Alloy Myr

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Alloy Myr

Artifact Creature — Myr

: Gain one mana of any colour.

nothingstar on

1 year ago

This is a good start, you have some really nice lifegain synergies going. It doesn't really seem like a card draw deck to me, though. It leans more towards the lifegain world of Aetherflux Reservoir than to the U/B world of card draw. There are a lot of black cards that exchange life for cards; if you want card draw, you should get a Graveborn Muse leave the Reservoir behind.

If you go the true lifegain route, you might add transmute effects for tutors, like Clutch of the Undercity or Dimir House Guard. And another good wincon could be Celestial Convergence + Solemnity. And Test of Endurance. Though those will require more counters/protection than you have right now.

I have learned from experience that strategies that ping your opponents for one or two life every turn get you killed very quickly, because they make you stand out even when you're doing very little. So things like Drana's Emissary are kinda dangerous.

In that same vein, Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose will draw hate. It's Sanguine Bond on a stick, and when people see half of the Sanguine Bond/Exquisite Blood combo, they shoot it immediately.

One final bit of overarching advice -- since this is a 3-color deck, I suggest staying away from cards that require a lot of one kind of mana. Particularly lots of black mana, like Underworld Dreams or Peer into the Abyss, since this deck is heavily U/W right now.

Okay, now some slightly more nitpicky things about card choices:

  • Since the Mages only seem to fetch mana rocks at this point, might you switch them out with myrs? Like Alloy Myr.

  • I'd replace Folio of Fancies with Temple Bell, personally, because I like having to spend less mana per draw.

  • Serra Avatar might be better than Celestial Force. But also I just really like Serra Avatar.

Again, this is quite good, just needs a bit of focusing towards the endgame. All the nitty-gritty of the mana curve and stuff you'll work out in playtesting, and what you have so far is workable.

scotchtapedsleeves on

1 year ago

Coming from the Advertise your Deck forum.

I like the ideas you've thrown in with for the upgraded precon, but your mana base could use some work. I'd cut lands down to 35-36 and replace a few of your slower rocks (eg. Magnifying Glass, Unstable Obelisk) with an Izzet Signet, Darksteel Ingot or Honor-Worn Shaku. Remember, you're not just playing colourless spells!

Additionally, your mana curve is a bit out of wack. Throwing expensive cards in your deck looks fun, but it won't play well unless you have consistent ramp. Spine of Ish Sah doesn't seem to be doing much unless you have a combo in mind. I don't love Planar Bridge. Myr Battlesphere doesn't have much use unless you add more Myrs (speaking of, Palladium Myr, Silver Myr, Alloy Myr).

You don't have much card draw, I'd add Brainstorm, Fabricate, and Ponder.

I'm also not a huge fan of the 4 planeswalkers, those slots could probably be better used with more artifact generation or counterspells.

Hope this helped!

king-saproling on Jor Kadeen 2022

2 years ago

Artifact mana dorks like Ornithopter of Paradise, Iron Myr, Gold Myr, Hedron Crawler, Manakin, Alloy Myr, Palladium Myr, Bronze Walrus, Foreboding Statue  Flip, Scuttlemutt, and Opaline Unicorn would be good here because they get Jor out faster, enable metalcraft, and benefit from Jor's ability.

Personally I would cut these and replace then with mana dorks: Thought Vessel, Wayfarer's Bauble, Mox Opal, Gilded Lotus, Arcane Signet, Boros Signet, Darksteel Ingot, Amber Prison

wallisface on Art-Infect

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • As has already been said before, infect decks generally want to be just running creatures that can deal infect damage - you currently have a LOT of cards that have no place in an infect deck, namely Alloy Myr, Coretapper, Darksteel Myr, Evolution Sage, Obelisk Spider, Shimmer Myr, Titan Forge and Myr Matrix are all creatures (or make creatures) that are completely useless for an infect strategy.

  • You seem to have a lot of cards that are just 1-ofs and 2-ofs here. That's going to lead to a really inconsistent (and so weaker) deck. Aim to mostly play playsets of cards if you can.

  • You seem to have a bunch of cards that have no real place in either Infect or Modern in general. Mana rocks like Dimir Signet, Coalition Relic, Myr Reservoir certainly have no real place in an Infect deck, and don't really make it into any Modern deck unless they're doing something particularly janky. Leyline of Abundance, Force of Vigor, and Dimir Charm are all also really weird spell choices.

  • You have nothing to do one turn 1. Infect decks are known for being fast and reliably threatening lethal on turn-2 or turn-3. Not being able to cast something on turn-1 reliably is going to put you ages behind and put your opponent at a huge advantage. You should have at least 8-12 cards you can cast on turn-1 (so far you have 0, meaning you're always starting a turn behind your opponent). Furthermore, sooo many of your lands enter play tapped that you won't even be able to reliably do something on turn 2... fix that landbase!

  • Your mana curve goes waaay too high. I would suggest ditching all of your 4 and 5 mana cards, and at least halving your amount of 3-mana cards (if not removing them entirely).

  • You're running waaay too many creatures for infect, and you don't have nearly enough ways to pump them. This is going to cause you all sorts of problems. Infect creatures are generally weak, so you want to aim to end a game quickly, and going-wide doesn't help you achieve that.

An example of where to start with infect is here - this page lists 3 infect decks of various budgets, and should give you a good idea of the direction the deck should head in.

jamochawoke on MTG list of EDH Ramp Cards | last update: 30-05-22

3 years ago

Missing the colored myr (I did notice you had Leaden Myr already suggested:

Silver Myr

Copper Myr

Gold Myr

Iron Myr

Leaden Myr

Alloy Myr

Snickles@EDH_only on Vigilance is dumb

3 years ago

alrighty, so here are some I would definately cut: Traxos, Scourge of Kroog (while good for mass piloting, really not necissary with the token production), Faith's Reward (doesn't return tokens), All That Glitters (single target buff, 2 for 1s are bad, especially in EDH), Springleaf Drum (not really useful. keep wanting to have a use for it, but not sure what for), Prototype Portal (kinda meh, not a fan of imprint in EDH. needs ALOT of mana to avoid 2 for 1), Devout Invocation (to slow, needs to survive full rotation), Myr Propagator (replicates to slowly), Karn, Silver Golem (vehicles are bigger than their CMC, literal downgrade), and Alloy Myr (overcosted for a manadork)

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