Liliana's Mastery

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Liliana's Mastery


Zombie you control get +1/+1.

When Liliana's Mastery enters the battlefield, create two 2/2 black Zombie tokens.

GhostmkakerQQ on

1 year ago

I have removed the following cards:

Curse of the Restless Dead

Blade of Selves

Mystic Skull  Flip

Crawl from the Cellar

Altar of Dementia

Ghouls' Night Out

Pyre of Heroes

Liliana's Mastery

Added a few cheap zombie cards in as well as more land cards as advised by Lukas96. this has drastically improved the deck in performance thank you! I usually win by turn 12 or earlier (testing on Ai of course).

I will continue to improve the deck.

multimedia on Gisa, Zom Zom Queen *Work In Progress*

1 year ago

Hey, well done so far, but I think you overestimate needing so many buffs (anthems).

All the artifacts for anthem effects is overkill, you have tutors that can get the better anthem. Adding more repeatable draw sources can do more for gameplay than anthems because more reliable draw helps to draw the better anthems. Coat of Arms, Eldrazi Monument and The Immortal Sun are much better than the other artifact anthems here.

In my opinion anthem effects to be worth playing need to also have card quality for the mana cost. Instruments of War and Hall of Triumph are bad cards, only providing a small anthem effect nothing else for their mana cost isn't good enough to take deck spots. Obelisk of Urd is subpar, but at least it can be mana cost reduced even to 0 with Zombies. Bad Moon is only 2 mana, but there's greater two drops that have much better card quality. Heraldic Banner can be a mana rock, but even so you can do better for a three drop.

Adaptive Automaton is a creature who Gisa can sac and who can be a Zombie lord (anthem), but it's a bad card compared to all other Zombie lords who provide another good repeatable effect. Icon of Ancestry and Vanquisher's Banner aren't worth it since there's too many nonZombie creatures here. You can get more reliable repeatable draw from other sources.

You have Crypt Ghast, Cabal Coffers and tutors to get them, you don't need Caged Sun and Gauntlet of Power mana effects. These cards are better in mono white, red or blue because these colors can really use the mana ramp. Liliana's Mastery is a very low budget five drop for Zombies, not needed here.

There's several cards in the maybeboard to consider adding main deck if you have them. Areas to focus on improving with cards from the maybeboard are early game ramp, repeatable draw for only you, reanimation and more Zombie evasion.

Other cards to consider adding from the maybeboard.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

ImNora on Cards that buff zombie tribal?

1 year ago

Here's the deck (for casual EDH):

I'm looking to add cards to it that will increase my zombie's power and toughness. I've gotta be missing some... I'm new to tribal stuff, so yeah.

So far, here's the list of things I found that buff zombies:

Heraldic Banner

Tomb Tyrant

Bad Moon

Cemetery Reaper

Coat of Arms

Death Baron

Death-Priest of Myrkul

Dragon Throne of Tarkir

Eldrazi Monument

Liliana's Devotee

Liliana's Mastery

Lord of the Accursed

Lord of the Undead

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed

Risen Executioner

Undead Warchief

Vanquisher's Banner

multimedia on Rotcleaver’s Revenge

1 year ago

Hey, well done so far upgrading the precon, nice Phyrexian Altar.

Some cards from the precon to consider adding:

Talisman of Dominance ETB untapped to make either color. Another mana rock upgrade is Dimir Signet replacing Charcoal Diamond. Dreadhorde Invasion is a repeatable source of Zombie and Eternal Skylord is a much worse Hordewing Skaab. Curse of the Restless Dead is a more reliable repeatable source of Zombies than Undead Alchemist.

Pact of the Serpent is powerful tribal card for Zombies. Battle at the Bridge needs lots more artifacts to be playable. Zombie Apocalypse is powerful tribal card for Zombies especially when your Commander sacs Zombies to draw. Patriarch's Bidding is another mass reanimation tribal Zombie card. Dread Summons needs a ton of mana paid into it to be decent since you have no control over milling your own or opponent creatures.

