Liliana's Standard Bearer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Liliana's Standard Bearer

Creature — Zombie Knight


When Liliana's Standard Bearer enters the battlefield, draw X cards, where X is the number of creatures that died (was put into the graveyard from the battlefield) under your control this turn.

Last_Laugh on Marchesa the Black Rose - Sacrifices must be made!

2 months ago

Not a bad start, but I do have several suggestions for you. I'll keep things budget friendly and break it down by category.

Finisher: Gray Merchant of Asphodel will end games. With alternate sources of +1+1 counters the lifegain doesn't matter at all. Even with an expensive Marchesa build, this is my #1 go-to finisher.

Alternate +1+1 Counter Sources: Vigean Graftmage is really good here. It comes down before and immediately protects Marchesa and it's 2 free sacs on each player's turn (itself plus 1 other). Sage of Fables likewise immediately protects Marchesa and allows you to abuse any wizard etb/death triggers every turn. Unspeakable Symbol is one you use in response to removal targeting anything without a counter (don't proactively put counters on everyone).

Card Draw: Grim Haruspex is easily your 2nd best draw engine here behind Danny Pink. Liliana's Standard Bearer will draw cards for everything that died the turn Marchesa returns it. Plumb the Forbidden helps you dodge non-destroy wraths (instant speed and pseudo dodging counterspells makes this card). Lethal Scheme helps you surprise protect up to 4 creatures without counters without tapping lands and to remove a creature while drawing some cards.

Enchantment Removal: Cards like Solemnity and Rest in Peace are the bane of Marchesa. Don't get caught with your pants down... Chaos Warp, Feed the Swarm, and Canoptek Tomb Sentinel are your only 3 realistic options and ALL 3 deserve spots.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas, I've had her built for about 9 years straight now so if you have any question, shoot. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated (especially Marchesa since it'd be upvote #200 lol). Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

Last_Laugh on Marchesa, the Black Rose

4 months ago

I have several suggestions for you. I'll keep things budget friendly and if you're picking up what I'm putting down, I can also help suggest some cuts.

First off is enchantment removal. There's hardly any options in th5ese colors but I recommend running all 3 so problematic enchantments like Solemnity or Rest in Peace don't wreck your day. Chaos Warp, Feed the Swarm, and Canoptek Tomb Sentinel are all budget friendly and worth their weight in gold here. Another good boardwipe here is Last One Standing.

I don't really do theft in my Marchesa list, but Gisa, Glorious Resurrector is the exception and holy crap does she put in some dirty work.

Next is card draw. Liliana's Standard Bearer, Lethal Scheme, Plumb the Forbidden, and Sage of Fables are all good budget options here. Sage will also come down before Marchesa and immediately give her or any other wizards you run a +1+1 counter. Plumb in response to boardwipes or right before your turn will refill your grip (instant speed and pseudo dodging counterspells makes this card). Also, Danny Pink's price has been sloooowly climbing but it's a very real possibility you'll find one in your LGS dollar binder and omg is this thing absolutely nuts!

On the subject of alternate sources of +1+1 counters... Thran Vigil only works on your turn but it'll get new counters on anything you stole and sac'ed on your turn. Vigean Graftmage let's you sac 2 creatures on everyone's turn (itself + whatever) to abuse etb/death triggers like Gray Merchant of Asphodel or even Grim Haruspex card draw. Spark Double I guess falls into this category and copies either Marchesa for double Dethrone or whatever your meanest etb/death trigger is at the time.

I'm also guessing Rakdos Locket was supposed to be Rakdos Signet.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. It's far from budget friendly overall but I run everything I recommended. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

Last_Laugh on Marchesa, Take Two

7 months ago

Canoptek Tomb Sentinel is versatile removal that hits enchantments.

Danny Pink is one of the best draw engines for Marchesa.

Plumb the Forbidden does card draw, life loss, and sacrifice at instant speed. I typically use it in response to boardwipes I can't come back from (exile, -X-X, sac, etc.).

I would also HIGHLY recommend getting Unspeakable Symbol into the deck. You don't use it to put counters on everyone proactively, you use it in response to boardwipes/spot removal.

Liliana's Standard Bearer is another great way to draw cards here.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

DreadKhan on Meren, Clan of Nel Toth

1 year ago

One of my favourite things to do in Meren is to ramp (my deck is on the clunkier side, and it runs very few lands), and one of the better ways to repeatedly ramp is to use more stuff like Sakura Tribe Elder, variations include Diligent Farmhand, Dawntreader Elk, Yavimaya Granger, and maybe Burnished Hart/Fertilid. All of these can find a Swamp for you, each sacrifices itself and thus they have some nice synergy with Meren. I think the only Meren decks that don't want multiples of that effect is if they are building a very high powered list, where this kind of play 'isn't advancing your board' sufficiently. I often find that farming XP isn't a waste of time early, so these recursive ramp sources offer that as well. I think it's very hard to justify running land ramp Sorceries when you can run creatures that do the same thing, and arguably do a better job of it. I would also shave stuff like Arcane Signet or the Talisman for creature ramp, Meren can't recur your rocks for you when they get blown up. In addition to Meren there are tons of things that synergize with creatures, stuff like Beast Whisperer and Liliana's Standard Bearer can draw lots of cards via creatures, and you don't get that synergy with a 2 mana rock. Using Meren to recur Liliana's Standard Bearer is a pretty impressive bulk draw option.

