Vedalken Archmage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vedalken Archmage

Creature — Vedalken Wizard

Whenever you cast an artifact spell, draw a card.

dnthymamai on Urza's Iron Alliance

3 months ago

Nice artifact deck!

I would suggest you think about some of these cards:

  • Super winning condition: Masterful Replication! Its second mode can turn all your artifacts (pesky 1/1 fliers and artifact lands included) into your best creature. That can be a Construct that Urza makes (or Bronze Guardian, etc). This way all of your "useless" artifacts can turn into death machines of extreme power or double strike. Plus, you can also save your whole board when the enemy casts Wrath of God by turning every one of your creatures into a Darksteel Citadel if you are lucky to have it on board.

pinecone2k3 on The Artificer’s Prodigal Combo Deck

5 months ago

Just a couple of suggestions. Enthusiastic Mechanaut may not hit as hard as Foundry Inspector when it attacks, but it costs less to cast, allowing you to get it into play sooner, and has Flying. Also, Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain has the same converted mana cost as Vedalken Archmage, but has more options to trigger her card draw ability. Not to mention being a 3/3 as opposed to a 0/2. Just some food for thought.

dUCKY1234 on Expected Results

1 year ago

so first of all you need an oathbreaker spell, i would recommend Thoughtcast. this is played as an artifact storm deck, running many 0cmc artifacts.(note do NOT run Chalice of the Void for 0cmc as it will stop you from casting the other artifacts)

assemble a loop, the most simple one is with Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain or Vedalken Archmage play a free artifact, draw a card for playing artifacts. but you can’t guarantee you will always draw a artifact so cards that let you scry are very useful Artificer's Assistant is a prime example, also cards like Teferi's Ageless Insight bolster the card draw.

in addition remember that as you cast an artifact Saheeli, Sublime Artificer gives you another servo token, and adds that care about artifact count love easy artifact tokens. aka thoughtcast.

so you play artifacts to draw cards and play more artifacts, now what? how does this deck win?

cards like Hedron Detonator & Reckless Fireweaver deal damage when an artifact enters, and each artifact enters the battlefield with an additional token, so for playing a free artifact you can do 4 damage. good rate if you ask me. however if you have an opponent with prot. red dmg might be a hard time, however BrainFreeze is the perfect alt win con, allowing you to mill 3 cards, with storm.

storm cards are a good starting point but sometimes you’ll get to 15-20 and can’t quit finish them off, cards like Recall bring all artifact back to your had (sadly the tokens too) but allows you to play all the 0cmc artifacts again, doubling the storm count, pushing it well over 30 if done correctly

wrap up: i would say Spellbook is an auto include because you are filling up your hand so much. additionally if you are confident in your draw engine you can put Thassa's Oracle and have a second alt win con. alsoUrza's Saga is an a round amazing card in this deck rewarding a high artifact count.

finaly sometimes you just need a classic beatsick, beefed up monster shoot for ones with -keyword: improvise- like Kappa Cannoneer


if you have any more questions please ask :) happy to spread knowledge and love of mtg

heres my list, feel free to tweak it however :

Koplarski on [Primer] Jhoira, Contraption Captain

1 year ago

Lots of changes recently. Added the following, removing Words of Wind, Reality Heist, Whir of Invention, and Vedalken Archmage:

Thassa's Oracle (Great win con when you get to the bottom of your library)

Transplant Theorist (Replaced the archmage)

Ingenious Artillerist (Redundancy for Reckless Fireweaver)

Dockside Extortionist (It's just too good not to include)

Drafna, Founder of Lat-Nam (This guy is great for keeping the storm going by returning your cheap mana rocks to your hand to recast)

Poly_raptor on Mishra, Eminent One | Artifact nonsense

1 year ago

Sorry for the delayed replies guys.


I’ve added in Skullclamp, would definitely synergies well with the tokens dying each turn.

I’ve also cut Strionic Resonator for Determined Iteration as it’s a free copy! Good suggestion.


I am reluctant to add so many obvious cards that would make it just any normal artifact deck, I do feel quite strongly about how easy it has got to build decks recently, with 60 staples lol. Ruins the creative aspect for me. You are right about Mystic Forge though. Toying with cutting Skyswimmer, I have also added Vedalken Archmage too.

Max_Hammer on Shorikai go vroom

1 year ago

Yeah, I can see that. Being able to usually get away with 34-45 lands is still only usually. There's a solid chance you'll get droughted if you don't run 36-37.

As for the fetchlands... Yeah, I get it. Even the 20$ for a shockland is a bit too rich for my blood. If I'm dropping a lot of money on a card it should be more than a 0.07%~ chance for me to draw that, and you better believe it's going to be my wincon. I think that your mana setup is all you'll need, assuming your table isn't playing Magic in the quadruple digits.

The average guideline for ramp in Commander is about 7 cards, but I think this deck would actually really benefit from the extra ramp, seeing as how many cards you should be drawing with spells like Shimmer Dragon and Vedalken Archmage. Right now you have 10 (or 8, if you count Artificer Class as utility and Cultivator's Caravan as a regular vehicle), but you should be just fine with that.

I looked and only saw two more things that I think should be cut. There's Manifold Key. Just doesn't feel super necessary. You could use it to get an extra mana or give a vehicle pseudo-vigilance, but that's kinda meh. But there's also Trinket Mage. Granted, being able to tutor Skullclamp (or mana if you need it) isn't bad. He's a maybe and so it Manifold.

The way I see it, you don't have anything bad in this list, unfortunately enough for you, but you are over. It looks to me like you have more creatures + vehicles than anything, so maybe start there? Either take out the highest CMC cards (without taking out the crazy good ones), or just pull them at random and playtest it.

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