Their Name is Death

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Their Name is Death


Destroy all nonartifact creatures.

dnthymamai on Urza's Iron Alliance

3 months ago

Nice artifact deck!

I would suggest you think about some of these cards:

  • Super winning condition: Masterful Replication! Its second mode can turn all your artifacts (pesky 1/1 fliers and artifact lands included) into your best creature. That can be a Construct that Urza makes (or Bronze Guardian, etc). This way all of your "useless" artifacts can turn into death machines of extreme power or double strike. Plus, you can also save your whole board when the enemy casts Wrath of God by turning every one of your creatures into a Darksteel Citadel if you are lucky to have it on board.

multimedia on Urza, CEO of Machines

1 year ago

Hey, good upgrades to the precon, what you've done so far.

How do you want to win? Determining the main strategy you want to play can help to keep good cards for that strategy and cut unnecessary cards. If you're wanting to keep precon level budget then doing combat damage with Constructs and Commander damage with Urza are directions to consider. Research Thief and Bident of Thassa are excellent budget cards if you want to be attacking with Constructs. Making Urza an artifact makes him a reliable source of Commander damage, but this means including effects to make Urza an artifact.

You have Urza, Lord High Artificer, he's a combo wincon, but to use him as a wincon you'll want to add other cards and more ways to assemble the combo. Drawing cards from Constructs doing combat damage to opponents is a good alternative to playing expensive price tutors to get combo pieces in your hand.

You have Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge, you don't really need Mycosynth Golem especially not for it's price tag. You don't need this Tezzeret either, but if you have it might as well play it. The first cuts to consider are lands since 41 lands is a lot when the strategy here are artifacts. Consider cutting 6 lands? Lands that always ETB tapped and are worse then others that also do this. If you feel you need more mana then add mana sources (rocks, dorks) not lands.

The Bounce lands and Scry lands are worse always ETB tapped lands then Tri lands, Bridges, etc.

Some advice for more cuts is choose the top 20 creatures here, top 10 artifacts and top 10 other nonland cards. By choosing the best cards then you can cut a huge chunk away of lesser cards.




For upgrading it's easier to get an established list that's not 99 cards then have a list that's way over 99 cards. Really any 0-3 drop artifact creature who can make some value to take advantage of Urza artifact creature affinity or any 0-2 drop mana rock for more ramp can fill unfilled deck spots.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Urza's Combat Robots

1 year ago

Losheel, Clockwork Scholar, Research Thief, Their Name is Death are excellent budget cards with Constructs.

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago


I wasn't able to play a multiplayer game this weekend but ran 9 games of 1v1. I won 7/9 games as unblocked angels seems to be consistently good. 6 games were against Necron Precron, 2 games against Faldorn Exiles & 1 game against Aesi Landfall. Made a couple swaps to give Pyre of Heroes a shot. Didn't touch the lifegain package but messed with the protection one. Since all 9 games were duels, some of the changes weren't great.

Eye of Vecna for Pyre of Heroes

Cosmic Intervention for The Ozolith

Angel of Condemnation for Karmic Guide

Angel of Jubilation for Inspiring Overseer

Starnheim Unleashed for Luminarch Ascension

Search for Glory for Enlightened Tutor

I notably left in Together Forever and didn't put in Breathkeeper Seraph because I wanted to see if there were synergies between Together Forever and Pyre of Heroes.

Lost 1 game against Necron Precon due to a combination of things. I missed 2 land drops early in the game and was forced to use Enlightened Tutor for a Sol Ring so I could play my hand. Later in the game Ioverplayed the hand and got hit by Shard of the Nightbringer followed by Their Name is Death on the next turn. I was definitely kicking myself at the end because I had Emeria Shepherd and played it when I should've held it. Necrons actually did pretty well against this deck overall as they had fliers which stopped some early attacks. In the end though, as with most precons, they ran out of gas while Angels could keep chugging along and beefing up.

Lost 1 game against Faldorn Exiles due to Food Chain & Eternal Scourge with Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald producing a million wolves on turn 4. With no answers in hand, it was a quick and clear loss.

