Machine God's Effigy

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Machine God's Effigy


You may have Machine God's Effigy enter the battlefield as a copy of any creature on the battlefield, except it's an artifact and it has ": Add ." (It's not a creature.)

: Add .

Flarhoon13 on Hey Macleod, Get offa my ewe! (Angus Mackenzie)

2 days ago

I did it! Won with Blim, Comedic Genius yesterday and with Angus Mackenzie today. Wins with 53 decks since May 3rd!! And won this one as a kind of perfect game.

Three player pod. I have tweaked Angus recently, trying to see if we could get him over this hump, and the changes seem to have benefitted the deck. So, I played Machine God's Effigy as a copy of John's Eidolon of Blossoms. When I cast Machine God's Effigy, I was planning to copy Ryland's commander, Saruman, the White Hand. However, thinking twice, I figured card draw would serve me better than an expendable Orc Army. I drew a card each as I cast Sphere of Safety, Enigmatic Incarnation and Runed Halo, naming Fiery Inscription. I didn't sacrifice anything with Enigmatic Incarnation until I had a game winning plan. I gained a turn with Chronomantic Escape and then, on the next turn, cast Expel the Interlopers. Sacrificed Runed Halo with Enigmatic Incarnation and put out Moon-Blessed Cleric to seek out Enchanted Evening, since I had Calming Verse in hand. I untapped with 16 life and nine lands, just enough to tap out and cast Enchanted Evening and Calming Verse to effectively win the game, destroying all of my opponents' permanents, with them at 18 and 11 life. They would not have come back. I even looked and would've drawn an Aura Thief to stymie any comeback attempts.

SufferFromEDHD on I know my deck like the back of your hand (WIP)

3 days ago

Clone was recently made obsolete by this blue rock Machine God's Effigy

Retraced Image ramp worth mentioning

Riptide Laboratory reuse ETB

Sol Ring to pay for the effect. Teferi's Isle if you want to get weird about it ;)

SufferFromEDHD on Nekusar EDH

1 month ago

Baleful Mastery > Doom Blade

Balor > Kess, Dissident Mage

Machine God's Effigy > Clone

SufferFromEDHD on Salt Devastation

1 month ago

Burning Sands > Rite of a Flame

Or replace with a niche rock like Cursed Mirror or Machine God's Effigy

Lightning Greaves > Whispersilk Cloak

Catastrophe swiss army knife. Might be better than Jokulhaups as you don't want to blow up your rocks.

You are running the three Surveil lands and Crucible but other than that there's no graveyard theme. My suggestion: Forbid > Counterspell

Gidgetimer on Will animating card:Machine God's Effigy …

4 months ago

I'll try one more way to explain it.

When Machine God's Effigy copies something it starts with the copiable characteristics of the card. These are what is printed on the card (there are things that modify copiable characteristics, but for ease we will assume that none apply at this stage). Then the copy effect modifies those characteristics to determine what Machine God's Effigy enters as. The modification that the copy effect makes is that the copy is an artifact. As per CR 205.3d quoted above, the copy can not gain subtypes that don't correspond with a type that it does not have. So the copy will not get any creature, battle, planeswalker, or enchantment type. When you later animate it the Machine God's Effigy will not have any creature types and will be a typeless creature unless another effect gives it a type.

Mave on Will animating card:Machine God's Effigy …

4 months ago

I still don't understand but I will now just play with Machine God's Effigy that it simply has no other card types besides the Artifact types on the card it copies.

Gidgetimer on Will animating card:Machine God's Effigy …

4 months ago

Your original premise is wrong. The reason Machine God's Effigy doesn't have any subtypes at all is that it wasn't printed with any subtypes.

Unless something makes it a treasure, it isn't a treasure; unless something makes it a food, it isn't a food; unless something makes it an elf, it isn't an elf. Sydri, Galvanic Genius and March of the Machines don't grant any creature subtypes, so it would just be an artifact creature with no subtypes. Mishra, Eminent One gives the subtype "construct", so the Machine God's Effigy copy is a construct.

Mave on Will animating card:Machine God's Effigy …

4 months ago

If I understood the rules of Machine God's Effigy correctly the reason why it doesn't has the subtypes like Saga, Myr, Construct or Forest is because those types are only available if the card is an Enchantment, Creature, Kindred or Land. But since it is an artifact it keeps types such as Treasure, Vehicle, Clue, Food etc. So would Sydri, Galvanic Genius return the type since it turns Machine God's Effigy into a creature and therefore it becomes able to hold the card type? And since March of the Machines directly causes Machine God's Effigy to enter as a Creature would it be able to retain the creature types or is there sth in the rules that simply erases all nonartifact creature types from it? So far I haven't seen this exact question. There were questions that refered to making a Mishra's Warform Token from Machine God's Effigy. They didn't go into detail regarding the creature type and only write "the copy will be an Artifact Creature - Construct". Mishra, Eminent One would be a similar case like Sydri. But why wouldn't the creature type be "dormant" in the copy? I read that e.g. copying a Vehicle with Machine God's Effigy or any other creature will keep the p/t dormant so if Machine God's Effigy gets crew it becomes able to turn into a creature with the regular P/T stats.

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