Renegade Map

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Renegade Map


Renegade Map enters the battlefield tapped.

[symbol:t], Sacrifice Renegade Map: Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

Dazard on Syr Konrad, the Pauper

1 year ago

Renegade Map is a trap, disguised as a ramp spell (but it isn't) and should be swapped for a Swamp.

Think about it: So you're PAYING one mana to be able to cast Renegade Map which lets you play/fetch a land but it isn't even ramp, since it still lets you play only one land a turn. But you can't use it right away, you have to wait another turn since it enters the battlefield tapped. Next turn you can sacrifice it and put a basic land (swamp) in your hand. If you haven't played a land already you can play it, otherwise drop it the next turn. So instead of casting renegade map in the first place, simply playing a Swamp is the better option, because it gives you (instead of making you pay) one (black) mana immediately that can be spent right away.

I would drop the Renegade Map and simply add another swamp instead. I used Renegade Map but it only makes sense if it's in some sort of "artifacts matter deck" or if you use it for manafixing. Neither is the case with syr konrad.

HeyItsYoshe on Galea: Age of Voltron

2 years ago

(Yeah hey I'm Reece's friend and I had nothing else happening so I thought I'd take a peek at the deck. First of all, it's a pretty sweet deck, I love this commander and how you decided to build it. Everything I'm saying here are just suggestions to help you enjoy your deck more. Do with it what you will.)

  1. Due to the final activated ability on The World Tree, it actually has a color identity of all 5 colors, so it can't be run in this 3-color deck. If you want a great resource for finding better lands, I'd recommend looking on
  2. Enlightened Tutor is pretty expensive money-wise, but of you're proxying or playing online it is a fantastic tutor that also sets the card to the top of your library to let Galea cast it with her ability
  3. This deck is pretty heavy on board wipes in my opinion, but if you like them, keep them. It might be worth running more ways to give your commander indestructible or totem armor such as Hammer of Nazahn or Eel Umbra so that she's not caught in the crossfire. These can also replace instants doing a similar thing for just 1 turn, such as Heroic Intervention
  4. Have a backup plan for if your opponents decide to kill Galea, Kindler of Hope every time she comes out before she can get protected. You may want to run more creatures to have other targets for your buffs. Many good options in the Maybeboard
  5. You have plenty of defensive interaction to protect yourself (maybe even too much), but not nearly as much offensive interaction to stop others. Cards like Beast Within or Generous Gift are incredible tools to deal with any problem. Or, consider more cards that have multiple modes such as Selesnya Charm or Primal Command so that you can choose when to help yourself or slow down opponents as needed
  6. Generally speaking you'll probably want more card draw. Spidersilk Net feels great when you cast it off the top of your library for free, but if your hand gets filled with cards like that you'll feel like you can't do anything. Sram, Senior Edificer is the perfect kind of card draw engine this deck wants to see, more things like him will help immensely.
  7. Since your deck isn't racing as fast as possible to get Galea out, ramp like Avacyn's Pilgrim and Llanowar Elves become a bit more of a liability. If you want more reliable ramp, consider switching them for more effects that put lands from your library into play. These effects have the added benefit of shuffling your deck afterwards, so once Galea is out you can use them to get a new card on top.
  8. Be very careful with "protection from color" effects in this deck. Giving a creature "protection from white" will cause any white auras attached to it to fall of and be sent to the graveyard, as they can no longer target the creature.
  9. Assault Suit is very funny. Use at your own risk...
  10. If you like Trophy Mage, you'll love Tribute Mage and Trinket Mage. Similarly:


Hope this helps! ~Yoshe

Grubbernaut on Aces in Exile

3 years ago

If you're willing to deviate from the Angel plan, this deck is screaming for Squadron Hawk. Stalwart is decent, but the rest of the angels here are pretty behind the curve for pauper; you could consider Guardian of the Guildpact, but even that is probably more of a sideboard card. If you're going to stick to angels, I'd strongly advise going mono white; the splash just isn't worth it for a 4-mana 2/2 flyer that you can dump extra mana into to give protection temporarily, generally.

Also: Journey to Nowhere is going to be a better card most of the time over O-ring.

Potion of Healing isn't doing a whole lot, either; it replaces itself, but the deck doesn't have a method of taking advantage of the lifegain. If you're going to stick to a high mana curve, I'd suggest something like Traveler's Amulet, Wanderer's Twig, or Renegade Map - or better yet, just up the land count. 20 is very low with the amount of 4-drops you've got.

Some other random cards that might fit the general idea: Doomed Traveler, Sunlance, Battle Screech, and Holy Light for the sideboard.

There's not really any other good real angels in pauper, but there are some changelings you could consider, like Impostor of the Sixth Pride, or Avian Changeling.


TempestArmor on Grave Tidings

3 years ago

It almost looks like you want to play some Battlecruiser magic! Battlecruiser is a strategy where your first half of the game is spent ramping and playing tight threat removal. Cards like Plaguecrafter , Mire in Misery , and Tribute to the Wild , or even Sedge Scorpion or Foulmire Knight play into this strategy super well... as long as you're ramping, too.

