Go Blank

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Go Blank


Target player discards two cards. Then exile all cards from that player's graveyard.

Crow_Umbra on Favorite mtg art

11 months ago

So many cards have "pet card" status for their art, but I'm always glad to see them in my binders. I'd say I'm definitely a sucker for foil versions of Red cards; I just love how the flames pop. A few favorites off the top of my head in no particular order:

Flavuss on Discardelves

1 year ago

msimcoe First of all i'd like to thank you for the detailed comment . For the mana base : i was thinking from the start about the fetch+shock lands modern Staples but i tried to avoid them because of the Life loss: with all the dorks that let me add mana while losing Life i thought It was a bit risky to try the Classic fetch + shock and i find the mana fix in this deck to be quite easily manageable . I tried Woodland Cemetery too but i found that sometimes It came tapped early in the game . [Fury] and dork removal Is the reason im playing target discard , to enable the dorks plays discarding their removal spells. But you're definitely right about the pure discard being Better later in the game , especially with Nath of the Gilt-Leaf. I've imagined this list to be a slower Elf ramp: "defending" the early plays by controlling the opponent hand i think its crucial for the strategy. But still , to find the perfect balance between the early targeted discard and the generic discard its something do be done here. I'll definitely try funeral charm by removing 2 target discard cards. I find Devoted Druid to be quite a nice addiction here because It has good sinergies with Tyvar the Bellicose and the +1 Tyvar Kell : to turn the mana dorks into Little beaters throught those cards was one of the approach i took while Building the deck. Do you think that this strategy Is lackluster ( keep in mind the slower-controllish way of this build) ? Harmonize feels good when It hits but you're right , im looking for some other draw engine to keep the flow going and i Will try Beast Whisperer for sure. What do you think about Harald Unites the Elves ? Maybe its Just me loving this card but i think It deserves a Place somewhere ahah.

PS. This Go Blank Will definitely find a Place in the sideboard . Yes , your input has been very helpful.

msimcoe on Discardelves

1 year ago

So to flesh out the mana base, in essence I would recommend: - increasing the number of dual lands over basic lands and the quality of the dual lands, i.e. Verdant Catacombs, Woodland Cemetery and Nurturing Peatland. (Having perfect fixing often is the difference between winning and losing.) - and just bumping up the number of lands to something like 21, I know it would feel weird in a deck with so many mana dorks, but in the outlandish event you face a deck playing Fury or Fire / Ice, I think you'll be happy to have land-drop number four over mana dork number four.

Secondly, since you fancy playing Devoted Druid in the main deck, maybe you could take advantage of her combo potential or at least her synergies with cards like Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler especially in place of Tyvar Kell who I don't seeing being a very impactful four-drop. Or alternatively, you could just cut a few mana-dorks for a playset of Waste Nots who would help get you some advantage off of the opponent's discard. And while on the topic, I would suggest playing more just strict "target opponent discards a card" like Funeral Charm over the hand-hate like Inquisition of Kozilek and Dread Fugue since a.) you don't really care about hating on the opponents pieces as much as just making them discard, b.) instant speed discard is always better than sorcery speed and c.) it scales better into the late game.

As well, side note, Harmonize over Beast Whisperer just seems a little too low-impact for the modern format, sure it's a guaranteed one-for-three, but at four-mana it doesn't touch the board and beast whisperer is probably a better investment with all your small creatures that ramp you into more small creatures ramp imo.

Lastly, you asked for some sideboard suggestions, I might play one or two Crippling Fear as one-sided board wipes. As well, pioneer sideboard all-star Go Blank might be good in this shell with some more main-deck discard synergies. Also, just general good green and black sideboard cards are like Veil of Summer, Force of Vigor and Fatal Push

Thats all that I have for how I might build this list, and I hope this was even mildly helpful! Overall, this is an interesting list! A solid idea that I find very similar to The Rack strategies in modern!

wallisface on Bow Down to Sheoldred

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • Your mana curve is excessively high, which will lead to some really slow/clumsy turns. Modern decks typically can't justify running more than 4 cards costing 4 mana, and run nothing above this cost. You've got a whopping 16 cards costing 4-or-more mana, which is far too high (in particular you have no chance of ever casting those 8-mana cards). Added to this, you have almost nothing to do turn-1, meaning you'll often be starting a full turn behind your opponent.