Gisa and Geralf can be repeatable cast of Zombies from your graveyard which can do more than Ebondeath, Dracolich. Feed the Swarm is helpful to have enchantment removal in Dimir. Liliana, Death's Majesty can be repeatable Zombies and her other abilities are good too. She does more than Liliana's Mastery, but honestly you don't need either one of these cards since there's better five drops here or could add.

The more basic Islands you can replace with Dimir dual lands the better the manabase will be because black mana is much important than blue. Lots of basic Islands makes it more difficult to cast heavy black spells. Tainted Isle and Choked Estuary are playable lands in the precon that care about Swamps and you have a lot of Swamps.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on Undead Unleashed

2 years ago

Hey, nice upgrades of Demonic, Acererak, Stitcher, Gravecrawler, Grim, Sidisi, Cryptbreaker, Master, Undead, Remembrance, Titan, Victimize, Misty, Drowned, Clearwater.

Interesting choices to cut the mana rock ramp other than Sol from the precon and reduced the lands from 40 to 31. Reducing the lands is fine because 40 lands in the precon is too much. Although, only 31 lands is pretty risky; I wouldn't play below 34 if I'm not playing green. The problem is you haven't compensated for the reduction of lands by adding more ramp to have enough mana or more low CMC draw to help to draw lands or some of both. It looks like you have cut lands to add more high CMC cards which is the wrong approach when upgrading a precon.

With a budget of $400+ consider adding the mana rocks? The precon has Arcane Signet, Talisman of Dominance and Crowded Crypt, all these are good. Add to these Dimir Signet and Thought Vessel; these two are upgrades for the Diamonds. More low CMC draw can also replace lands such as Brainstorm, Preordain, Deadly Dispute, Frantic Search, Village Rites.

Dreadhorde Invasion is a two drop in the precon and it's a good repeatable Zombie source for Wilhelt. Sac the Zombie Army token at your end step on each of your turns for a repeatable draw source that only costs you 1 life on your turn. Midnight Reaper is also in the precon and it's a Zombie who can be a repeatable source of draw especially with Gravecrawler.

Some cards to consider cutting because they're not as good as others here:

I don't think you have the mana to support X spells such as Summons and Empty to get enough from them to be worth casting. Adding Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth would help also with casting Army.

With Gravecrawler to combo with Rooftop you need a sac outlet. To combo with Wilhelt and Poppet Factory you also need a sac outlet. Consider adding some sac outlets?

  • Blasting Station: can be the win condition with either Gravecrawler or Factory combo.
  • Carrion Feeder: one drop Zombie.
  • Ashnod's Altar: combos with Havengul Lich + Rooftop to repeatedly reanimate/sac/reanimate all Zombies in all graveyards.
  • Altar of Dementia: infinite mills all your opponents when you control Factory by repeatedly sacing just one Zombie. Can also be the win condition with Gravecrawler + Rooftop.

If you're wanting to win with combo especially with Rooftop then consider some protection for the combo? Lazotep Plating, Counterspell, Swan Song, Flusterstorm.

Good luck with your deck.

Sparko on Liliana Zombie deck

2 years ago

I play a commander deck built around The Scarab God, and I have a ton of great recommendations. There's a few really fun directions you can take this, but flooding the board with zombie tokens and making them really beefy is a good bet. Here's some decent budget options, since you say you don't buy many cards:

  • Undead Augur is also cheap to cast, and gets you drawing a lot of cards very quickly.
  • Zombie Lords like Diregraf Captain, Lord of the Accursed, Death Baron, and many more are staples for zombie decks, though getting more than a few can get expensive.
  • Wonder gives you a zombie air force whenever it's in the graveyard.
  • Liliana's Mastery gets you two tokens and buffs your zombies.
  • Necromancer's Stockpile is a good way to draw cards and get tokens on the board, and if you pitch anything that can recur it's doesn't even have much of a downside.

For some cards that aren't budget, if you want to eventually buy/trade for some really good zombie cards, I've got you covered there too:

Best of luck in your future zombie-fueled games!

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