Workshop Assistant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Workshop Assistant

Artifact Creature — Construct

When Workshop Assistant dies (is put into the graveyard from the battlefield), return another target artifact card from your graveyard to your hand.

Dabsolux on Pauper and PDH combos

9 months ago

I would like to create a list of all Pauper and PDH deck combos. Most of them are created by NateDiggity7 (Moxfield) and PenguinPete (MTG Salvation). Here some:

BG - Golgari

BR - Rakdos

C - Colorless

G - Green

RG - Gruul

UBG - Sultai

UB - Dimir

UG - Simic

URG - Temur

U - Blue

WB - Orzhov

WG - Selesnya

WR - Boros

WUB - Esper

WU - Azorius


BR - Rakdos

BG - Golgari

U - Blue

UR - Izzet

G - Green

UG - Simic

W - White

WG - Selesnya

king-saproling on Momo: Twice the horns, twice the fun

2 years ago

Sure! I suppose you could run Tiller Engine or Bomat Courier as a secondary target. Walking Atlas is possibly the strongest card in the deck so I think having ways to find it would be valuable.

Maybe you're right though, maybe Recombiner wouldn't fit in this iteration of Moraug. I could see an artifact-combo-based Moraug list being cool though. Like it could go infinite using things like Great Furnace + Goblin Welder, or Salvaging Station + Darksteel Citadel + stuff, and tutors like Recombiner, Goblin Engineer, Gamble, Hoarding Dragon, Inventors' Fair, Moonsilver Key, Goblin Matron, etc. Lots of constructs that'd fit the strat too like Salvager of Ruin, Scrap Trawler, Workshop Assistant. Sorry got way off topic haha

Housegheist on Imotekhs eternal Artifacts

2 years ago


The discussion with you is very enlightened :o)

While playtesting, i noticed Batterskull a dead card in hand more often than not. I always wanted to play another card -> cut. As well as Ghouls' Night Out. I think the rate (4 reanimations for 5 mana - 4-1 exchange) is a extremely good rate… but it fits my Zombie deck better, i guess. I like this card, cutting it hurts :D

Myr Retriever was a great suggestion, which is already in my collection. Should provide more synergy than the cuts. Open my eyes for a Workshop Assistant, not in my collection yet. As for Mirrorworks, i hope thst this can provide huge value as it can copy almost 3/4 of my deck. I already thought about adding Lithoform Engine but mirrorworks will do, i think.

The idea of Mind's Eye is to draw consistently. Of course, there are burst-draw options, but most of them rely on life… which i already abuse a lot in this deck, do i? I could use Phyrexian Arena which is rather slow and relies one life, too (and mirrorworks draws more cards potentially.

I have 10 options to return Canoptek Tomb Sentinel from GY to play. You think these are enough out to abuse/use it‘s effect and therefore exchange against Overwhelming Remorse?

Sad Robot was never a disappointing draw because if combining etb and ltb.

multimedia on Imotekhs eternal Artifacts

2 years ago

Hey, you're welcome.

You're right, a high avg. CMC hurting gameplay can be deceiving if you have reanimation. To help reanimation be more of a factor consider adding some cards that can search for and put card(s) of your choice from your library into your graveyard?

Unmarked Grave is two mana to tutor for and put Wurmcoil Engine or Triplicate Titan into your graveyard, Buried Alive can get both of them, that's better than potentially drawing them especially Triplicate. Or get Razorlash Transmogrant to get this guy going. A reason to play Vile Entomber is Biotransference making it a potentially repeatable effect that can get any card. Entomber can get Bolas's Citadel.

Adding Myr Retriever is a reason to keep Mirrorworks. These two cards combo with Ashnod's Altar for infinite Necrons.

