Ethersworn Sphinx

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ethersworn Sphinx

Artifact Creature — Sphinx

Affinity for artifacts (This spell costs less to cast for each artifact you control.)


Cascade (When you cast this spell, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a nonland card with lesser converted mana cost/mana value. You may cast it without paying its mana cost. Put the exiled cards on the bottom of your library in a random order.)

Dana_in_Love845 on Drone Strike

4 months ago

Razortide Bridge should work really well, making metalcraft and other artifact checks easier for just having a land. Thoughtcast, Ethersworn Sphinx, and really any other affinity spells work amazingly too, especially in a creature spam deck like this. Hope I could help!

multimedia on Urza, CEO of Machines

1 year ago

Hey, good upgrades to the precon, what you've done so far.

How do you want to win? Determining the main strategy you want to play can help to keep good cards for that strategy and cut unnecessary cards. If you're wanting to keep precon level budget then doing combat damage with Constructs and Commander damage with Urza are directions to consider. Research Thief and Bident of Thassa are excellent budget cards if you want to be attacking with Constructs. Making Urza an artifact makes him a reliable source of Commander damage, but this means including effects to make Urza an artifact.

You have Urza, Lord High Artificer, he's a combo wincon, but to use him as a wincon you'll want to add other cards and more ways to assemble the combo. Drawing cards from Constructs doing combat damage to opponents is a good alternative to playing expensive price tutors to get combo pieces in your hand.

You have Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge, you don't really need Mycosynth Golem especially not for it's price tag. You don't need this Tezzeret either, but if you have it might as well play it. The first cuts to consider are lands since 41 lands is a lot when the strategy here are artifacts. Consider cutting 6 lands? Lands that always ETB tapped and are worse then others that also do this. If you feel you need more mana then add mana sources (rocks, dorks) not lands.

The Bounce lands and Scry lands are worse always ETB tapped lands then Tri lands, Bridges, etc.

Some advice for more cuts is choose the top 20 creatures here, top 10 artifacts and top 10 other nonland cards. By choosing the best cards then you can cut a huge chunk away of lesser cards.




For upgrading it's easier to get an established list that's not 99 cards then have a list that's way over 99 cards. Really any 0-3 drop artifact creature who can make some value to take advantage of Urza artifact creature affinity or any 0-2 drop mana rock for more ramp can fill unfilled deck spots.

Good luck with your deck.

Orpheus124 on Graveyard Antiquing

2 years ago

If you aren't against an infinite combo as a win condition, I'd suggest adding Thopter Assembly in place of Ethersworn Sphinx. Thopter Assembly + Time Sieve is a notorious infinite-turn combo. Also, Treasure Tokens synergies really nicely with Marionette Master. To double on that front, perhaps a Disciple of the Vault?