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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



This deals 2 damage to each creature.

capwner on No Pain no Gain

1 month ago

This is actually a pretty neat idea for a list. Judith has a really cool and unique effect, giving spells deathtouch is sick! I think if I were building the deck I would try to capitalize on this by running even MORE sweepers just so that you have a critical mass of them and are almost always able to keep the board locked down. So almost like a wrath-prison deck. If it were me. There are so many of these effects so you could really go deep on them, Blazing Volley from your board seems great, Scouring Sands, Yamabushi's Storm, Rolling Earthquake, Molten Disaster, Pyroclasm, Bonfire of the Damned, Starstorm, Devastating Dreams is a personal favorite but this may not be the right list for that one. I'd go up to like 15 of these even. Maybe also something like Mithril Coat to protect Judith/other creats if you decide to go into symmetrical sweepers. I know it's a core part of this build but I would cut stuff like Dragon Fodder and Witty Roastmaster, the Redcap combo is good by itself and it doesn't need these more fragile pieces that need to sit on the battlefield. I'd swap them for more grindy advantage cards that want to go to the yard like Unlucky Witness, Bloodghast, Nether Traitor, Filth, supplemented with things like Grim Harvest, Skullclamp, Contamination, Chthonian Nightmare, Deadly Dispute. Necrotic Ooze combo seems right at home here too, but that might be a little boring. If you want to be more lethal, just run more tutors/entomb/buried alive to assemble a redcap or ooze kill. Straight up Reanimate spells could be good to use on your opponents fatties who just died to your death rain. Rise of the Dark Realms Grimoire of the Dead and Sheoldred  Flip can all mass reanimate your opponents' creatures. Shadowspear to remove indestructible from those pesky Etalis. Meltdown and Brotherhood's End for artifacts. Spiteful Banditry, The Reaver Cleaver, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Big Score maybe for additional ramp. Ramp seems like a big deal since it's a 5 mana commander. You have some really sick cards in here already I love the Withering Boon, Delirium, Rakdos Charm, and Blood for the Blood God! is amazing in this. Great ideas, take my suggestions with a grain of salt because really the build I am suggesting is potentially very different from this one. +1

sylvannos on MH3 Elves

1 month ago

@Icbrgr: Summoner's Pact because you can often win the turn you would want to cast it. I'd also back it up with 3~4 Lead the Stampede. I've found Collected Company and other stuff that dumps elves into play just not worth it when you're only getting 1 and 2 CMC dorks.

I've played elves in Modern before:

U/G C-c-c-combo Elves!

Modern sylvannos


My conclusion wasn't speed or consistency, but just how badly you lose to any deck with red in it. Lightning Bolt on Elvish Archdruid on turn two ends the game. Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer flipping a mana dork for them to cast ends the game. Wrenn and Six sniping a creature each turn ends the game. And God have mercy on you if your opponent casts a Pyroclasm or Anger of the Gods or Kozilek's Return.

The good news is Fury was banned. The bad news is not much else has changed. Priest of Titania is still going to die to burn spells and there's nothing to be done about it.

tl;dr--only play elves if your meta has no red decks.

nuperokaso on Help me Man the Lux Cannons!

9 months ago
  • I wouldn't play Pyroclasm. That card is dead against many decks such as Ramp, Control, Combo, even late game Midrange. It requires splash to additional color, and even kills your own stuff such as Mages and Myr tokens. Try replacing it with Necropede as I did.
  • Precursor Golem seems like a bad choice. You yourself have no spell that could target it, so it's only disadvatage that opponent needs just one removal spell to destroy it.
  • In my deck, I should have probably played 1 Surge Node. It can be found by Trinket Mage. Unlike proliferate, it can place charge counters even on artifacts that lost the last one. In my version, if I ever went to 0 counters with Tumble Magnet, it got permanently useless. Also turn 1 Node into turn 2 Everflowing Chalice and activation is great.
  • Regarding win condition - don't play Eldrazi. Either play artifacts deck or Eldrazi deck. They have no overlap in synergies.
  • Do you really need to play multicolor? The less colors you play the more nonbasic lands with relevant abilities you can play. Look for lands such as This could be played even colorless.

TheOfficialCreator on

2 years ago

Marauding Raptor has good synergy with Atla, plus it fits your Dinosaur sub theme. AEther Flash does the same thing essentially but at a higher cost, and Pyroclasm does it on a spell.

duchessCretina on Red Dragons

2 years ago

Hi, I mean this in the most constructive way:

i think that I know of some lands that may help you ramp in case you want to:

These can serve as ramp in a pinch (except for sandstone, which dies in 2 usages).

Do you really need Crucible of Fire? It seems that dragons are already powerful on their own and that these slots could be used for something else.

There is also a land that I think may help you more, which is Ghitu Encampment. The first strike 2/1 can be more versatile. The utility lands you chose seem to be more dedicated to offense, but that's not always going to be the case.

Tears of Valakut can also only target flying threats... wouldnt it be better to have something that kills a wider range of creatures? Like Dead / Gone, maybe? Or Fire Prophecy, which may allow you to "cycle" an unwanted card.

