Lathliss, Dragon Queen
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lathliss, Dragon Queen

Legendary Creature — Dragon


Whenever another nontoken Dragon enters the battlefield under your control, create a 5/5 red Dragon creature token with flying.

: Dragons you control get +1/+0 until end of turn.

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Incendiary Dissent
Case of the Burning Masks
Boggart Sprite-Chaser
Sarkhan's Whelp
Sarkhan's Dragonfire
Rathi Dragon

TypicalTimmy on Eda, Mother of the Lost

1 week ago

That's how I play Magic, though. I look at cards as investments.

The way I construct a deck, each card should be able to stand on its own and extrapolate across the board with each new addition.

That's the philosophy between "combo" and "synergy". For example, Impact Tremors, Purphoros, God of the Forge, and Warstorm Surge may all stand on their own but extrapolate the pain when working in synergy with one another.

Then you extrapolate further with cards such as Scourge of Valkas, Dragon Tempest, Terror of the Peaks and Utvara Hellkite and suddenly you are the biggest threat at the table.

Run this with Lathliss, Dragon Queen and all of a sudden every single card becomes a stand-alone threat, all radically compounding the pain on top of one-another.

The reason I build decks like this is because if a single spell is countered, or I endure a boardwipe, that is okay because the very next spell I cast replaces what I've just lost.

I've actually dealt enough damage with boardstates like this to take down all three opponents at once from targeted and indirect damage, no to mention combat damage when you apply Fervor, Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded and Dragon Tempest.

Anyway, sorry for the tangent. Just explaining my own personal deck-building process and how I play.

NV_1980 on Mirrym Double Dragons

7 months ago

Dragon Tempest is extremely strong in a deck like this. Lathliss, Dragon Queen also seems like a lot of fun to copy with Miirym; dragon tokens galore! Firkraag, Cunning Instigator could be great fun too; as it leaves I'd also really recommend Steel Hellkite as an extremey powerful wipe on wings.

trey12321 on Lathliss, the Hungry Queen

9 months ago

Azoth2099 thanks for the suggestions!

I think I'm more inclined to include rocks than rituals, I am a green player at heart and always prefer continual rather than burst ramp! Thran Dynamo is definitely one I'll be looking at, but I've also considered Heraldic Banner and Throne of Eldraine as solid options. The biggest issue I'm having is generally what to cut for them, the same issue I have for most of these options. Any suggestions there?

Treasonous Ogre isn't one I'd seen before, I'm definitely interested in that. Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip seems more relevant if I'm trying to cast more than 2 spells in a turn, which in most cases I'm not and even then, the payoff seems too small for what the deck does generally speaking, I.E. ramp into Lathliss, then overwhelm the field with every dragon dropped after. Even most of the artifacts and enchantments currently tend to have pretty immediate effect.

I do tend to prefer to have my lands hit the field, though, so Tectonic Reformation seems mostly situationally useful. I tend to need more land draws than action draws with my current high curve, as I'm usually only doing 1 or 2 spells a turn and they're 5-8 CMC. Gamble for sure I'll be looking into, but to be honest I don't regularly find myself looking for any specific cards in the deck, my Sarkhan's Triumph is usually just finding my Utvara Hellkite, so a "win-more" situation generally, but I could see using it particularly for something like Sol Ring early to ramp more consistently. For those same reasons I couldn't really see justifying Fervent Mastery or Reckless Handling. I like being able to plan, and the random discard would be bad enough with Gamble. And yeah, Imperial Recruiter is fantastic but not so much here.

Molten Echoes 100%, I totally spaced that one. Sneak Attack seems good as well but I'd been running in mostly casual circles so I hadn't seriously considered including it before. Mana Echoes=better Birgi? Absolutely interested in this one now, I'd forgotten it existed as well! I'll be honest though, the Underworld Breach+draw spells/wheels is definitely outside of my desired playstyle with the deck, I don't tend to need anything differently than what I have in hand other than making sure I have a good mix of mana/spells in practice. I am running the Blood Moon, mostly because I happened to open the fancy foil one! My playgroups don't tend to justify a Price of Glory and all of my cards tend to be about equal in value, so I don't mind a few getting countered here and there. It tends to be board wipes that are the most impactful to me, or repeated removal of Lathliss, Dragon Queen. Stranglehold does seem good though, I may pick one up.

As far as Universal Automaton, I avoid changelings where possible mostly due to personal preference. I play a lot of tribal decks and it always feels a bit like cheating haha. I use it in decks that want multiple tribes though, like Rin and Seri, Inseparable. I assume you suggest Wandering Archaic  Flip in monocolored to specifically cover what the chosen color can't do? I.E. a red deck and Naturalize? I could see it being good, but also giving my opponents the ability to choose doesn't tend to work out too well for me, they tend to focus fire me no matter the game because I play politics whether I'm ahead or behind.

Thanks again for the suggestions, and if you have ideas for what to take out please let me know!

PhyrexianHellkite on 50$ Budget The Ur-Dragon

9 months ago

I have tested creatures/cards like that in the past and don't like the staying power or what they are adding to this deck. The creature versions get board-wiped the fastest and don't tend to extend the deck past extra mana available, so I prefer to start getting bigger game impact dragons out and only ramp via land ramp and some artifacts. Mainly to help with my mana fixing, draw, and one sided board-wipes. See the list of cards that those would not interact with other than Scaled Nurturer, that one gets the dragon pass but not card draw and would take up one of the 30 dragon slots. Garruk's Uprising, Elemental Bond, Frontier Siege, Wrathful Red Dragon, Silumgar, the Drifting Death, Rith, Liberated Primeval, Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm, Lathliss, Dragon Queen, Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury, Ganax, Astral Hunter, Firkraag, Cunning Instigator, Dromoka, the Eternal, Bladewing the Risen, Atarka, World Render, Haven of the Spirit Dragon, Relic of Legends, Jade Orb of Dragonkind, Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind, Crux of Fate, The Ur-Dragon

So 20 cards or 1/5th of the deck that those would not extend or interact with. Here is a link for some statistics for mana reducers that basically says if you can play cards every turn and use all mana you have as well then they work the best in those types of decks.

