Magnifying Glass

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Magnifying Glass


: Add .

, : Investigate. (Create a colourless Clue artifact token with ", Sacrifice this artifact: Draw a card.")

scotchtapedsleeves on

1 year ago

Coming from the Advertise your Deck forum.

I like the ideas you've thrown in with for the upgraded precon, but your mana base could use some work. I'd cut lands down to 35-36 and replace a few of your slower rocks (eg. Magnifying Glass, Unstable Obelisk) with an Izzet Signet, Darksteel Ingot or Honor-Worn Shaku. Remember, you're not just playing colourless spells!

Additionally, your mana curve is a bit out of wack. Throwing expensive cards in your deck looks fun, but it won't play well unless you have consistent ramp. Spine of Ish Sah doesn't seem to be doing much unless you have a combo in mind. I don't love Planar Bridge. Myr Battlesphere doesn't have much use unless you add more Myrs (speaking of, Palladium Myr, Silver Myr, Alloy Myr).

You don't have much card draw, I'd add Brainstorm, Fabricate, and Ponder.

I'm also not a huge fan of the 4 planeswalkers, those slots could probably be better used with more artifact generation or counterspells.

Hope this helped!

Snips500 on ~PDH~ Danitha Mono-White Voltron

3 years ago

griffstick- I do like the idea of Blight Sickle. I'll see what I can cut. I'll have to think about Seer's Lantern. As I'm mono-white I can't scoff at any card selection but its also a 3 cmc rock that I can pay 2 to scry which feels super bad.

SirQuixano- Thank you for the many suggestions. Pacifism is a strong maybe, I don't like the idea of only getting rid of an attacker/blocker. A lot of the time I want to get rid of a creature because of a passive or activated ability. But getting rid of an annoying blocker is also something this deck wants to do.

I am good on ramp for the most part. I already have Mind Stone and Everflowing Chalice is too slow. Most of the time I would play it with 1 counter because next turn I want to play Danitha Capashen, Paragon and the turn after play and equip many equipments, and there Arcane Signet is just better. The only rocks I have are ones that I can cash in for a card later in the game when I don't need the mana. Orazca Relic, Bonder's Ornament, and Magnifying Glass are therefor viable but their draw is all very expensive. I think ill add Bonder's Ornament because it is a repeated draw and also creates colored mana. Magnifying Glass is 6 mana to draw a card and only creates colorless mana. Orazca Relic is interesting but is cmc 3 and is only 1 time draw with cities blessing and only creates colorless mana.

As for the fetches, first off, things like Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse would be better but I also really dont want the slow mana. I had Scaretiller in at one point but by the time I had cast it and it started to ramp me I did not need the ramp anymore. Radiant Fountain is probably not necessary because my commander has liflink so my life total is not much of a problem. I was considering Quicksand while building the deck and am on the fence about it.

SirQuixano on ~PDH~ Danitha Mono-White Voltron

3 years ago

For removal, how about cards like Pacifism. I see you have Journey to nowhere, which is definitely better, but to shut down another creature from combat is quite useful, and devastating against certain voltron decks. It wont stop combo commanders, but is still nice to have.

For a deck with so much equipment, you might need a bit more ramp. Everflowing Chalice, Mind Stone, Orazca Relic, Bonder's Ornament, and Magnifying Glass can help you get the mana when you need it then you can ditch or use them for the card draw when you need it lategame.

Monocolored Utility lands may also be nice in some areas, since you aren't playing anything close to devotion, and in monocolored, colorless lands hurt you by a generally negligible amount. Cards like Radiant Fountain, Quicksand, Forge of Heroes, Cave of Temptation, and Haunted Fengraf are nice utility. You may also want to add the Panoramas that grab plains (Bant Panorama, Esper Panorama, and Naya Panorama + Warped Landscape) since you can landramp with them if you get a Scaretiller in play, and if you don't get him, they don't really affect you otherwise.

Alkadron on All muscles

3 years ago

Sorted by CMC

Accomplished Automaton is about 2/3 of the way down


This is gorgeous.