The second half of a Battlecruiser strategy is preparing for an alpha strike: that means waiting until the moment is right to play Muldrotha and not allowing her to be killed or countered before you're ready (she's expensive enough that you can ramp past her cmc and wait it out). You've got a couple effective synergies that become insanely powerful if you can do them the same turn you drop your commander, which is totally possible with cards like Daring Apprentice . Preparing for that alpha strike becomes a game of setup: you gotta be ramping, self-milling, getting those combo pieces into your graveyard while taking out the most dangerous threats. It's fun if you do it right! Just ramp ramp ramp!

Consider Renegade Map , Traveler's Amulet , Horizon Spellbomb , or similar!

DemMeowsephs on Power nap

3 years ago

I most certainly can! Archelos is super cool and can really warp a landbase, as now you can include so many tap lands that normally aren't too powerful, not only giving you that sort of ability but also making the land base WAY cheaper! You also have to think about the lands BEFORE you put our Archelos though, and so I'd say a balance between better lands and tap lands are what you probably want to head towards. What you have so far looks wonderful, and certainly efficient, though again, you may want to include one cycle of a certain land, maybe Breeding Pool, Overgrown Tomb, and Watery Grave? These guys can help get Archelos out, but after he's out you won't necessarily have to take the shock damage from them which I'd say deserves them a good spot in the deck. Other ones that aren't necessary but could be worth considering are Hinterland Harbor, Woodland Cemetery, and Drowned Catacomb, since again they can come in untapped with Archelos and still be relatively good without him, and of course the bounce lands Simic Growth Chamber, Golgari Rot Farm, and Dimir Aqueduct, since they can get pretty powerful when they come in untapped. Since you have Fabled Passage, Evolving Wilds, and Terramorphic Expanse I'd say it's worth it to slot in a Ramunap Excavator or Crucible of Worlds, since you'd then get two landfall triggers per turn guaranteed, since you can continuously play the sac lands again and again. If this trick proves to be very helpful, you may want to consider slotting in more fetch lands like Prismatic Vista, Misty Rainforest, Verdant Catacombs, Polluted Delta, etc. Speaking of landfall triggers, I think Myriad Landscape would work AMAZING with Archelos, as not only would the Myriad come in untapped, but so would what it searches for, giving you three landfall triggers just off of that one card if you have two mana to spare. So honestly, I don't have too much to say about the lands, I think it's pretty solid at the moment though you may need to playtest a lot to know for sure, however, I did find a bunch of great cards that could work well with Archelos!

  • Amulet of Vigor: If Archelos isn't out yet and you have a ton of tap lands, this guy could be of great use, especially for just a single mana.
  • Root Maze: SUPER amazing card, this guy can tax everyone but you! On your upkeep untap archelos, have everything come in untapped, then tap him before your next turn and boom now everyone's artiafcts and lands come into played tapped for one mana besides yours.
  • Coldsteel Heart: Basically a 2 mana, untapped mana rock with Archelos
  • Cryptolith Fragment  Flip: This guy can perform your goal of whittling away peoples health, as well as coming in untapped with Archelos. The flip side can also perform that whittling quite efficiently.
  • Manascape Refractor: Comes in untapped- could be pretty fun to see how that works out!
  • Arcane Signet: You should run this no matter what
  • Orb of Dreams: Similar power and ability to root maze mentioned above, this can tax everyone else except you with Archelos
  • Renegade Map: Basically 1 mana get a basic land if you have Archelos out
  • Sphere of the Suns: Great with Archelos out and coming in untapped
  • Terrarion: Seems pretty solid if it doesn't come in untapped
  • Worn Powerstone: Like the rest, pretty sweet if it doesn't come in tapped and can be immediately used.
  • Moss Diamond/Charcoal Diamond/Sky Diamond: Untapped ability again
  • Honor-Worn Shaku: Allows you to tap archelos and get something out of it
  • Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth: It's amazing why not run it
  • Retreat to Hagra: Can be a great way of slowly ruining your opponent's health, especially with the extra land triggers I mentioned before
  • Stasis: If you already have the things you need to slowly remove your opponents health, this can pretty much ensure victory.
  • Verity Circle: SUPER amazing if I'm understanding it correctly, basically whenever your opponents play a creature since it comes in tapped with Archelos you draw a card, and has the second ability if you are ever in need of it
  • A great way to slowly get rid of your opponents health is with recurring triggers that happen every turn, such as curses. Here are some that I found: Trespasser's Curse, Torment of Scarabs, Cruel Reality, Curse of Thirst, and Curse of Fool's Wisdom
  • ANY COMBO WITH RETREAT TO CORALHELM. Edhrec names 1000+ combos with this card, so I'd recommend looking through it and seeing if you find anything that would work if you haven't already!

That's all I have, sorry it probably wasn't too much regarding the lands, but I hope I gave you some good stuff to think about! I honestly love the deck it has a super cool theme, and seems like it could work very well! That said though, hope this helps, and have a wonderful day!

