Moltensteel Dragon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Moltensteel Dragon

Artifact Creature — Phyrexian Dragon

( can be paid with either or 2 life)


: Moltensteel Dragon gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

Rhadamanthus on Commander format : Is scion …

1 year ago

You can use double square brackets around a card's name to create a reference link: Scion of the Ur-Dragon, Savage Ventmaw, Old Gnawbone. It's the best way to make sure everyone understands what's going on in the question.

No, it won't work that way. Scion of the Ur-Dragon's ability doesn't create an extra copy of the dragon you choose, rather it makes Scion become a copy of that dragon until end of turn. When Scion becomes a copy, it will just be that dragon and won't have its normal printed abilities or the printed abilities from something else it may have been a copy of earlier in the turn.

You can use Scion's ability in a way that makes it become multiple other dragons in sequence, but in the end it will just be one of them, not all of them. Sometimes this can be useful, like in a combo where you activate Scion, immediately respond by activating it again, get Moltensteel Dragon with the first activation that resolves, respond by pumping up its power before the other Scion activation resolves, and then for the other Scion activation get Dragon Tyrant/Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon and the +X/+0 effect you created will carry over. In your example, there's nothing that will carry over between Savage Ventmaw and Old Gnawbone.

MTGBurgeoning on Scion of the Ur-Dragon: Every. Dragon. Ever.

1 year ago

Unfortunately, no, but I wish it would! Once Scion of the Ur-Dragon becomes a copy of Ancient Gold Dragon, it loses its original activated ability, becoming an exact copy of AGD. Although Scion's ability can be activated in response to an activation (i.e. the Moltensteel Dragon + Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon combo), once Scion becomes a copy of a Dragon, that ability is lost until the next turn. That would be a sweet combo though!

Dead_Blue_ on Will Phyrexian Mana Return?

1 year ago

I hope so!

I love cards like Moltensteel Dragon

TheOfficialCreator on Tiamat's 5 Color Dragons

1 year ago

The Ur-Dragon might be a good finisher, though with dragons I suppose anything is a finisher XD

Given the volume of fliers in this deck, it might be worth putting Regal Behemoth in.

Also, Scion of the Ur-Dragon + Moltensteel Dragon + Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon is usually game over for your opponent if Scion is allowed to connect.

MTGBurgeoning on Scion of the Ur-Dragon: Every. Dragon. Ever.

2 years ago

Thank you for your great feedback! It's always appreciated. I did consider Eerie Ultimatum when it was previewed during Ikoria spoiler season. I eventually decided to leave it out of the 99 due to its tricky mana cost in a 5-color deck and, more persuasively, the fact that a suite of mass recursion spells already existed in the deck, like Living Death, Patriarch's Bidding and Rise of the Dark Realms. These spells, of course, return creatures to the battlefield, which Eerie Ultimatum does as well. However, with just 12 other non-land, non-creature permanents in the current 99 of this build, Eerie Ultimatum did not seem valuable enough to squeeze into the deck, and that is considering the potential mana ramp of recurring multiple fetch lands to the battlefield as well (no landfall triggers).

Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm's inclusion into this deck is inevitable. The moment a copy of her becomes available she will become a part of this deck and make it so much stronger. The same can be said for Ancient Copper Dragon, Ancient Silver Dragon and Ancient Gold Dragon. Moltensteel Dragon's presence in this deck is to combo with Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon or Dragon Tyrant for the purposes of one-shotting an opponent, usually a control player or blue mage at the table. Panharmonicon is an interesting card to consider. By my count, in the current 99 of this build, there are four Dragons (Bladewing the Risen, Lathliss, Dragon Queen, Scourge of Valkas, Terror of the Peaks), three enchantments (Garruk's Uprising, Dragon Tempest, Temur Ascendancy) and one artifact (Dragon's Hoard) that could benefit from the inclusion of Panharmonicon. That is a total of eight cards from the 99 (8.08%). That does not seem like a high enough percentage of cards to reconcile adding Panharmonicon to the deck. Yarok, the Desecrated would not approve.

Thank you for your comments and your recommendations! I appreciate them and am looking forward to upgrading this deck with several new cards from Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate!

Soulus101 on Scion of the Ur-Dragon: Every. Dragon. Ever.

2 years ago

Interesting deck! Have you considered Eerie Ultimatum as a payoff for dumping dragons into your graveyard? I think it's a must-have in any graveyard decks that have the manabase to support it.

