Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient

Legendary Creature — Dragon

Flying, Haste

Whenever this Attacks, gain X mana in any combination of colours, where X is the total power of attacking creatures. Spend this mana only to cast spells. Until end of turn, you don't lose this mana as steps and phases end.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Sopandrel, Hunger Dominus
Sowing Salt
Vrondiss, Rage of Ancients
Harvesttide Sentry
Illustrious Historian
Unstoppable Ogre

AlistarFiend on How to Train Ūr-Dragon

6 months ago

Profet93 You would think I would need to add more mana rocks, but honestly it has not been much of a problem getting The Ur-Dragon in to the battlefield. Ancient Copper Dragon, Cavern-Hoard Dragon, Decadent Dragon, Goldspan Dragon, Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient, Morophon, the Boundless, Old Gnawbone, Rivaz of the Claw and Sarkhan, Soul Aflame all work very well as mana ramp in this deck.

Willen on Ur-Dragon's Multiverse Onslaught | *PRIMER*

1 year ago

Oh... Hello there. I just want to talk about some experiences with new cards and some returned creatures. Obviously counting with my playgroup as experience.

First of all, I want to talk about how Cavern-Hoard Dragon is absurd. However the original CMC be like 9 mana, it's incredible how easy and powerfull it can be casted in early or midgame, depending of your opponents of course. Can be another ramp source and damage dealer with Old Gnawbone and Ancient Copper Dragon. In my case, I switched Immersturm Predator for it, because Predator hardly can take care of your battlefield without a creature, or even if your oponent manages to protect their target card in graveyard.

Another change that was added is Last March of the Ents. Almost all dragons have toughness around 4 or more. And this spell was like a finisher, because it cannot be negated, and if you have only a dragon 4/4, it will draw 4 cards for you and drop any number of creatures from your hand to battlefield. It's absolutely insane. I changed O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami for this. I feel this dragon still powerfull, but it's just a target of Tiamat effect, and now we have new powerfull choices to use. Not to mention the need to have haste to give O-Kagachi full potention.

Well, another choices to add or remove that I did: Thrakkus the Butcher -> Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient (Thrakkus was realy unneeded, because swing with my dragons basically end games, just with their original powers. Klauth provides mana correction and ramp based in my dragon's attacks) Greater Good -> Ancient Gold Dragon (This change was more a test than anything, but AGD provides a good sinergy with Last March of Ents, Scourge of Valkas, Terror of Peaks, and creates good blockers. I realy liked the change).

Mana base: I use now all the fetch lands, shock, some triomas and some goodstuffs to ramp and filter cards in the deck.

Maybe, just maybe... Delighted Halfling? Just thinking...

Well, this is just a report of tests and changes in my deck, because is very similar of yours. I want to know how is your opinion about, and what think could be useful or not to us, the biggest dragon deck users of TappedOut hahaha And I want to contribute more here, so that's it... See ya

Gleeock on What is Gruul to you?

1 year ago

Currently Gruul is thought of only by its' brutish Ravnica origin & there is alot of missed opportunity there, as about all the other color pairings have branched out since Strixhaven. I think of Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient currently as representative of Gruul.

Some good ideas for future direction of Gruul.

1) I would love to see some bomb redirect effects in Gruul... Ward "copy & retarget a spell"? Maybe a Grip of Chaos commander that spawned redirect targets for the table? Maybe replacing instances of creature destruction, sac, exile into artifact & enchantment somehow?

2) Gruul could fill a unique space of group-gifting & hug-into-slug for anti control decks. Playing with fire by making the table difficult to control. Think of the unique way that Oath of Druids floods the table with creatures until spellslingers are left pulling their hair, maybe add a little incentive to slap players that can't hang. So now you are combined punishing artifact/enchantment heavy decks, while gifting their opponents. Also, Heartwood Storyteller does this in an unusual way, making the table benefit from playing your game while also causing an out-of-control boardstate. I have great love for Kibo, Uktabi Prince in this sortof hug-into-slug design space.

3) Seems like alot of opportunity to "control" a game direction by making it more difficult for any one player to actually control things, while promoting a "come at me bro" attitude with permanents. I've done this type of play pattern before, there just isn't a ton of feasible support for it yet & it seems like would be the right home for it.

TypicalTimmy on Ranking the Swords of X …

1 year ago

If you don't have mana available post-combat, the sword essentially does nothing outside of +2/+2 and protection. Cards like this are very risky because you could end up wheeling into something very important, that you have now lost forever.

I don't think it'll make too big of a splash. Likely on par with Sword of Hearth and Home.

Unless you have a VERY specific build in mind, cough Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient cough cough, I can't see it being all that useful.

multimedia on Miirym Dragon Tribal Deck

1 year ago

Hey, well done so far for a first deck with a $500+ budget.

34 lands and only 9 reliable ramp sources is low for Dragons. The land count is fine, but only if you add more low mana cost ramp. Add more lands or add more ramp? Tempt with Discovery relies on opponents to be ramp and Thaumatic Compass  Flip relies on you controlling seven or more lands to be ramp. These aren't reliable as ramp and they cost too much mana for what you get.

In simplest terms there's two areas you want most with Miirym, ramp and Dragons. Ramp to first cast 6 mana Miirym and Dragons to cast after Miirym. Of course you want other areas too, but most important are these two. Consider expanding on ramp?

