Captain's Claws

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Captain's Claws

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +1/+0.

Whenever equipped creature attacks, create a 1/1 white Kor Ally creature token tapped and attacking.

Equip (: Attach this to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This enters the battlefield unattached and stays on the battlefield if the creature this card is attached to leaves the battlefield.)


7 months ago

Hi there, happy to see another Isshin player. I've been playing Isshin since he debuted, but more so as a tokens go-wide deck. Regardless, I do have a few suggestions, based off your primer description and to try to fit your theme:

  • Conjurer's Mantle could be a decent fit to both your equipment and Samurai subthemes, and also works with Isshin's attack trigger.

  • Goblin War Drums or Rising of the Day could be potential replacements for Crash Through. War Drums will help give you some evasion for your attacker(s), and Rising can add a bit more speed to which you can attack.

  • Since you already have them in your Maybe Board, you could maybe replace Sword of the Animist with another mana rock like Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Conviction, Talisman of Indulgence, or Fellwar Stone. I played Sword of the Animist quite a bit, but it felt slow for what it can do with Isshin, since you have to pay 4 total mana to cast and equip it, then attack. It requires more set up than a straight up mana rock, if you're looking for more early game velocity.

  • Similarly, I think you could probably replace Commander's Sphere and/or Boros Locket with some of the mana rocks I mentioned in my bullet above. The activation cost on Boros Locket is kinda color-intensive for a 3 color deck, and at that point is essentially 7 total mana to draw 3 cards.

  • I'd recommend checking out Soul Partition as a potential replacement to Dispatch. Soul Partition can hit a variety of targets, and also double as protection for one of your creatures.

  • I think Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher or Sun Titan could be potential swaps for the Rakshasa, mostly because they open up your options for Recursion, and both work with Isshin.

  • It's a newer card and pricier card, but Roaming Throne could be an option to get even more triggers out of Isshin and your other Samurai.

  • Captain's Claws, Inquisitorial Rosette, Anduril, Flame of the West, and Anduril, Narsil Reforged are all excellent equipment options for Isshin.

  • Although they are a bit group-huggy in certain regards, Breena, the Demagogue and Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant are both pretty fun draw options for Isshin. Karazikar would also be helpful to turn some attention away from you, and Breena can help grow your board.

  • Lastly, Dolmen Gate and Reconnaissance are both awesome board protection effects, especially for a deck ore reliant on single attackers. Reconnaissance can protect your attacking board from unfavorable blocks, and act as a pseudo-vigilance anthem. This EDHREC article dives into a bit more detail into how the timing works for removing your creatures from combat. Reconnaissance is also discussed in a recent episode of EDHRECast.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. I'm down to discuss more suggestions if you're up to it. Best of luck with your deck and its future games.

Coward_Token on Kellan Kombos?

10 months ago

Kellan, the Fae-Blooded is basically a Open the Armory in the Command Zone (you're allowed to make him skip going into Adventure-exile and instead just return to the C-Zone). This could let you reliably assemble infinitive combo pieces. What's some <=boros combos that requires 1-3 Auras/Equipment + Kellan and no other cards?

The main thing I've thought of myself is Breath of Fury + Captain's Claws-type Equipment/Elemental Mastery/Helm of the Host, but it's pretty janky since it still requires a bunch of conditions, see e.g.: (Anduril, Flame of the West seems the most promising since you can probably catch out one or two people who don't have flying blockers).

Also this one for (rogue) cEDH:

Crow_Umbra on Equipped Samurai

1 year ago

I forgot to add earlier, but 3 equipment that could work well in your deck are Captain's Claws, Inquisitorial Rosette, & Anduril, Flame of the West. All 3 are similar in that they make tokens when you attack, but have some slight variations. They could potentially replace Sword of Hearth and Home (mostly because you don't run a lot of Enter The Battlefield effects), and/or Sunforger (aren't running many instants, plus a lot of hoops to jump thru to get one of your instants).

On the topic of Instants, it looks like you have 2 copies of Crackling Doom. I'd recommend replacing a copy with Generous Gift or Wear / Tear for some instant speed utility removal. The Elephant token from Generous Gift is pretty inconsequential in most games.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin for a Fight

1 year ago

I think one easy swap that you could make that also potentially helps with the dilemma of adding in Chivalric Alliance is swapping either Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire or a basic Plains for Minas Tirith.

I've been okay so far at 35 lands. I can understand running Mass Hysteria for the mana efficiency, but giving your opponents' creatures haste runs the risk of benefiting other aggro strats, and activated tap abilities. Rising of the Day gives 17 of your 29 total creatures (including Isshin) that little additional buff.

