra card on each of your turns, provided that something dies. This is on top of the fact that creatures are the easiest permanent type to kill. Phyrexian Arena would give you the card automatically. Dark Prophecy would give you one any time one of your creatures dies. Grim Haruspex will give you one any time a non-token creature dies. Beast Whisperer gives you one whenever an elf ETBs. These are all very good rates, unlike Assassin. You need to have 10-12 pieces of card draw in the deck, but this is a suboptimal one. I also think if you get this going right you'll have a lot of things dying, and Miara, Thorn of the Glade will be a powerhouse. Moldervine Reclamation is similar. Last week my friend who play's Lathril had something like twenty-five elves on the battlefield (which is easy to do when you play Lathril right!) I had to board wipe him to keep us alive, but he drew a quarter of his deck and gained 25 life. Needless to say, it was a temporary reprieve at best! It's a good card.

You definitely want Farhaven Elf, Springbloom Druid, and Wood Elves in any elf deck in commander- they are the best there is. Fetching your lands and ramping them onto the battlefield while leaving a body behind that can attack and block and be anthemed by your lords is really great.

Binding the Old Gods is kind of meh. I think your instinct is correct there! It costs 4 mana and is slow and grindy for what it does. Sure, we need to kill stuff and ramp lands, but when we kill stuff we'd rather just use Doom Blade for 2cmc.

Cultivator of Blades isn't essential, but it's very easy to underrate. At minimum it gives all of your elves +3/+3 when you attack till end of turn. If Elvish Archdruid is out its +4/+4. If you tap Timberwatch Elf to dump ten counters on it and then immediately attack, your opponents are going to die that turn. The best part is that they'll never see it coming the first time you do it!

ionlyplayelves on Help Building my First Competitive …

2 years ago

Thanks Guerric, I've gone through the deck again and found some additional cards I'm thinking of removing in favor of more efficient ones or just to make some more room for the cards you recommended.

What are your thoughts on removing these as well?

Casualties of War - "expensive" but provides removal Gnarlroot Trapper - with all the dorks I have in nthe deck, I don't like that I have to pay 1 life to add mana but the deathtouch ability is nice I just don't attack often as I like to use the elves and tokens to deal direct damage with abilities or the new sac tactic im trying to do Pact of the Serpent - is this a good card? It's low cost but I'm not sure if others play themed decks as I do with elves so I'm not sure of its efficiency for its slot. Cultivator of Blades - I don't attack often so I'm not sure how usable this is Farhaven Elf - 2 for 1 land for its ability but given that I have so many dorks I'm looking at, is it worth the slot? Springbloom Druid 2 for 1 land creature and shuffles. Same concern as above. Wood Elves - Same cost as the previous 2 but only brings in one land. Twinblade Assassins - I don't see my creatures dying enough other than the sacrificing to justify this, but maybe I'm wrong. Thoughts? Miara, Thorn of the Glade - Paying 1 mana and 1 life seems expensive to draw a card. Binding the Old Gods - I like this saga but wanted to get your feedback on it. Should it be taking up a slot? Moldervine Reclamation - Again, don't see my creatures dying other than the sacrificing but it sounds like a great card for that. Is it worth the slot?


SynergyBuild on Highlander 2.0 (Feedback Welcome)

2 years ago

Sadly your commander and deck need to fit for the companion to work, which is why currently only a few commanders work with Lurrus, that fit both Lurrus into the color identity and fit the commander into Lurrus's companion requirement, namely the following:

Killian, Ink Duelist, Karlov of the Ghost Council, Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim, and Will the Wise all work on their own, as well as the following partner variants in Miara, Thorn of the Glade with any of the following: Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel, Keleth, Sunmane Familiar, and Akiri, Line-Slinger, or the variation from the new Friends Forever when pairing specifically Will the Wise with Lucas, the Sharpshooter.

multimedia on Latty the baddie

2 years ago

Hey, one drop green mana Elves are really good, a big reason to play Elves. They aren't just ramp with Lathril they're also fuel for her activated ability when you don't need them for ramp and lets you get more Elves onto the battlefield quicker.

Staff of Domination does everything as a mana sink for Elves and can be an enabler for Lathril to be a win condition. With Staff you first make infinite green mana by tapping and untapping one of Archdruid, Marwyn(with 5 or more power), Priest of Titania, Circle or Wirewood Channeler. When you have infinite green mana then Staff is the mana sink to draw and cast enough Elves to control 10 or more. When you have 10 or more Elves then Staff can be the mana sink to repeatedly untap Lathril and each one the 10 Elves as the win condition.

Quest for Renewal is another enabler for Lathril and 10 Elves to be win condition. When Quest has four counters which is not difficult especially with more mana Elves, you can untap all creatures you control during each opponents turn. With Lathril each opponent loses 10 life on each player's turn, resulting in all opponents losing 40 life in one cycle of all player's turns if you have three opponents.

Chord of Calling is a helpful instant creature tutor since can tap Elves to help to pay for it's convoke, with enough Elves it's a free spell to cast and it puts the creature you search for onto the battlefield. It has nice interaction with Elf tokens since can tap them to convoke the turn they're created. With Chord get Ezuri or Miara, Thorn of the Glade in response to removal, get Archdruid so you can tap him on your turn, get Magistrate so you can tap her on your next turn, get Varragoth so you can attack with him on your next turn, etc.