Nature's Lore, Farseek are more good two drop land ramp like Three Visits. Cursed Mirror is excellent with blink, if you blink the copied creature then that blinks Mirror which can then ETB as a copy of some other creature including an opponent's creature. You can also choose to have it just ETB as a mana rock which is needed for a combo.

Jade Orb of Dragonkind gives protection from targeted removal until your next turn for the Dragon you cast with it. This effect is helpful since paying a lot of mana to cast a Dragon to then have it killed is feels bad. Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner untap ability is versatile, any permanent you control, it's also repeatable draw when a Dragon ETB including a token.

There's 100+ of different Dragons you could play with a $500+ budget and having Old Gnawbone as a price point? Consider upgrading some Dragons?

These Dragons can be parts of wincon combos and they're made much better thanks to Miiryn copying them. All these Dragons don't break the bank and adding them can really increase the power level of your deck.

What's nice about these combos are they all use a Dragon. All the cards are good by themselves, but with the Dragon and/or Miirym they're much better. Tandem Lookout can be repeatable draw that can change creature it's bonded too. Bond to any creature you control before Miirym, then bond to Miirym and when you're ready bond to Niv-Mizzet. Bond to any Dragon who can do repeatable noncombat damage to opponents such as Scourge of Valkas for lots of draw.

Getting more value: ramp, draw or removal from Dragons can help gameplay. Steel Hellkite + Old Gnawbone/Savage Ventmaw mana can wreck especially when you have multiple Hellkites.

If you're interested I offer more advice in another comment. Would you like more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

TypicalTimmy on Double dragons

1 year ago

Mind if I ask how you got Atarka to say "thick"?

As for Miirym, what I do is go for a three-pronged approach: Ramp (excluded, all decks should have ramp), ETB effects, draw and doubling or copying effects.

Miirym at her core is a value-driven Commander. You want each spell to have weight and merit. That weight might not be immediately accessible, but your ultimate goal should be to overwhelm and overpower. Yes, you are prone to wraths, rifts, counterspells, prisons, taxes, etc but that is really a problem that belies all decks, indeed all formats. Though, some to a lesser degree. Regardless, the key here is saturation.

For example, Miirym will create a token copy of any dragon that enters the battlefield under your control, yes? Therefore, spells and permanents that take advantage of this will reign supreme. I see you have Dragon Tempest and Warstorm Surge, so you're off to a good start. As do you have Garruk's Uprising and Temur Ascendancy.

So fundamentally you already understand the core concepts of Miirym.

I see you also have Adrix and Niv and Reflections. These are a good start. The issue here is that just 2 cards out of the whole deck are going to largely be unseen throughout multiple games. You want consistency. Cards such as Parallel Lives or Doubling Season work really well, as does Progenitor Mimic.

My decks also run a much more dense population of ramp in the way of mana rocks, also. Drawing cards does no good if you can't cast them. Speaking of which, Sneak Attack doesn't require you to cast the dragon, but she will still copy it. That's something to consider.

A really good closer is Furnace of Wrath or anything that can double your damage. I see you have Atarka, World Render which is a great addition especially in and against pronounced aerial combat scenarios. However, being able to stack doubling damage is also a wonderful thing.

My particular deck relies heavily on ETB damage effects, which can be used to clear the way for assaults. Since my Dragons have numerous ways to garner haste, it means that I can decimate threats, then attack my opponent's life points directly - oops, wrong tcg

A wonderful addition is Frontier Siege for this very reason. While it does risk my own dragon dying, it also is wonderful removal in general. Notice that it is a "may" ability, which means I do not have to allow my dragon to die to a much larger threat. Then again, if Miirym is in play, I'm effectively getting 2 spot-removals for the price of one. Alternatively, if I am against a faster opponent or a combo-centric deck, I can always choose Khans and opt to add instead.

A wonderful addition to the deck, I see you have Savage Ventmaw and Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient is Old Gnawbone. Don't be afraid to add more legendary dragons to your list, because the clone copies that Miirym make are specifically listed as non-legendary, which I feel is where her true power comes from.

Speaking of which, one supremely strong utility creature in the deck is Hellkite Tyrant. Since EDH players make large use of artifacts, but artifact removal is scarce, you can take full advantage of this and steal their toys right out from under their noses. You also gain the ability, with haste, to strip the resources of two opponents at once! And if you make an additional token copy, you can hit all three and be miles ahead of the competition.

Just realize that a well-oiled Miirym deck will make you public enemy #1. Expect some archenemy matches in your near future. And don't be surprised when players hold grudges and retaliations against you. I once played against a guy who singularly focused on me for an entire game, despite me doing literally nothing because I had no ramp and wasn't drawing into lands. But that's a story for another day.

DraconicDestruction on Jund'em Featuring the Dragons of Tarkir

1 year ago

Due to the fact that you have a lot of dragons, you could use Cryptic Gateway to get dragons down faster, Wrathful Red Dragon for protection, Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient for good ramp, and a Rivaz of the Claw for ramp & recursion

DraconicDestruction on Karlach's Swinging Special

1 year ago

Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient could go well with your commander's background, and if you put klauth in, you might as well throw in Hellkite Courser for infinite combat steps and mana. it may raise the curb, but it's worth it

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