And in case you are in a pinch, maybe use a card like Pyroclasm or Sweltering Suns (and I just noticed it may help activate the Dragon Eggs).

Idk about the price, but the "spell lands" also seem a bit helpful: Spikefield Hazard  Flip, Valakut Awakening  Flip.

Sarkhan, Fireblood, Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker and Sarkhan, Dragonsoul also seem interesting... Sarkhan's Triumph too.

There are too many Dragon-related cards to choose from @_@

also, maybe try cutting the deck down to 60, it'll make it more consistent (22 lands for 70 cards isn't enough)...

If you could manage to use only odd-cost cards, could even use Obosh, the Preypiercer as a companion

Kazierts on Budget Izzet Dragons

2 years ago

Love to see people trying to brew dragons. They seem such a fun tribe but can be a bit too heavy to play.

Before I suggest something, I have to say I loved the idea of Call to the Kindred. It's probably a bit slow, but the idea of enchanting the smalller dragons to cheat bigger ones seems really fun.

Now, onto my suggestions.

  • I've both had friends who tried to build dragons and trying to build dragons myself. From these experiences, I can say, for sure, that Dragonlord's Servant is a trap. A much better option is Orb of Dragonkind. It does almost the same thing while allowing you to potentially splash one or two dragons that don't fit the color identity and can serve as a "tutor" for another dragon late game.
  • Dragonmaster Outcast, despite being capable of summoning a token, is more of a buildaround card. It's literally gonna take at least six turns for his effect to become, but seven for it to have a chance to activate. Since you already have Slumbering Dragon, I'd suggesting increasing it to three copies and cutting the Dragonmaster.
  • While I initially wanted to build a Dragon deck with in it because of Silumgar's Scorn, Counterspell is just better in every situation.
  • I don't know how it would affect your budget, but Shivan Reef would do wonders for this deck.
  • Pyroclasm is just better Cinderclasm.

If anything would increase your budget too much, let me know and I'll try to find better options.

legendofa on TheWalkingDead - Horde Magic

2 years ago

I don't know anything about the source material, so these suggestions are more tactical than thematic.

Glenn is the only source of among the survivors. Misstep locks down the existing Horde for a turn, and a good selection of counterspells will take the edge off the Horde's nontoken effects. I see Glenn being the support/control. Cards like Black Ward and Spirit Mantle give protection from the Horde, and Absolute Grace gives everything protection from black. Angel of Glory's Rise can wipe the Horde, but see my thoughts on Michonne below.

Negan wants sacrifices. I assume the Horde will choose to sacrifice a generic token when possible, so Ashling, the Extinguisher should be used to target the important stuff. Most mass sacrifices affect everyone equally, so cards like Slaughter the Strong and Tragic Arrogance have to be used very carefully, since Negan only triggers on an opponent's sacrifice, and the Horde can rebuild faster than the survivors. Archfiend of Depravity might be one of the best cards here, as long as you have a method for the Horde making decisions.

Michonne's equip clause doesn't mean much when the opponent doesn't use blockers, so a Zombie tribal focus might work. It's a little odd to use one Zombie army against another, but that's what I see here. Use lots of Zombies, lots of buffs, and try to beat the Horde at its own game.

Daryl might be fun to use with Enrage effects. I'm seeing big mana and big creatures. Rites of Flourishing, Zhur-Taa Ancient, and similar effects become a lot less symmetrical in a 4-on-1 match. I'm a little leery of Pyroclasm and friends, for the same reason as mass sacrifice for Negan: the Horde can rebuild from a boardwipe a lot faster than the survivors.

For the Horde itself, what colors and effects did you want?

smilodex on Best Commanders in EDH [Tier List] Part 1

2 years ago

@Nonary27: Runo has quite some hoops to jump through, to use him effective. But when you achieve to flip him, I think he's a 'high' mid Tier commander. He only cost 3 mana for a 1/4, is quite decent because he's immune to Pyroclasm/Abrade type effects. Like you already mentioned, the lack of green is a big downside, because the deck is lacking ramp, the green creature topdeck-tutors and all the good green/blue sea creatures.

Aesi is in casual EDH, the better Tatyova. But in cEDH the difference between 5 and 6 mana is huge, since the games don't last as long in battlecruiser. Still, Aesi isn't two ranks below Tatyova.

@Sephyrias: If wizards would print more broken cards like Griselbrand/Asmodeus the Archfiend or Time Vault, Mairsil could reach a higher tier, but currently there are a lot better grixis commanders. Also the deck runs a lot of "bad" cards, which are only good with Mairsil and when you remove/counter Mairsil you're stuck with a lot of mediocre cards in your hand.

@Nonary27: like enpc already mentioned, Omnath can be abused with Food Chain + Squee, the Immortal so cast Omnath infinitely. In casual EDH you can build him as an Elemental tribe-commander or as landfall commander, but in my opinion I wouldn't build him that way, because there are a lot of better choices to build a landfall commander.

@Hydragal: Vega can win with Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal + Thassa's Oracle and Ranar has also some infinte combos to close out the game like: Rest in Peace + Altar of Dementia etc.

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