Dragonlord Dromoka
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dragonlord Dromoka

Legendary Creature — Elder Dragon

Dragonlord Dromoka can't be countered.

Flying, lifelink

Your opponents can't cast spells during your turn.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Sole Performer
Kelsinko Ranger
Sandstorm Charger
Sandsteppe Scavenger
Scaleguard Sentinels
Setessan Starbreaker

legendofa on Commander recomendation thread

6 months ago

There isn't a rhino-specific commander, but what traits do rhinos have? Bulky bodies, a lot of trample and trample-ish evasion, and some stall with cards like Stonehorn Dignitary and Rhox Meditant.

I would say look for a subtheme and choose a commander based on that. Dragonlord Dromoka and Karametra, God of Harvests are good utility options for protection and ramp, respectively. If you're pumping the Rhinos, Sovereign Okinec Ahau pushes that into overdrive.

I got a lot of these decks in need of commanders. Please send over suggestions for

Enchantments: Citadel of Pain + Manabarbs + Personal Sanctuary sort of thing. I know Go-Shintai of Life's Origin exists, but I'm not interested in adding and/or to this one.

Curses and curse themed Auras: Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor + Eriette of the Charmed Apple. Again, I'm not interested in adding .


"Bleeder" attrition: Value over time. Awakening Zone, Suture Priest, Kambal, Consul of Allocation, that sort of thing.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

6 months ago

I want that as a full art foil, markbeloit <3

Dromokan Fortitude


Creatures and Planeswalkers you control have Ward and are indestructible.

The coming war had all of the Dragonlords at the edges of their kingdoms, preparing for the inevitable calamity that would ensue. While most prepared for battle and onslaught, Dragonlord Dromoka prepared her kingdom for victory.

What I want to see next is any card of your choice, but it must depict a thoughtful flavor text that tells the lore of the card and world around it, like mine did.

It can be for a previous set, an upcoming set or even just something you make up.

In other words,

Make a story spotlight card. But this also means it must feel emersive, not just a passive line of dialog or a short quip.

RCD2023 on Lathiel, Who Blots Out the Sun

1 year ago

Niceeee :)

Spike Feeder and Generous Patron are the 2 cards i my deck that when I play people look and say "..well...whateveeeer.." and then after 2 turns they try to remove it xD

One budget card that I believe that you will love it is Wurm's Tooth , 1 life for every green speel in table for 2 mana

I just found out the best synergy of Lathiel to remove artifacts/enchantments : Hopeful Initiate (Pros: we can tutor and is cheap, Cons: it's not budget haha)

I'm ginving a try for Beacon of Immortality , Dragonlord Dromoka , The Shire and Heliod's Intervention 2 of them I got here, so thank you!

and yhea.. i don't like Triumph of the Hordes too hahaha

nbarry223 on Viga-BOOM! (MH3 updates)

1 year ago

It was a little too greedy, so I reverted to something less greedy. However, after cutting all the fat, I found myself with enough room to play around with the main support color, and is basically the best currently.

We get access to one of the best turn 2 cards when we don’t quite have all the pieces, in the form of Eladamri's Call and one of the best hate cards in the format, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines.

There’s also plenty of other cards like Dragonlord Dromoka or Yasharn, Implacable Earth that could fit, but I’m not in need of what they provide the deck currently.

Right now, with our higher than usual Forests and other mainboard cards that let us play through Blood Moon easier (went for consistency over greed) we don’t really need to dedicate slots to improving those matchups as much. This let me slot in Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines which is arguably an improved Torpor Orb and Defense Grid since we mainly want it against the mirror and evoke elementals.

I’ll have to update the decks description a bit, since this is what I am happy with for now.

I did toy around with the Timeless Lotus idea though, and I have gotten that pretty close to where I like it through playtesting, although that’s a far cry from this deck’s initial iteration, so I’ll make a separate iteration for that.

mudkipdude on Uh, is Chromium Lukka?

1 year ago

I don't think he is, but I'm making a deck of cards that I want to get, purely on how much I like the cards (what is a synergy is the entire premise), and I go into subtype because WHY DO I HAVE SO MANY ARTIFACTS, I DIDN'T PUT 30 ARTIFACTS IN THIS, and I look at my elder dragon list, and there's Ancient Bronze Dragon, Ancient Bronze Dragon, Dragonlord Dromoka, Dragonlord Kolaghan, and Dragonlord Ojutai, but no Chromium, the Mutable. I go to find it, and it's under... Lukka? Also, might I add that I do not have a Lukka planeswalker in the deck. is it a glitch or... deck here:


AstroAA on Bant enchantmentz

1 year ago

From here, most of my suggestions are towards just making your deck more efficient and better equipped to deal with potential threats.

Yeah, as shadow63 said, you don't have nearly enough ramp. Personally, I would cut Ormos, Archive Keeper, Nyxbloom Ancient, Dragonlord Dromoka, and Avacyn, Angel of Hope right off the bat and replace them with the likes of Birds of Paradise, Elvish Mystic, Noble Hierarch, and maybe even Sylvan Caryatid. If you wanted to keep a similar effect to Dragonlord Dromoka, I'd advise running Grand Abolisher instead as it's much cheaper CMC-wise.

In addition, I'd completely redo your mana base. I'd recommend things like Command Tower, Mana Confluence, City of Brass, Reflecting Pool, the three shocklands in bant colors, and at least the three fetch lands in bant colors. These would make your deck much more consistent. I'd also work to add in more spot removal like Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Generous Gift, and Beast Within.

You can also cut stuff like Decree of Silence for cheaper yet similar options. Glen Elendra Archmage is a good and cheaper alternative that does something kind of similar. For Force Bubble you could potentially get away with running Elephant Grass instead. Instead of Sandwurm Convergence you could run something like Norn's Annex. Instead of Open the Vaults you can run Replenish.

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