Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest

Legendary Creature — Insect Shaman


Whenever a player sacrifices another permanent, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Infested Werewolf
Every Hope Shall Vanish
Rotted Ones, Lay Siege
Dance, Pathetic Marionette
Behold the Power of Destruction
Evil Comes to Fruition

Mattio38 on ABZAN HOUSES

1 week ago

Thanks a lot austintayshus and Exoflo, your comments were both very helpful!
I've ended up removing Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon and Thalia and The Gitrog Monster.

About some of the other cards mentioned: I'd like to keep Smothering Tithe in the deck because it's just bonkers. It also works well with Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest and Doubling Season. I think Toxic Deluge is a very flexible cards. And if my creatures got higher toughness because of the counters I'm able to duck the Deluge just under that for a one sided boardwipe.

I think you're right about Flare of Malice. The idea was to somehow sac a creature after casting Skithiryx, put the counters on it and give it haste. And no matter how much of a cool win that would be, those might just be too many hoops to jump through.

I don't play tutors anymore. I know it'd increase the powerlevel of my deck but just as you said I rather play cards I like vs cards just strong ones.

Again, thanks a lot for your thoughts!

Last_Laugh on WOTC announcement - All Commanders …

2 months ago

Lol I literally mocked up a list using Vrestin, Menoptra Leader and Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest to lead tribal insects earlier this year. The Calm Before The Swarm -Mazirek/Vrestin Insects for anyone interested.

DreadKhan on Ghave It All I Got

9 months ago

Not sure if you're looking for any new ideas, but since I thought of a few I thought I'd mention, in case you can find them! Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest and One with the Kami would be very good in here, and are very good together. If you also have something like Pawn of Ulamog or Sifter of Skulls you can turn any sacrificed non-token creature into a colourless mana (as well as a token creature). Pitiless Plunderer and Chatterfang, Squirrel General are both very good together and very good with your Commander. Jade Mage can make Saprolings for only 2G, and Ant Queen can make a 1/1 insect for only 1G. Skullclamp is really good value if you have a lot of 1 toughness tokens, paying 1 and killing your token to draw 2 feels great. Welcoming Vampire is a nifty option if you can make a token on each opponent's turn, as is Bennie Bracks, Zoologist. Soltari Champion is a neat anthem that is really hard to block, and Soltari Visionary is a handy way to cripple any Enchantment heavy decks, because very few decks can block Shadow creatures. With your counter theme you might use Incubation Druid, it's great value if you can cheaply get a counter on it. Ordeal of Nylea is good ramp if you can cheat some counters to speed it up.

DreadKhan on Chatter

9 months ago

I feel like your Commander would like One with the Kami and Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest. You just need a free sac outlet like Viscera Seer, Carrion Feeder, Woe Strider, Dimir House Guard (does double duty as a tutor for MV 4 stuff), or Sadistic Hypnotist. Most of these don't have a very good payoff other than killing a creature, but some have useful upsides.

I wonder if you could shave a few lands by running some of the following: Golgari Rot Farm, Blighted Woodland, Myriad Landscape, Castle Garenbrig, Guildless Commons, and Mosswort Bridge. Most of those are fairly budget, and getting a ramp effect out of a land feels extremely good in my experience. The best options also help with fixing your mana.

If you want to add something really pushed, Pitiless Plunderer is really good with your Commander, it looks like it's had a reprint, but it's still up there for a single card. Another card to keep an eye out for is Swarmyard. Toski, Bearer of Secrets is a solid Squirrel pick, if not the cheapest. If you often have 1/1 creatures you aren't super attached to their is always Skullclamp, it's a few bucks but it can do a lot of work with 1/1 tokens.

I'm not sure how desperate you are for tokens/are afraid of flyers, but I always have fun with Sandwurm Convergence. Transmogrifying Wand is a nice way to put pressure on your opponents' creatures, it plays well in budget decks. Grim Haruspex is a pretty nice card if you expect to lose creatures, it doesn't even charge life.

TheVectornaut on Dead of Night

1 year ago

I think the biggest weakness of this deck is that it's hard to curve out early with so many of the slots occupied by cards at 3 CMC or higher. The ideal play pattern is probably to slam down Champion of the Perished on turn 1 and then follow up with a zombie or 2 every following turn until finishing with a bomb. This is difficult to do with Relentless Dead as your only 2 drop, and if you don't draw Champion, the lack of 1 drops makes things even worse. I'd recommend adding something like Gravecrawler, Diregraf Ghoul, Cryptbreaker, or Dread Wanderer to provide early pressure in the absence of a champion. Then, on 2, I personally like Undead Augur for the draw, especially paired with a sac outlet like Carrion Feeder. Other 2s could be Waste Not with a discard package, Graveyard Marshal as a lordless Cemetery Reaper, or you could dedicate the slots to cheaper removal. Invoke Despair is very flashy but seldom as efficient as a Thoughtseize or Fatal Push. On 3, you have enough cards, although I would still offer Geralf's Messenger, Diregraf Colossus, and Lord of the Accursed as other options to consider. To make room, the most obvious place to start is the bloated 6-slot, and as much as I love using him in my Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest EDH deck, Champion of Stray Souls is very slow in 60-card formats. Helm of the Host, Liliana, Dreadhorde General, and Killing Wave (without a drain package with Gray Merchant of Asphodel) also seem underwhelming to me. It should be noted that I'm using modern as the basis for my evaluation. If your local casual meta is slow enough, running more big guys isn't as big of a problem, although I'd still try for more 1s and 2s just to avoid games where you're bricked until turn 3.

Last_Laugh on The Big Eleventy-One

1 year ago

Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest would be a REALLY good go-wide +1+1 counter engine here.

DreadKhan on Meren's Menagerie

1 year ago

One with the Kami can generate a fair bit of value if you expect to have +1 counters on lots of creatures. I wish Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest was an ooze for you, I suspect he'd do good work.

I'm not sure how big your creatures get, but if they end up really big pretty often you might like Altar of Dementia, this is a good alternate win con if you either have a huge number of tokens or huge creatures. In a pinch you can also Mill yourself if that will help.

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