Is it worth it to play cost reducers in MTG EDH commander?

Form about this topic

Thanks for the comments! Hope this gives some insight on my deck building/playing style and if you run those mana dorks/cost reducers, I think cards like can help and, I do run them in other decks with less colors or better card draw. I do think a commander like Tiamat would benefit from those to help play the tutored cards after cast and help commander tax to recast it and refill your hand. The main thing I consider is what am I swapping, and in this deck and it's mana fixing for a 5 color deck on a 50$ budget, or a potential dragon slot for a deck that wants dragons on the field attacking to start getting ramped up.

I will continue to update this deck and work to give better descriptions of my other decks as well as I build and update my commander arsenal!

Azoth2099 on Copied Dragons

10 months ago

Ok, so Changeling Berserker goes infinite with your Commander + a few cards in your list.

Infinite card draw with Temur Ascendancy.

Infinite Treasures with Ganax, Astral Hunter.

Infinite Dragon tokens with Parallel Lives, Lathliss, Dragon Queen & Adrix and Nev, Twincasters.

Infinite damage with Dragon Tempest & Scourge of Valkas.

The way it works is as follows:

Step 1: Changeling Berserker ETBs, a Champion trigger & a Commander trigger go onto the stack.

Step 2: Resolve your Commander's trigger first, creating a Changeling token, 2nd Champion trigger goes onto the stack. You now have 2 unresolved Champion triggers on the stack.

Step 3: Resolve the Token Changeling's Champion trigger, exiling the original Changeling.

Step 4: Resolve the original Changeling's Champion trigger, exiling the Token Changeling & returning the original Changeling to the battlefield.

Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4.

Personally, I'd find space for it lol.

griffstick on infinite rats

1 year ago

Who is the commander? Do you know? Is it Lathliss, Dragon Queen

apowers77 on Five Color Dragon Punch

1 year ago

Most likely will be cutting some cards here soon and here's what I'll be adding:

Cut- Dragonborn Champion Dromoka, the Eternal Iymrith, Desert Doom Silumgar, the Drifting Death

Add- Lathliss, Dragon Queen Ancient Silver Dragon Goldspan Dragon Zurgo and Ojutai

Once I officially have all 4 I'll add them in at the same time.

TypicalTimmy on EDH - Kill 1 opponent …

1 year ago

For me, it depends on several factors.

One being what deck am I playing. I have (or rather, has) some decks that excelled at focused damage to drop a body asap. So all damage relentlessly went toward one opponent, who was chosen based on their Commander - e.g. the biggest potential of being a threat. Such as Edgar Markov. This is how my Lathliss, Dragon Queen deck would win.

Other decks, it makes more sense to literally "do nothing" and quietly piece out a winning combo and overrun the boardstate within a single turn. My old Ghired, Conclave Exile deck was able to do that quite effectively.

Other times, a deck played best via threat assessment; What was the most problematic boardstate, and how can I disrupt it? A prime example of this would have been my really old Mogis, God of Slaughter deck in which it was mostly just spot removal. Rakdos excels in creature removal, red has artifact and land removal, black has wraths and discarding. Then Mogis has indestructible and just sits there grinding down the game. A war of attrition, truly.

Then again sometimes the goal isn't to win but to just have fun. My Karametra, God of Harvests deck is a prime example. It was essentially Soul Sisters turned EDH and it's "wincon" was combat damage by overrunning the boardstate with a bagillion 1/1 tokens. But even if I had 647 power online ready to attack and 838 life, I wouldn't. Because at that point all three opponents would very obviously be seeing me as the biggest threat and it became a game of Archenemy. And the fun there is watching all three of them try to take me down, and fail. And when it finally did happen, we all had a blast.

Sometimes I build a deck just to let my inner Timmy take hold. That's my Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm deck. Can it win? Yes easily. Does it always win? No. Is it fun to play, even if I am losing? Absolutely.

So really, the "way" I play largely is determined by which deck I am currently using. That being said, sometimes there is a clear asshole player who needs to be put in their place. I've had experiences where I've been the sole focus for assault by a single player for several games in a row. So when I finally have the upper hand, I'll take what I can get and throw everything I've got at them. And of course, they'll bitch and moan and cry and throw a temper tantrum about it all, citing how it isn't fair that there are three opponents and I only attacked him. Well yeah, you have three opponents and I'm the only one you targeted for the past three games. So shut the fuck up, buttercup.

I would wager that while the way Command Zone / Game Knights plays is how most players would want it as their ideal, largely most players do not play this way. I am willing to bet that MOST tables don't play with politics in mind, making deals and crafting plans. I would wager MOST tables sit down with random players at an LGS or a college campus and take what they can get, which means you aren't all friends and don't know each other's experiences. And even if you do, Jimmy and James have decades of entertainment experience between them, whereas we do not. So the showboating and glamor and humor likely just isn't there. And with that, I highly doubt much focus is put on "OMG guys we REALLY need to get rid of XYZ! Okay, if someone lets me resolve this, then that can allow someone else to do this. I won't attack anyone for a turn but we need to stop XYZ or it's game over!"

No. Most of the time it's going to be: "Damn that sucks. Not my problem though. At most he can deal 13 damage and you're at 8 and I'm at 30. Good luck."

We may not actively want to see other players lose, but I bet we also don't actively try to stop it, either.

TLDR - Depends on the deck and if someone has been an outstanding asshole or not.

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