Glory-Bound Initiate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Glory-Bound Initiate

Creature — Human Warrior

You may exert Glory-Bound Intiate as it attacks. When you do, it gets +1/+3 and gains lifelink until end of turn. (An exeted creature won't untap during your next untap step.)

lukecwolf on RW Hammer feat. Kellan

9 months ago

Right now I feel like the deck is tight.

I might recommend one or two low cmc warriors like Flameblade Adept, Goblin Cratermaker, Glory-Bound Initiate or Goblin Javelineer over some other creatures.

I might be biased as I playtested the deck up to be silly, only to end up with exuberant fuseling equipped with hammer t3 with resolute strike. Sure it may not be consistent, but that sure was fun.

I like this pet deck a lot.

to_regatha_and_beyond on Warrior Midrange

2 years ago

Good deck! I made a similar archetype a while back, though I didn't have the lifegain components as much.

You might want to play around with Glory-Bound Initiate, it has some really strong synergy with Herald of Dromoka. You're essentially attacking with a 4/4 lifelink every single turn, possibly even a 5/4, which is super powerful, even moreso if you can get double strike on it.

Mardu Strike Leader could be pretty helpful, though I concede it's a little bit slow for the gameplan you're using.

I would get rid of the Dutiful Attendants, you're already able to use Revival / Revenge to bring those creatures back at instant speed without having to wait for the Attendant to die, which is way more powerful.

Lastly, when you're working on building your sideboard, I would consider:

  • Despark, a good and cheap removal card for certain situations
  • Go Blank, a good tool against graveyard decks
  • Lifebane Zombie, a good tool against green and white that also comes on a warrior
  • Duress, a good way to fight combo decks

Good build so far, I'm excited to see where you take it!

mrweaselman on War Champs

2 years ago

Take out Garna, the Bloodflame, Gatekeeper of Malakir, Rushblade Commander, and Intimidation Bolt and this deck is pioneer legal. Some of them aren't all that good here anyways and they're not worth being in a much higher power format.

Cards that are also not very good: Chief of the Scale, Goma Fada Vanguard, and Pacifism. Cut Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants if you have trouble finding space for other cards.

Your best creatures would probably be Blood-Chin Rager and Chief of the Edge, so run 4 each.

Since you have Herald of Dromoka, you can do some pretty cool things with exert creatures. Brave the Sands also has this effect. Ahn-Crop Crasher, Combat Celebrant, Devoted Crop-Mate, and Glory-Bound Initiate are all really good warriors when paired with vigilance. Resolute Survivors too if you want to commit this route, although Brutal Hordechief is probably better. Path of Mettle  Flip is an interesting one too for grindy matches, maybe more of a sideboard card.

If you want more wide aggro, run Bloodsoaked Champion and either Gutterbones or Zurgo Bellstriker, take out vigilance or toughness effects, and work to increase power. You can win with a couple Arashin Foremost, Brutal Hordechief, and more Secure the Wastes.

Fatal Push is probably the best pioneer removal spell, but if you find larger CMC creatures in your meta Cast Down or Heartless Act will hit almost anything.

For mana base, Battlefield Forge and Caves of Koilos are better budget dual options than anything that comes in tapped. Secluded Courtyard and Unclaimed Territory are almost auto includes for tribal.

The_Acid_Drip on I am Ironman, the Full Boros Experience

3 years ago

Add chained to the rocks 100%—diversity of targets when tutoring is the value/purpose of a tutor.

Also what about the following four cards

Always Watching + Combat Celebrant?

Also from Amonket

Glory-Bound Initiate is just really good with Always Watching

Aven Mindcensor is a good punisher card for way too nefarious combo decks.

Lastly consider for some mayhem one of my old and all time favorite pet cards — Fumiko the Lowblood

Fumiko is really unique and does well in any red deck trying to play politics by either incentivizing that the game starts moving. The trick is, if they attack you, ok you have do deal with it, but there's a hidden tell to Fumiko. IF THEY ATTACK ANOTHER PLAYER—despite your Fumiko being the reason for the aggressive board state—what they are telling you is they are afraid of that other player more than you.

This is a huge tell and can help you spin a game in your favor as you can literally form an unspoken alliance with another player against someone else going archenemy at the table (usually the URZA player) and neither your unwitting ally nor target knows of the alliance.

Fumiko is a much more complicated card than what people give her credit for since she creates forced decisions which are always favorable to you if you can prepare for the immediate shift in the board state after she resolves.

Phoenometroid on Licia, First Sword of the Mardu {Primer}

3 years ago

I've been working to push Licia, Sanguine Tribune for quite a while, especially more into that Mardu Philosophy I came to love. I found out VERY quickly I get a mass amount of hate from my Edgar Markov with my playgroup for how aggressive he is for sure. I do very much love playing themed or tribal based decks. I discovered that I play too many Mardu decks which thins out my card availability for keeping all the decks solid until I amass extra copies of stables. Seeing this framework and the stratagems you provide for Licia is just WOW!

Sadly I don't have many of those expensive cards to piece in now, Wheel of Fortune, Necropotence, Scrubland, Dark Confidant, Enlightened Tutor, Sensei's Divining Top or Tithe but I'm sure I can found some counterparts to use instead.

What do you think of replacing Glory-Bound Initiate with Lone Rider  Flip? Also if you have any deck builds or ideas for Kelsien, the Plague I'd love to know your feedback on that, he's another Mardu favorite of mine.

lagotripha on Tetsuko's Party of 1

3 years ago

This list looks cool. I'd look at Glory-Bound Initiate and Seasoned Hallowblade to reduce reliance on tetsuo - they like him but don't need him. Shepherd of the Flock looks good if you are leaning into ninjitsu more and want some bounce effects.

grendalos on Pioneer Life Gain

4 years ago

I think a few cards that might be of use in this deck might be Ajani's Welcome and the new planeswalker Basri Ket maybe having a single copy of Castle Ardenvale

(Also the having an aggressive two drop like Glory-Bound Initiate will be essential if you want to deal some early game damage)

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