Some generically good cards for a Meren list that I love are Buried Alive, Final Parting, and Jarad's Orders, each of these offers real tutoring power, and none are especially pricey. Buried Alive can find a whole combo for you to win with. Old Stickfingers is probably worth a look for the similar reasons, Meren feels really weak if you have no creatures in your yard to reanimate. I'm not sure if it's too high budget, but Fiend Artisan has a lot of synergy with Meren. You don't have to dig out a combo piece for the card to do useful things.

In my Meren deck it's a much better Rhystic Study (I run a very high creature count), but I suspect you'd get some value out of Lurking Predators. There is also Heartwood Storyteller, in my experience both belong in a deck with even more creatures but they could still be useful I think.

In my limited experience Callous Bloodmage offers pretty good graveyard hate on a very low budget, and if you don't need that it can do other stuff, it's a great card to use in infinite loop since it can do a few useful things.

Mitotic Slime offers you a ton of bodies for only 5 mana, it's not especially hard to go infinite with as a result. I like using it with Demon of Dark Schemes and Pitiless Plunderer (and a sac outlet) to win, the nicest part about using a combo like this is that each piece is independently good. Phyrexian Altar is better than Plunderer, but it's even more money (though the difference has dropped sharply).

Dawnstrider is an extra Spore Frog, one that doesn't require reanimation but offers a discard outlet, letting you put creatures in your graveyard. Silverglade Pathfinder is another discard outlet, but offers ramp instead.

I hope this isn't too try-hard for your deck, Meren is a very fun Commander to build.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin, Two Heavens As One - Eiganjo Uprising v1.3

1 year ago

Hi KBK7101, I think your deck looks pretty solid to start off. I do have some suggestions on cards I think you can eventually upgrade. First few cuts I think you can make safely are:

  • Sigil of Valor, Akki Ronin, Peerless Samurai - These can likely be cut since they only care about a singular Samurai, Warrior, or Creature attacking alone, and I think that goes against the Go-Wide token theme you want to implement.

  • Slumbering Dragon, Blood Reckoning, & Search the Premises - These are for sure meta calls. I cut Pillow Fort effects from my deck because my play group would remove Isshin, then tank through standard triggers, or they'd leave me alone, and I wouldn't get any of the benefits. Your mileage may vary depending on your meta.

  • Velomachus Lorehold Maybe. Mostly because they look for Instants and Sorceries. I do like that they have Haste, so you don't have to wait. Ultimately up to you.

I think all of the stuff in your maybe-board could be swapped in pretty safely. Hopefully once Commissar Severina Raine and Inquisitorial Rosette get some In-Universe printings, you can add them to your consideration.

I'd also highly suggest Plumb the Forbidden, Deadly Dispute, and maaaaybe Liliana's Standard Bearer as some more potential draw options in a token strategy.

Both Purphoros, God of the Forge and Mishra, Claimed by Gix  Meld are excellent damage finishers in a token strat (but are definitely expensive upgrades).

Crow_Umbra on Snowflake

1 year ago

No worries! You will get a better feel for the pacing of the deck the more you play it. I want to make sure that my suggestions are budget friendly enough, but I do want to make a couple of suggestions that are a bit pricey, but should be under $20 depending on the vendor.

Reconnaissance and Dolmen Gate can both help with board protections on swings. Akroma's Will is helpful in pulling double duty for offense and defensive anthems.

If you want some interaction against spot removal, then Tibalt's Trickery, Rebuff the Wicked, Dash Hopes, and Mana Tithe are kinda funky counter spells. There's also Faith's Reward as a post boardwipe response.

In general, getting more draw effects will be the best way to ensure that you're getting answers or staying stocked on creatures. Plumb the Forbidden can be used as a response to a boardwipe - just sacrifice all your creatures that would have died anyways and stock up for your next turn. Liliana's Standard Bearer is another post boardwipe refueling effect. It's kind of funny to use someone's board wipe against them.

In my experience playing Isshin, I don't really run any reanimation effects like Alesha, Who Smiles at Death (I adore her though). I think the reanimation and equipments are kinda clunky for an aggro deck like Isshin. I found more success having the cheapest CMC creatures or enchantments to quickly rebuild with after a board wipe. Board wipes don't hurt as much if you can be the first to rebuild and start swinging aggro again. In addition to Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots, Fervor has really helped me keep the foot on the gas.

I'd also recommend Zhentarim Bandit as a budget option for treasure production.

IHATENAMES on Meren, currently

1 year ago


Demon of Dark Schemes reanimation and a boardwipe

Any number of sac ramp creatures. A few examples Neverwinter Dryad Diligent Farmhand

Fog on a creature Spore Frog

Dread Return reanimation

Free sac outlet on cheap creatures Viscera Seer Carrion Feeder

Puppeteer Clique reanimation of an opponents threat (also works with persist combos if you choose to do that)

Midnight Reaper Grim Haruspex card draw upon death of a creature Liliana's Standard Bearer situational card draw

Mindslicer hate on blue players. Everyone discard their hand.

Mausoleum Secrets instant speed tutor

Victimize sac a creature return 2. Very good reanimation

For a few additional ideas take a look at My golgari deck it has a lifegain theme that won't translate but many off the cards beyond that might be good includes.

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