Genesis Hydra

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Genesis Hydra

Creature — Plant Hydra

When you cast this spell, reveal the top X cards of your library. You may put a nonland permanent card with converted mana cost/mana value X or less from among them onto the battlefield. Then shuffle the rest into your library.

Genesis Hydra enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters on this creature.

wallisface on Genesis Surge

2 months ago

Just looking at the updates, some further thoughts:

  • firstly, on Unbound Flourishing, it’s only going to double the value of X for Genesis Hydra, as that is a ”permanent spell”. For Genesis Wave it’s only going to copy that spell, but leave the value of X unchanged (because its a sorcery, not a permanent-spell), which is severely more underwhelming.

  • I would suggest either going down the route of your genesis cards OR the Tooth and Nail strategy - but not both, as this just makes it harder to enact your plan. Specifically the genesis spells play poorly with the eldrazi titans because you miss-out on all those cast triggers (the genesis spells don’t cast the card you put into play), but also those Eldrazi titans have very high mana costs - needing 12-13 mana is a very tall ask.

  • Whichever path you go down, I think you need to aim to speed your deck up. Turn 6 is too slow. You want to be representing a winning boardstate by turn 4-5 at the very latest. If you go down the Tooth&Nail path, this deck here is one a friend has played a lot and done very well with. He hasn’t updated the list on this site so it’s a bit out of date, but should give you an idea of the build, it can win as early as turn 3. If you’re sticking to the Genesis build then I suggest lowering your mana curve a bunch so that you can get out a decently-powerful threat asap… you probably don’t want any card costing more than 8 mana and you want to ensure you can reliably put one of these cards onto the board by turn 3-4.

Renegadespider on Help improve my deck pls

2 months ago

So I'm trying to make the ulimate Genesis Deck that focuses on cheating out Creatures and producing lots of mana to activate Spawnsire, Avacyn, Angel of Hope is for boardwipe protection Archetype of Endurance is for targeting Exile protection, Nylea's Disciple is for life gain from using The One Ring for draw and all the Genesis Cards to cheat my Board state out, except Gelatinous Genesis which for an alt win con. I've managed to get everything out by turn 4 before...but it just doesn't feel fast enough, I brick way too often, by either drawing way too much mana or not drawing enough mana, any advice?

Tic12 on One Hundred and One Counters

1 year ago

Update 1 (more Creature Power):

Out:Stag Beetle, Thrive, Smell Fear, Decisive Denial

In:Evolution Sage, Roalesk, Apex Hybrid, Benevolent Hydra, Genesis Hydra

Update 2 (better Card Draw):

Out:Towashi Guide-Bot

In:Bred for the Hunt

Update 3 (Mana Base):

Out:Tangled Islet

In:Flooded Grove

NonetheWeisser on Unbound X

1 year ago

I would remove Genesis Hydra. It does not synergize with other X costed creatures. X will be 0 and they will die immediately.

aholder7 on Shivan the devastator

1 year ago

it looks like the combo here is Devoted Druid equipped with Luxior, Giada's Gift to produce infinite mana then using Shivan Devastator/Crater's Claws or anything else as an outlet to kill with it.

The main issue I see with the deck is finding the druid or gift. the only way i see you finding them short of mulling aggressively is with Genesis Hydra thats not exactly an efficient way to look for them. fetching the druid can be done with anything similar to Finale of Devastation. but getting gift is a bit tricker and you may just need to dig hard with cards like Cathartic Reunion.

Max_Hammer on

1 year ago

Huh, it broke, eh? Oh well, here's the list again, not hidden. (I usually accordion lists, so they don't take up three acres in comment space)

P.S. I swear I'm not being paid by Big Elementalist.

thefiresoflurve on Thousands of health? Not a problem

1 year ago

Capricopian -> Protean Hydra? Both enter as 4 mana 3/3s, and while

1) Protean Hydra doesn't interact with Genesis Hydra very well 2) Protean Hydra doesn't have inherent Trample Buuuut

Protean Hydra can get hella huge super quick. :D (Also people can't bribe it)

Steelbane Hydra is also great for repeated artifact/enchantment removal in creature form (albeit a bit expensive).

if you end up adding Aggravated Assault, you should also consider Bear Umbra and Savage Ventmaw, since those are good value cards in and of themselves that will also win games on the spot with an Aggravated Assault out.

Rivel on

2 years ago

Though on second thought, I will end up keeping Genesis Hydra for the Hydrae that are not X cost. Not to mention the potential benefit of potentially getting out free artifacts and enchantments.

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