A55Destroyer69 on general tazri commander in progress

3 years ago
some of these cards are control cards, put into an aggro deck. So they may be good in some situations, yes, but in a general circumstance they're more likely to be a hinderance than anything

Wrath of God is an okay boardwipe, but really you don't want to potentially devastate your board AND have to wait a turn to rebuild. Most of the time something cheaper will be better - Pyroclasm if you know you're going to face weenies or RDW or something of the like, or Blasphemous Act for just more general decks. Frankly, Blasphemous Act will potentially be worth a mere most of the time against Krenko or Thalisse even. Plus it hits them as well.

Idyllic Tutor finds you an enchantment, but what enchantment do you need? Again, you're playing an aggro deck so you shouldn't be taking your turn 2 or 3 to set up for later; you should be butting heads with anyone and everyone.

Torment of Hailfire is looking so shady here. It's a mid-lategame card that's meant to be used in tandem with heavy removal and attrition, and you're just chucking it in here as what? some sort of a finisher? Sure, it could be a finisher, but I think it needs to be somewhat built around / synergised with to actually be a viable pickup.

Replace Yarok, the Desecrated with Panharmonicon. cheaper and not colour-reliant. Harder to deal with than just a creature

Rootborn Defenses is to make your stuff indestructible. First off, there's cards that do the same thing for less, and there's even cards that do more for the same price - Make a Stand, Flawless Maneuver, Ready / Willing or even Heroic Intervention. Populate is going to be pretty inconsistent in this deck too, as there's only a small handful of token generators in the deck, so why not swap it out (or remove it, even) for something more efficient

Cinder Glade is a tapland so you might as well replace it with Sheltered Thicket. I think, regardless, switching to Sheltered Thicket will be more beneficial - fetch and eot, on your turn it enters untapped, or it's in your hand and you treat it as you would treat a Barren Moor: cycle if you don't need it, or play if you do.

Jegantha, the Wellspring is 5 mana for a max of 3 mana per turn (estimate). With so few early ramp cards, how do you expect to consistently hit 5 mana on turn 5, 4, even 3? He may be neat, and help you ramp but you need to get him in play first. I just don't think he's worth in this deck. It's a 5-colour deck, but doesn't have a strong mana base. Also an aggro deck, so a 5 mana mana dork will kinda throw off your tempo anyway

Evolving Wilds, Fabled Passage, Terramorphic Expanse, Renegade Map, Burnished Hart, Solemn Simulacrum, Yavimaya Elder, Sakura-Tribe Elder all find little to nothing. Maybe if you add in some more basics, keep Fabled Passage and Solemn Simulacrum but not the others. The reason for these caards is to thin your deck, but thin them from basics, so if you have minimal basics to begin with you're not really consistently thinning (given that the chance of drawing all your basics is exceptionally higher than it would be with, say 10+ basic lands). Fabled Passage and Solemn Simulacrum give, for sure, the highest value so that's why I suggest to keep just them.

RNR_Gaming on Toggo + deathtouch = skull & crossbones

3 years ago

So, unfortunately I do have work today but I did 1 swap. Expedition Map in and Renegade Map out. We really want to start making rocks with our commander so fishing out Rakdos Carnarium is a big priority. Currently, I am mulling over potential combos we can dig to but I'll need more time.

Optimator on Giant's Deck

3 years ago

Next step is card-draw and card-advantage. Unfortunately, the Boros colors are the worst at drawing cards. Graveyard recursion is a type of card advantage, so Colfenor's Urn can count. I've never seen that card before! Nice find and good instincts!

Here are some options for you.

First up, the cards I own that I'm willing to part with:

Seer's Sundial - Staff of Nin - Farsight Mask - Key to the City - Infiltration Lens - Mask of Memory - Tome of Legends - Outpost Siege - Khorvath's Fury - Humble Defector - Chandra, Flamecaller - Magus of the Wheel

Cards I don't have that you should consider:

Tectonic Giant is mandatory! He's so good! Protector of the Crown is on-theme too--highly recommend.

Bonders' Enclave would be worth picking up, I think.

Browbeat - Loreseeker's Stone - Arcane Encyclopedia - Vance's Blasting Cannons  Flip - Ignite the Future - Reforge the Soul - Wheel of Fate - Mind's Eye (used to be the gold-standard! Very mana-inefficient though) - Icon of Ancestry (interesting choice since it has the anthem) - Rogue's Gloves - Well of Lost Dreams (great choice with your commander!) - Coveted Jewel (ramp and draw! Unreliable and mana-expensive, but chaotic and fun!) - Mangara, the Diplomat - Runehorn Hellkite - Dragon Mage - Knollspine Dragon - Herald's Horn - Endless Atlas (a bit suspect in two-color decks unless your colors are very skewed or you have lots of Renegade Map-type cards) - Bag of Holding - Arch of Orazca - Geier Reach Sanitarium - Mazemind Tome

Underworld Breach, Sunbird's Invocation, and Stolen Strategy might count as card-advantage, should you feel jaunty. Stolen Strategy is definitely a fun card and get you fodder for Brion's throwing.

Howling Mine + Inspiring Statuary is kinda funny. Probably not worth it though.

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