I was able to get Pyre of Heroes out in several games. One of my favorite combinations was using it on Inspiring Overseer to drop in Serra Paragon and then recasting Inspiring Overseer for the extra life and draw. On the following turn I sacrificed it again to grab Battle Angels of Tyr and hit for even more draw.

During the final game against Aesi Landfall I wanted to see how much value I could get out of Pyre of Heroes so I kept an obviously risky hand. My starting hand consisted of Arid Mesa, Plains, Fabled Passage, Emergence Zone, Mutavault, Pyre of Heroes, and Path to Exile. Aesi had a pretty slow start without much ramp but dropped Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait turn 5 which I promptly pathed. The only Angel I drew was Angelic Curator which I pyred into Inspiring Overseer. I also had Together Forever on the board so when I pyred Inspiring Overseer into Serra Paragon I was able to bounce it back to hand and recast Angelic Curator on the same turn. Next turn I cast Inspiring Overseer and pyred that into Thraben Watcher and started swinging for lots of damage.

In a multiplayer game other players would've had more answers for our board and Pyre of Heroes may not stick around. However, I don't think it seems threatening on its own and most times it's just a value engine. I think there may be a case for swapping it out for Eye of Vecna. They cost the same for 2 colorless. Their activations are also the same at 2 colorless. The differences are the 2 damage we take for Vecna and also that the draw occurs on upkeep before our draw phase and we have to pay the 2 and life if we want the card. If we drop Vecna early game and we're looking for something key, usually a land or a low cost angel and there's no guarantee that we'll get it. So if we're on turn 4, we've expended 2/3 available mana on drawing either a land or a 2cmc angel because we can't play anyting else. If we aren't dropping Vecna early and instead on turn 6-7 then it's pretty slow compared to its counterparts. Yes it replaces itself but nothing else we do will give us cards the turn we need it. All the other draw cards play into our strategy of either playing angels, attacking or gaining life. Also, the ones we pay into can be done on opponents turn when we're holding up answers, so there's no "wasted mana".

Out of the current swaps The Ozolith and Luminarch Ascension were very mediocre. This is likely due to the duel format and will need more testplaying in a 4-man setting. I was able to get The Ozolith up to 18 counters one game but it didn't matter since I was dead the next turn.

I think just based on this trial run that Pyre of Heroes deserves a strong consideration especially with Inspiring Overseer. Let me know your thoughts!

BringerOTBD on Breya, Etherium Shaper

1 year ago

Update: -Marionette Master / +Cyberdrive Awakener -Machine God's Effigy / +Imotekh the Stormlord -Blasphemous Act / +Their Name is Death -Disciple of the Vault / +Steel Overseer -Reverse Engineer / +Losheel, Clockwork Scholar -Bedevil / +Void Rend -Temple of Malice / +Cryptothrall -Temple of Enlightenment / +Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip -Temple of Deceit / +Thirst for Knowledge -Temple of Epiphany / +Shivan Reef

Notes: I chose Cryptothrall over Spellskite because they serve the same function, to protect your stuff, but Cryptothrall requires less effort. I put in Optimus because I wanted to experiment with him. Lastly, I'm keeping Austere Command in the deck since I like to have a board wipe that hits enchantments and artifacts.

multimedia on Breya, Etherium Shaper

1 year ago

Hey, interesting version, but you're building your deck with combo mindset without having the last combo piece to win... Building this way could hinder gameplay since you don't want to win with combo? If you're avoiding infinite combos then I presume attacking is main wincon? Consider more effects to make Breya a better attacker and adding board wipe(s) that don't destroy artifact creatures? These wipes pair extremely well with Biotransference.

If reanimating and recurring artifacts is a strategy then consider Imotekh the Stormlord? It also can make Breya a good attacker, 6/6 with menace. Marionette Master and Disciple of the Vault are subpar if they aren't the wincon of a combo. They can only hit one opponent at a time which is not as good outside of combo compared to Reckless Fireweaver who hits each opponent and Mayhem Devil who can hit any target.

Consider cutting a few lands? The Tri lands, Bridges and Temples all in the same manabase is a lot of lands that always ETB tapped. Of these the Temples are the lesser lands since Bridges are artifacts and Tri lands more color fixing.

Good luck with your deck.

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