Patriarch's Bidding is among the most powerful tribal spells for quick recovery. For five mana it reanimates all Elves in your graveyard. Play a Regrowth just to have another potential Chord or Bidding or recur any other card.

An area to consider improving to help with competitiveness is the manabase by upgrading to Golgari dual lands that ETB untapped.

Cabal Stronghold only works with basic Swamps and there's only 9 here which is not enough to really get much if any ramp making it consistently only a colorless source of mana.

Some cards to consider cutting: Blightbeetle, Mana Bloom, Terramorph, Serpent's Soul-Jar, Return Upon the Tide, Masked Admirers, Wild Pair, Golgari Guildmage, Korozda Guildmage, Rhys the Exiled, Blanchwood Armor, Dowsing Dagger  Flip, Harvest Season

If Blightbeetle is tech in your playgroup than nice, but if it's not then it looks out of place. Most if not all mana ramp sources can come from actual Elves instead of other sources like Mana Bloom or land ramp like Terramorph. I would even play one drop mana Elf or Farhaven Elf over Cultivate or Harvest Season.

Serpent's Soul-Jar is not a good card, exiling an Elf when it dies is not a may you have to do it and hoping to be able to cast many Elves later, one at a time with Jar is not going to consistently happen. Instead most if not all your exiled Elves will be stuck in exile for the rest of the game because Jar will be destroyed or removed another way.

Good luck with your deck.

Scytec on Lathril

2 years ago

Ok, to be honest there are only four cards I would remove without being too concerned here: Grizzled Outrider, Sarulf's Packmate, Snarespinner, and Pride of the Perfect. They aren't all bad, they just aren't as good as your other options essentially. When I broke it down, you have a pretty fair amount of each archetype I look for. Not including the four I mentioned above, you have 16 "Ramp" spells, 12 "Interaction" spells, 10 "Draw" spells, and 19 "Raw Value" spells. Not all of these are as efficient as you may want, but each are what I would consider acceptable for sure. One thing I would recommend is looking for additional means of recurring draw, or large draw spells. More cards like Beast Whisperer and Pact of the Serpent. I would also be wary of cards that draw for a death trigger like Twinblade Assassins and Miara, Thorn of the Glade. They are good recurring draw spells, but you really only run one sacrifice outlet with Pyre of Heroes, so you will be relying on your opponents to kill your things for you which isn't ideal. They are still solid options unless you find another card similar to Beast Whisperer which triggers on casting a creature spell. Any time you have a consistent means to keep your hand full is a great time given how many spells you want to be casting each turn and how much mana you will have access to at any given time. I would honestly look at increasing your draw capabilities so you dont empty your hand and just have to sit there playing whatever you draw each turn. Effects like Mind's Eye are good, but slightly worse for you because it isnt also on an elf, so you wont get full value like you will with something like Beast Whisperer. I wrote all the cards down on a sheet of paper to do this, I will throw it in my carrying case so I can give it to you either friday or if i see you before, then. From my earlier recommendations, based on where your deck is currently, I would drop Elves of Deep Shadow and Harvest Season. Both are good cards, but you have plenty of ramp, and most of it is also on an elf which makes it better for you in this list. Tutors (anything that allows you to search your library for a specific card) inherently make a deck more powerful, because you can fetch whatever you need at any given time, so the more of those you include, especially the ones already on elven bodies the more consistently you will hit the cards you really want to see every game. Prime examples would be Elvish Archdruid, Ezuri, Renegade Leader when you get him, and Ruthless Winnower would be the ones that pop up in my mind as amazing cards pretty much every game. Realmwalker would be a really good spell that would fall under the "draw" category because it essentially lets you use the top card of your library as if it were in your hand whenever that card is an elf. I still like Copperhorn Scout and Seedborn Muse here, especially if you do decide to pick up Yeva, Nature's Herald. You dont run many instants, but scout would let you tap down your elves for Lathril's ability your first main phase, you can go to combat swing scout, then untap all your elves and just do it again. Assuming you just do that twice, you drain each opponent for 20 life and gain 20 life yourself. With Seedborn Muse, you can do it at the end of each of your opponents turns, in one rotation of the board, you can drain 30 life and gain 30 life. With Yeva, Nature's Herald you would be able to utilize your land on each opponents turn to cast any green creature spells currently in your hand in addition to tapping them all with Lathril and dealing damage. The synergies that are possible in this deck are somewhat terrifying if I am being honest. Haha. There may come a time when you have to decide if you want to dedicate to combat or tapping with Lathril to really focus the deck down and get it to that next level, but honestly you could make this deck very scary without having to do that. Elves are so good that you can make this at least a 7 on my power scale with a little work (and unfortunately money, elves are a really powerful tribe, and they are popular enough that the good cards for them reflect that in their price). For reference, that is as strong as my Meren of Clan Nel Toth deck and I have spent literal years tuning that one, it is my strongest deck with the exception of my competitive list i built. Haha. Elves are good man.

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