  • Your land base is far too low. 20 land decks typically expect to be stuck on 1-or-2 lands for a decent chunk of the early-game. Even after lowering your curve, you'll likely still need at least 23-24 lands to be able to reliably cast any of your spells.

  • Some of your spells seem really suboptimal. You generally don't want to be paying more than 2 mana for a removal spell, so stuff like Vraska's Contempt and Oblivion Ring seem super sub-optimal. Go Blank, Heartless Pillage and Mind Rot are all pretty weak in Modern, especially as the opponent is very likely to already be empty-handed by the time you're able to cast any of them (in any case 8 cards with this effect is excessive). Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Sangromancer, and Vizkopa Guildmage all don't really do much.

Nordlys on 8-Rack

1 year ago

Hi there, I have some suggestions to consider, but overall looks pretty good.

Regarding your curve:

You're running Bontu's Last Reckoning instead of Languish or Extinction Event or Yahenni's Expertise which seems to indicate that you want to keep your max mana curve as low as three. But then you have Never / Return which needs 4 mana, Castle Locthwain which means 4 lands in total (including itself) and Hive of the Eye Tyrant which needs 4 extra lands to activate, meaning you would need 5 total lands (including itself) in order to use it.

So your curve is actually maxed at 5. I know your deck doesn't strictly need the 5 lands to work because most of it is topped at 3, but I'd use Mutavault instead of Hive (and add more Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to mitigate the colorless mana) in order to drop down that curve a bit and make the most of your man-lands. I don't know about you, but my matches are tight and I often need my lands to transform and attack, so Mutavault performs way better than Hive in my case. Hive is graveyard hate -which is always a good thing- but you've already have 4 copies of Go Blank and 2 Never / Return which seems enough for a mainboard.

Another curve related matter is the fact that if you're running 4-land spells and lands, you could perfectly include some Liliana, Waker of the Dead here. Probably not the full set, but I find her much more useful than Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage

Anyways those are my thoughts. You should play your deck as you prefer because, asides from winning, your deck should feel pleasant to you and that's an important aspect of playing and enjoying the game. Hope it helps.

YamishiTheWickedOne on

1 year ago

Your sideboard also looks about halfway right, there are some things you don't need like Drana and Condemned. I personally would add at least one extra Go Blank. Extinction Event might be a good add, as well as Necromentia. More hearses and maybe drop Invoke Despair to 1, lose Citadel for space.

I hope this helps!

EvilCookie on

1 year ago

Vampire of the Dire Moon -> Vampire Nighthawk or Murderous Rider are budged replacements. Even a Graveyard Trespasser  Flip fit's in for the value.

Legion's End & Go Blank are good sideboard options.

Mousemke on Project Murder

1 year ago

some upgrades you may like for modern

Cabal Coffers more mana than you know what to do with

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth makes up for coffers not producing black, opens up the ability to use other utility lands in the future

Vesuva more coffers!

Dauthi Voidwalker would you like that big creature they just sacrificed?

Liliana of the Veil sacrifice and discard at your discression

Torment of Hailfire remember all that cabal coffers mana?

Crawling Barrens another great place to put all that black mana

Surgical Extraction could be good mainboard, maybe sideboard?

Invoke Despair sacrifice all the things

Go Blank maybe sideboard graveyard removal

Gray Merchant of Asphodel not sure if it makes sense but you do already have one devotion card and gary is great

Feed the Swarm all the sacrifice enchantment things could prob be replaced with this and even this is maybe sideboard material - always do your best not to give the opponent a choice

Liliana's Triumph could replace some of the libation, especially if you end up adding lilly

Castle Locthwain hooray for card draw!

Dark Confidant hooray for card draw!

Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek maybe main, maybe sideboard. what if they have no creatures?

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