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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Destroy target creature. Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

DemonDragonJ on How Can I Put Ziatora, …

4 months ago

Caerwyn, what is your opinion of Deathsprout?

UltimateRoxas40 on Glissa, Traitor of Mirrodin [Artifact Primer]

6 months ago


I should probably slot in Heroic Intervention. The nice thing about this deck is that even if a combo piece is destroyed, it's fairly easy to recur it thanks to Glissa, the Traitor. And I'm running Foundry Inspector as my primary cost reduction. I could probably add in Cloud Key for some redundancy. I've actually tried Semblance Anvil before, and I just wasn't as big a fan of it.

Deathsprout I can cut. Probably to add in some more reliable ramp or removal.

Phyrexian Fleshgorger is a remnant of when I was running a Birthing Pod/Dross Scorpion combo chain in the deck, since I needed a good seven drop that could either be a threat or fodder. With cards like Cranial Plating or Tarrian's Soulcleaver, it can get stupid big and really hard to interact with short of a boardwipe.

Portal to Phyrexia is a pet/favorite card of mine in this deck. It's a splashy finish, and has some thematic/lore wins attached. If you read some of my other deck primers, you'll see that I'm a follower of the Vorthos/lore playstyle, so I sometimes end up playing some cards that might be better thematically rather than actually effective haha.

Phule451 on The Mycotyrant EDH

8 months ago

Deathsprout is a good on theme, ramp and removal in just one card. Victimize is a fun sacrifice outlet that also pulls out of your yard.

Phule451 on Catch the Fever

1 year ago

Chromatic Lantern and Commander's Sphere are just too inefficient. Astral Cornucopia and Everflowing Chalice will give you a lot of value with the proliferate you have in the deck. Deathsprout is a great value as it’s removal and ramp in one. Infectious Bite is a perfect way to spread your poison and remove threats.

Gleeock on Dominaria United Spoilers

1 year ago

Xira Arien is close to "won't do" design too. WoTC originally wanted to be very careful about stamping card draw & (+) board presence payoff upon destroying something, with selective destruction being its' own major advantage.

Jeepers, good thing the payoff is slow (probably wouldn't see this card if it wasn't). Think about Deathsprout with Xira: kill threat, draw/replace, ramp, & a 1/1 flyer for you.

Phule451 on Mimeoplasm Ooze

1 year ago

Path of Ancestry can give you fixing along with card selection. Miming Slime gives you yet another fatty to push through with, and Overwhelming Encounter will help your oozes slime your opponents. Mystic Genesis could help to stop an opponent’s threats while also giving you an ooze and Deathsprout is great removal plus ramp in one card. I find with my ooze tribal deck the key is protecting your board and also getting your giant oozes through. Hope that help. It’s slime time!

Phule451 on

1 year ago

I find my Sarulf runs much better with as few permanents as possible. You can use mutate creatures, such as Gemrazer and Sawtusk Demolisher as enchantments on Sarulf, and maybe something big enough you probably won’t be exiling such as Ghalta, Primal Hunger since your commander himself should make dirt cheap to cast, but beyond that I find a combination of ramp, removal, and protection for Sarulf will suit you best. Deathsprout is a great card I could recommend. Ranger's Guile is great because it can protect your commander, making him bigger.

Triton on Help with Ziatora

1 year ago

Phule451 thanks a ton! I’m still a bit hesitant on bounce lands these days, I just feel icky playing most tapped lands. Will definitely find room for the giant, will consider Deathsprout for now only because it isn’t as flexible as Putrefy or as cheaply-costed as Terminate.

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