My quick suggestions for cuts or swaps:

  • Swap either Brave the Sands or Fervent Charge for Flowering of the White Tree. Again, 17 of your 29 creatures get a couple decent buffs, and all your other creatures get a consistent +1/+1. Fervent Charge only buffs when you attack.

  • I think you can cut Revenge of Ravens for similarly stated reasons as Emberwilde Captain. Or, you could flat out swap with Marchesa's Decree if you really want to keep the effect, but still squeeze in another draw opportunity.

  • You can likely cut Vampiric Rites as you were thinking, especially if you end up adding Minas Tirith, which feels like a middle ground to Vampiric Rites & Chivalric Alliance in terms of getting the draw. Idk what land destruction is like in your meta, but Minas Tirith is also a bit more removal resistant.

  • Painful Truths can be a potential cut, or perhaps swap with Professional Face-Breaker. Face-Breaker is a combat damage trigger, but is still something you can benefit from since you want to go wide & hit face anyways.

  • More of a meta call, but you can maybe cut Vandalblast and/or Damn. I've been cutting back on board wipes in my more aggro decks in favor of more targeted removal, draw, or creatures.

  • Inquisitorial Rosette could be another cut. I've personally moved away from this card & Captain's Claws. I think they got phased out for additional creature slots. If you like it as a menace anthem, then Goblin War Drums is also an option. Ultimately up to you though.

Crow_Umbra on Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestions Last_Laugh. I phased out Captain's Claws and Inquisitorial Rosette from my deck in the past few months, as I felt like my deck did well without them. For similar reason, I wasn't in a big rush to add Anduril, Flame of the West, but I've suggested it to folks building Equipment and/or Voltron-Isshin lists.

My good friend runs Divine Visitation in his Jetmir, Nexus of Revels deck, so I've def seen it first hand. I've had it on my radar, but haven't felt that my deck needs another haymaker.

Besides a handful of recent swaps (Rising of the Day over Fervor), I've been feeling good about how the deck is currently functioning.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin for a Fight

1 year ago

Neyali is cool, but I think she may be better off at the helm of her own 99. I run a handful of instant speed protection effects, & having those stuck in impulse isn't ideal.

Personally, I like Tectonic Giant. I did a recent 1-year comparison of my earliest version(s) of the deck, vs where it's at now. I think Tectonic Giant is one of about 10 creatures that have stayed in deck since day 1.

I like the versatility in Tectonic Giant being a group slug or minor impulse draw effect if needed. I use the burn option more often, but have used the impulse on occasion.

I personally like Inquisitorial Rosette, which you already have in 99, a bit more than Sigiled Sword. Rosette is 1 mana less to cast & equip, & it anthems your entire board instead of just 1 creature.

Again, just my personal playstyle, but I'm not super big on other equipment options for Isshin, aside from Swiftfoot Boots, Lightning Greaves, Captain's Claws, Inquisitorial Rosette, Skullclamp, & Sword of the Animist.

Michigone on Isshin for a Fight

1 year ago

@Crow-Umbra Thanks for all the awesome feedback! I really appreciate you taking the time to give me some solid pointers to really make this deck pop. Okay, Inquisitorial Rosette in for Captain's Claws, 100% easiest switch ever! And where would you make some cuts to the deck in order to fit in Skullclamp, Plumb the Forbidden, and possibly Esper Sentinel?

Crow_Umbra on Isshin for a Fight

1 year ago

Whoops, just realized I meant to tag you in my last response Michigone, and not Plainsrunner.

I like the updates that you've made since I last looked at your list. If you like Captain's Clawsm I'd recommend checking out Inquisitorial Rosette. The equip cost is steeper, but it produces beefier tokens with Vigilance, and is also a Menace anthem to boot.

I'd recommend adding a bit more draw to your deck. I counted about 7-9ish effects that net you some type of card draw or advantage. Since you have a lot of token creating effects, I think that Skullclamp could be right at home here. I think getting about 3-4 more drawing effects in your deck could help it feel a bit more fluid & consistent.

I know I already mentioned them in my last comment, but Tocasia's Welcome and Plumb the Forbidden are both excellent draw options in token focused strategies. I use them both, along with Skullclamp in my Isshin deck to decent success. Tocasia's Welcome might look a little modest because it only draws once per turn, but is fairly reliable if you have a lot creature generating effects. A couple of repeatable draw effects will bolster the one-off and burst draw effects you already have.

Lastly, I'd recommend checking out Ogre Battledriver, since you have Ardoz, Cobbler of War in deck. Haste anthem volume is really helpful with the reliability of some of your big finisher creatures.

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