Bladewing the Risen
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bladewing the Risen

Legendary Creature — Zombie Dragon


When Bladewing the Risen enters the battlefield, you may return target Dragon permanent card from your graveyard to play.

: Dragon creatures get +1/+1 until end of turn.

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Made_Compleat on Tor Wauki, the Pinger

6 months ago

Wow, nice deck! I personally think that you should run Hoarding Broodlord. This card is absolutely insane, as it can tutor up anything from a boardwipe to a Thrumming Stone to win out of nowhere. I also would recommend Bladewing the Risen to get some recursion for your dragons in the yard and maybe even Dragon Mage to refuel your hand.

I have a grixis Dragon's Approach build, Daleks & Dragons [[Davros EDH]]. I'd love it if you could give me some feedback on it!

PhyrexianHellkite on 50$ Budget The Ur-Dragon

9 months ago

I have tested creatures/cards like that in the past and don't like the staying power or what they are adding to this deck. The creature versions get board-wiped the fastest and don't tend to extend the deck past extra mana available, so I prefer to start getting bigger game impact dragons out and only ramp via land ramp and some artifacts. Mainly to help with my mana fixing, draw, and one sided board-wipes. See the list of cards that those would not interact with other than Scaled Nurturer, that one gets the dragon pass but not card draw and would take up one of the 30 dragon slots. Garruk's Uprising, Elemental Bond, Frontier Siege, Wrathful Red Dragon, Silumgar, the Drifting Death, Rith, Liberated Primeval, Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm, Lathliss, Dragon Queen, Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury, Ganax, Astral Hunter, Firkraag, Cunning Instigator, Dromoka, the Eternal, Bladewing the Risen, Atarka, World Render, Haven of the Spirit Dragon, Relic of Legends, Jade Orb of Dragonkind, Carnelian Orb of Dragonkind, Crux of Fate, The Ur-Dragon

So 20 cards or 1/5th of the deck that those would not extend or interact with. Here is a link for some statistics for mana reducers that basically says if you can play cards every turn and use all mana you have as well then they work the best in those types of decks.

Is it worth it to play cost reducers in MTG EDH commander?

Form about this topic

Thanks for the comments! Hope this gives some insight on my deck building/playing style and if you run those mana dorks/cost reducers, I think cards like can help and, I do run them in other decks with less colors or better card draw. I do think a commander like Tiamat would benefit from those to help play the tutored cards after cast and help commander tax to recast it and refill your hand. The main thing I consider is what am I swapping, and in this deck and it's mana fixing for a 5 color deck on a 50$ budget, or a potential dragon slot for a deck that wants dragons on the field attacking to start getting ramped up.

I will continue to update this deck and work to give better descriptions of my other decks as well as I build and update my commander arsenal!

clancy292 on Anje Thought My Other Titles Were Bad?

1 year ago

munky702 this deck doesn't do much casting dragons. it either pulls them out from the deck or reanimates them with Reanimate or Bladewing the Risen. if i tuned this deck more as rakdos dragons deck rather than spellslinger deck, it would be a good include, or even commander.

Ammonzy on Born from Fire [Rivaz of the Claw]

1 year ago


Yeah, you're right. I forgot that Bladewing the Risen was legendary during that moment.

Vessiliana on How to Train UR- Dragon

1 year ago

I would recommend more ramp. Even if you keep your basics count this high, you could add Kodama's Reach or Cultivate. Maybe a bit more lands straight up, and Unclaimed Territory is a good add.

There are some reasonably priced dragons that could help, too. Atarka, World Render, Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm, and Bladewing the Risen are useful and all under $2 each.

Andramalech on MBD Zombie

1 year ago

Balaam__ I agree about building towards a goal that is non-traditional:

Building to win is so Spike, and I wanna win like Timmy or Johnny. I personally think this deck is more Johnny because at first glance.. you might miss some of these key interactions!

I.e.: things like how Zombie Infestation makes bodies that can be tossed for Scourge of Nel Toth, and then replenish your hand with Shadow of the Grave.

Boneyard Scourge is a cool card, but admittedly it isn't eternal format legal... that doesn't mean I won't use his happy ass anyways!

As far as "going second" as a precedent, I would think things like Serum Powder could help do a thing.. I even really like the idea of "going second" but having a strong "turn zero" presence to throw off your opponents (things like the Leylines or Chancellors).

Unfortunately, in competitive settings we both know it's gonna be typical "lame"/boring stuff like:

You splashed blue:

Or you splashed white:

Or, my personal favorite, if you splash green, you can have access to all my favorite removal, Graveyard staples, etc.:

And I wouldn't leave feedback about "How to" without covering the obvious ones, or at least some cards that immediately cross my mind for improvements:

There is a piece of my heart that wishes older Zombies had a more dangerous presence for this, like (I think) Lord of the Undead or Undead Warchief. Even a little slot for Soulless One.

Hell, I've even considered taking this theme to an EDH setting due to a video I saw of Jimmy Wong on Game Nights where he uses Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar as a psuedo-reanimator type build. With the inclusion of , I would especially love to use Bladewing the Risen or his newest iteration from Dominaria United. Initially, what I remembered wanting was "Zombies and Zombie Dragons".

And if we're mentioning that new set, Defiler of Flesh makes this blow up too. So many great "The Rot of the Horde" feeling cards that feed a sensation of an overwhelming wave of Undead minions!

Things like Abomination of Llanowar in a build would also be fun.

Really enjoyed our discussion about this and I'm really curious to see if/what kinda spin you would put on it!

Andramalech on MBD Zombie

1 year ago

Balaam__ I agree about building towards a goal that is non-traditional:

Building to win is so Spike, and I wanna win like Timmy or Johnny. I personally think this deck is more Johnny because at first glance.. you might miss some of these key interactions!

I.e.: things like how Zombie Infestation makes bodies that can be tossed for Scourge of Nel Toth, and then replenish your hand with Shadow of the Grave.

Boneyard Scourge is a cool card, but admittedly it isn't eternal format legal... that doesn't mean I won't use his happy ass anyways!

EnbyGolem on Karona, False God - EDH Tribal [PREMODERN EDH]

1 year ago

I remember we talked a little about you building an old-school deck a while ago - I love that you are starting it! It’s always great to see another old-school deck around here :)

In terms of making cuts to your deck, I would recommend first really looking at what direction you want this deck to go. I see you have a lot of different ideas here but some of them won’t work well until you hone your deck more in that direction. For example, I see you have some tribal pieces in there like Patriarch's Bidding and Bladewing the Risen - great cards but they’re only effective when you have a tribal deck. Dragons are your most occurring creature type but I could only identify 9 total dragons here. Dragon tribal would be sweet but I would move more solidly in that direction if that’s the type of deck you want.

I actually really see the bones for two different types of decks here: 2-3 color dragon reanimator or 5 color grab-bag of cool weird cards - you could absolute combine the two ideas but I think the two concepts (especially the dragon tribal) will really demand more attention for it to really click together. Have you thought about making two different decks? Then you could utilize more of those other sweet cards on your maybeboard too :)

This is just a suggestion though. The most important thing is to build the deck you want to play with! Find the cards you love playing, throw it in, and have fun - as you mentioned above, this is an opportunity to build something fun and silly with less focus on competition and more about you playing with the things that you find joy in.

Good luck! I’m excited to see how your deck will evolve; I know it will become a killer old-school gem :)

P.S. I would look through your list and make sure you get rid of any doubles. It looks like you could go down 7 cards just by removing duplicates!

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