Having played decks like this before I'd like to suggest:

Also maybe cut back on some of the fogs, I can't imagine folks profitably attacking into this. XD

PaulMuadDib on Vito, Thorn of Dusk Rose

3 years ago

You are going to need more than 12 lands. Whenever I build a deck, I always start with 40 lands and then for every 3 pieces of ramp, which for a mono black deck would be a mana rock or swamp doubler or ritual spell like Dark Ritual, I remove a land.
Please retune the deck with 12 non-land mana sources and 36 swamps for starters and you can think of non-swamp lands you want to include later.
My suggestions for those sources are any 12 of the following, depending on your budget:
Sol Ring
Star Compass
Commander's Sphere
Crypt Ghast
Charcoal Diamond
Soldevi Adnate
Songs of the Damned
Worn Powerstone
Dark Ritual
Everflowing Chalice
Ashnod's Altar
Guardian Idol
Hedron Archive
Mind Stone
Magnifying Glass
Prismatic Lens
Cabal Coffers <- could replace a swamp
Bubbling Muck
Pristine Talisman <- defiantly want that

After that you've got the commander, which takes up 1 card slot, so that leaves you with 51 cards to choose from.

I see the bare beginnings of either an aristocrats or a reanimator deck. In my opinion you should push more for aristocrats. It can draw you tons of cards and gain you quite a lot of life. There's no harm in keeping some reanimation spells in there though.

You want a good number of sacrifice outlets. I haven't heard of what a hard number should be so I'd shoot for at least 5. Here's a list of some that I remember off hand:
Witch's Cauldron
Vampiric Rites
Ashnod's Altar
Infernal Tribute <- has a funny synergy with Spine of Ish Sah
Gnawing Zombie
Altar of Dementia
Blood Bairn
Bloodflow Connoisseur
Bloodsoaked Altar
Bloodthrone Vampire
Carnage Altar
Carrion Feeder
Corpse Blockade
Culling Dais
Dark Privilege
Diamond Valley
Disciple of Griselbrand
Gutless Ghoul
Lampad of Death's Vigil
Mind Slash
Spawning Pit
Phyrexian Plaguelord

For this strategy you'll need recurring creatures or token generators
Ghoulcaller Gisa
Reassembling Skeleton
Endless Cockroaches
Tenacious Dead
Nim Devourer
Bridge from Below
Open the Graves
Sanitarium Skeleton

Pitiless Plunderer
Bolas's Citadel

Blood Artist is a staple
Plunge into Darkness is something you might want for the pure lifegain of 3 per creature you sacrifice. Not sure that you want to use the "exile a bunch of your deck" too often.
Bontu's Monument
Drain Life
Shadows of the Past

Living Death
No Rest for the Wicked
Sepulchral Primordial
Rise from the Grave
Apprentice Necromancer
Call of the Death-Dweller

spot removal/board wipes
Hero's Downfall
Vona's Hunger

Read the Bones
Sign in Blood
Damnable Pact
Smothering Abomination
Ransack the Lab
Minions' Murmurs
Harvester of Souls

and so forth. I'd look through some already built aristocrats decks to see exactly whether you want to take that strategy.

Oh yeah, for utility lands I'd choose any of the following within your price range:
Leechridden Swamp
Bojuka Bog
Reliquary Tower
Cabal Stronghold
Volrath's Stronghold
Phyrexian Tower
Myriad Landscape
Terrain Generator
Geier Reach Sanitarium

SquirrelPenguin on Card creation challenge

4 years ago

Tamiyo, the Investigator, With a Newly Implanted Magnifying Glass

Legendary Artifact Planeswalker--Tamiyo

At the beginning of your upkeep, if Tamiyo has 1000 or more loyalty counters on it, you win the game.

+99:Tamiyo deals 20 damage to you.

-99: You gain 10 life and create a token that's a copy of Magnifying Glass.

Okay, I got a bit overexited. Make a card with purple mana. (You choose all the themes for this new color of mana. also make a basic land of the type of your choice for purple mana, to be able to play the card you make)

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