Another consideration for you is the new dragon commander Miirym, Sentinel Wurm. Extra copies of all of your dragons seems strong, certainly over Moltensteel Dragon. On a related note, this deck seems like it would really benefit from a Panharmonicon.

All that said, some interesting cards here that I'll try and squeeze into my Miirym deck, for sure.

Rivel on (retired) Mono red Dragon Deck V2

2 years ago

So I have rambled on and on about my thoughts on all of the different aspects of this deck. In advance, I would like to thank anyone who has taken the time out of their day to read all of these and leave their own thoughts, as that is part of what makes this community great. There aren't many more themes to talk about in the deck. Now, onto win cons. So my main win conditions in the deck are damage from triggers and beating the opponent down with hoards of big dragons (with a third backup wincon with Hellkite Tyrant and Hellkite Igniter).

For damage from triggers I have Where Ancients Tread, Warstorm Surge, Dragon Tempest, Terror of the Peaks, Scourge of Valkas and Panharmonicon. They work great with Lathliss, Dragon Queen due to the tokens she generates when another dragon is played, all activating those damage triggers which can be used to control the board and directly target the opponent's HP pools. Archwing Dragon is a reliable way for the Damage triggers to activate each turn. Summons from Utvara Hellkite, Skyline Despot and Dragonmaster Outcast act as backup token generators for the damage triggers in case our lathliss isn't in play. Demanding Dragon is potentially a free 5 damage to the opponent's face. Drakuseth, Maw of Flames his damage trigger is repeatable every time you attack.

Supporting cards for the first win condition: I do not have any of these three cards in my decklist, as I can't figure out what I want to replace to get them in, but the dream is there. Conjurer's Closet allows you to make a dragon leave and re-enter the field at the end of the turn, triggering all of our ETB effects above. Mirage Mirror allows you to copy one of our pieces above, and you can choose the most beneficial one. It would be nice having two Dragon Tempest in play, especially say if you have 6 dragons on the field, have Mirage Mirror end of turn triggering them and getting free 12 damage to any target you want. If you could fit in a Fiery Emancipation that 12 turns into 36!

The secondary win condition "beat down", with "big" "dragon hoards", is also supported by Lathliss, Dragon Queen due to the big 5/5 token dragons she pumps out. The "dragon hoard" part is also supported by cards such as Utvara Hellkite, Skyline Despot, Dragonmaster Outcast as they all generate plenty of dragons. Now the "big" part comes from my anthems that buff my dragons Crucible of Fire, Gauntlet of Power, The Immortal Sun, and Vanquisher's Banner, as well as several dragons that are all pumpable to make them and/or their fellow dragons hit harder. Moonveil Dragon, Scourge of Valkas, Moltensteel Dragon and lastly Lathliss, Dragon Queen. Now, the fun part of my secondary win condition, "beat down" comes into play. Dragons such as Scourge of the Throne and Hellkite Charger allow you to take an extra combat turn, allowing you to really bash in your opponent's face with your big dragon hoard :)

Supporting cards for the secondary win condition: Terror of Mount Velus gives all of your dragon's double strike. Thundermaw Hellkite allows you to tap your opponent's fliers, allowing your dragons through. Drakuseth, Maw of Flames allows you to potentially shoot down any small fliers blocking your path. Cards I would like to put in: Fervor, Anger and Akroma's Memorial would allow any dragons that enter the field to have haste (with akroma adding a slew of goodies and protection). Door of Destinies could allow you to grow your dragons even more. Gratuitous Violence and Fiery Emancipation would allow you to double and triple your damage. Rage Reflection granting double strike would be nice. I would prioritize Fervor, Anger and Akroma's Memorial, as haste is such a beautiful thing, as it helps make up for lost time due to how expensive your dragons can be. I am not sure what I need to remove to fit them into the deck.

Lastly, Hellkite Tyrant is a pretty nifty dragon, acting as a potential win condition on its own. My deck has plenty of artifacts as is, and I typically play against 2-3 (sometimes even more) opponents in a game. Reaching the 20 artifacts owned is doable, the hard part would be keeping it, the artifacts, and yourself alive until it is once more your turn (Suddenly that wall of text I wrote on protection is looking a lot more appealing). Another fun synergy with that is Hellkite Igniter, if that can sneak on by you can pump its damage insanely high due to all of the artifacts! Need to see about getting some haste in the deck to help it connect...

Thanks all for reading!

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