  • Cast Retriever, trigger Mirrorworks to copy Retriever.
  • In response to Mirrorworks trigger sac Retriever with Altar.
  • Resolve Retriever die trigger returning any artifact to hand and trigger Imotekh.
  • Resolve Mirrorworks trigger, pay floating from Altar, creating a Retriever copy.
  • Sac Retriever copy with Altar, returning Retriever to your hand and trigger Imotekh.
  • Repeat

Myr Retriever also combos with Scrap Trawler and Ashnod's Altar for infinite Necrons even on an opponent turn with Shimmer Myr.

  • Sac Retriever with Altar, recur an artifact and trigger Imotekh.
  • Sac Trawler, recur Retriever and trigger Imotekh.
  • Sac a Necron, cast Retriever, sac Retriever, recur Trawler and trigger Imotekh.
  • Cast Trawler and repeat.

This combo you need to make it infinite, for Retriever and for Trawler to repeatedly cast them from your hand. By sacing one Necron each iteration of the combo makes an extra , making for infinite Necrons also makes infinite colorless mana. Workshop Assistant and Junk Diver are other artifact Retrievers who can replace Trawler in the combo.

You still have four cards to cut, consider these four? A direction to consider for cuts is further reduce the mana curve? Traxos, Scourge of Kroog is just a beater, all the other 4 drop artifact creatures here do something else as well as being a beater because of menace. Ghouls' Night Out, you don't need this effect with a 5 mana spell that isn't an artifact.

Batterskull is just a beater and it has a very high equip cost which you can't reduce to use it after the Gem is removed. The life gain from Batterskull could be helpful especially with Bolas's Citadel and Anrakyr the Traveller, but I wouldn't play a 5 drop to get life gain when you can gain life from other much lower mana cost sources. Resurrection Orb is another source of lifelink that also has a high equip cost, but Orb is much better for overall strategy here than Batterskull.

Sceptre of Eternal Glory and The Golden Throne are better ramp than Solemn Simulacrum. A reason to cut Solemn is having lots of four drop ramp is not where you want to be with ramp, 0-2 CMC, some 3 CMC ramp is better for gameplay. Mind's Eye is better 5 drop than Ghouls' Night Out and Batterskull, but Eye could also be cut for lower mana cost draw.

Overwhelming Remorse could be cut for Canoptek Tomb Sentinel? The cost reduction of Remorse can be good, but very situational. The potential repeatability of Canoptek since it's an artifact creature to reanimate is better and Canoptek can exile any nonland permanent which is very helpful effect to have in mono black.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Chattering Ordeal

2 years ago

Thanks for your insight lagotripha! Semblance Anvil is really interesting. I don't know if it fits in this particular build, because this build is admittedly not optimal ha. I'm trying to jam so much stuff in here for the fun of it that I can't streamline too much :) But I can definitely see it having a home in a more honed version with cost artifacts for imprinting and maybe some fast mana. I hadn't seen Workshop Assistant before and I agree that going that route would make the deck much more reliable.

The deck is really fragile to graveyard hate, I'm hoping the Thoughtseize and pray method will do the trick! It's unfortunate the deck is weak to both graveyard hate and storm hate, which means most sideboards will have multiple answers to it. This deck is definitely more crossing your fingers than actually having an answer :)

lagotripha on Chattering Ordeal

2 years ago

Myr retriever has several other options if you're looking to combo - Semblance Anvil+sac outlet, Scrap Trawler/Workshop Assistant as alternative options, or even backup combos that generate gravestorm (flavours of persist/undying).

I've found the combos taken as a group to be reliable because they all share pieces - the battle is packing protection for the graveyard itself and surviving to cast it. Going into black/green and playing a lot of thoughtsieze seems like it has a good chance of that, especially with a grindy backup plan.

In theory playing Painter's Servant and Spellskite for free could set up something big, but I haven't found a way to make that really tick over. I've also thought about creatures with 1 toughness and a death trigger to try and get to high gravestorm - fecundity+heartless and Hangarback/myr sire is a draw two. Still fragile though. Best of luck with the brewing - I hope you figure this one out.

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