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Scion of the Ur-Dragon is better than The Ur-Dagon

Commander / EDH Bracket 4 Combo Creature Cheat Dragons Reanimator Stompy



I like Scion of the Ur-Dragon as a dragon Commander because it lets you play with all your dragons, and can tutor up the right one in case you want to combo.

Not only can Scion of the Ur-Dragon become any Dragon, and is able to set up combos, but Scion is also faster than The Ur-Dragon too. Even though The Ur-Dragon reduces the cost of other Dragons, Scion isn't really trying to cast Dragons so much as become them and basically tutor them into the graveyard to re-animate, which I think is more way more powerful than just reducing the cost of Dragons in hand by . Scion is a lot cheaper than The Ur-Dragon, so can be cast and get the action going earlier. Also, with all the mana-rocks in the deck and a high land count - which I assume would be similar in a The Ur-Dragon, more or less - that cost reduction of seems kind of negligible. These are the reasons I think the Scion of the Ur-Dragon is a better commander than The Ur-Dragon.

I used to have more other creatures in the deck, but I ended up taking out most non-Dragon cards out, to make room for all the mana-rocks. This deck is very mana hungry, and with only non-basic lands, this deck can get shut out by a Blood Moon or Back to Basics. A lot of the ramp in the deck was creature based, but that made it more vulnerable. I switched to "Rainbow Rocks" - all the Signets and Talsimans - for ramp, color fixing, and anti anti-non-basic land tech.

Scion's Ability Show

Worldgorger Dragon / Animate Dead Combo Show

Bladewing / Miirym / Immersturm Predator Show

Gettin' Kenny With It Show

Scion + 11 Mana Show

Notable Exclusions Show

"Whatever Happened to Sisay? And Who's Shanna's Dad Anyways?" - An Original Fan-Fiction, written by TheBestMagicCard Show


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97% Competitive

Date added 3 years
Last updated 1 day

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

68 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.34
Tokens Copy Clone
Folders Decks
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