Hall of Triumph

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hall of Triumph

Legendary Artifact

As Hall of Triumph enters the battlefield, choose a color.

Creatures you control of the chosen color get +1/+1

DrukenReaps on Toughness boost in Red

1 year ago

Not to many true anthems available to mono red.

Some artifact options-

Hall of Triumph, The Immortal Sun, Eldrazi Monument


Vanquisher's Banner, Coat of Arms

And Berserkers' Onslaught doesn't do exactly what you want but first strike and double strike will often out do a +1/+1 anthem.

multimedia on Gisa, Zom Zom Queen *Work In Progress*

1 year ago

Hey, well done so far, but I think you overestimate needing so many buffs (anthems).

All the artifacts for anthem effects is overkill, you have tutors that can get the better anthem. Adding more repeatable draw sources can do more for gameplay than anthems because more reliable draw helps to draw the better anthems. Coat of Arms, Eldrazi Monument and The Immortal Sun are much better than the other artifact anthems here.

In my opinion anthem effects to be worth playing need to also have card quality for the mana cost. Instruments of War and Hall of Triumph are bad cards, only providing a small anthem effect nothing else for their mana cost isn't good enough to take deck spots. Obelisk of Urd is subpar, but at least it can be mana cost reduced even to 0 with Zombies. Bad Moon is only 2 mana, but there's greater two drops that have much better card quality. Heraldic Banner can be a mana rock, but even so you can do better for a three drop.

Adaptive Automaton is a creature who Gisa can sac and who can be a Zombie lord (anthem), but it's a bad card compared to all other Zombie lords who provide another good repeatable effect. Icon of Ancestry and Vanquisher's Banner aren't worth it since there's too many nonZombie creatures here. You can get more reliable repeatable draw from other sources.

You have Crypt Ghast, Cabal Coffers and tutors to get them, you don't need Caged Sun and Gauntlet of Power mana effects. These cards are better in mono white, red or blue because these colors can really use the mana ramp. Liliana's Mastery is a very low budget five drop for Zombies, not needed here.

There's several cards in the maybeboard to consider adding main deck if you have them. Areas to focus on improving with cards from the maybeboard are early game ramp, repeatable draw for only you, reanimation and more Zombie evasion.

Other cards to consider adding from the maybeboard.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

Speedster374 on Come at me bro!

1 year ago

I prefer Thalia's Lieutenant over Champion of the Parish as the additional mana is usually worth the ETB buff as a late game draw.

Hall of Triumph could be replaced by Path of Bravery or Spear of Heliod depending on your preferred playstyle.

Angel of Glory's Rise is a winner for Darien decks, currently it will resurrect 75% of your creatures (and the bonus zombie interaction is fun too). Sun Titan is also great repeatable resurrection, bringing back a current 64% of your permanent cards.

Mirror Entity is a cool card to think about, it adds to your human/soldier count and acts as a mana-sink late game to turn your army into buff dudes (either to attack with or survive damage-based removal such as Hour of Devastation)

Hardhitta7 on The Last Samurai

3 years ago

I cut Hall of Triumph instead, I forgot that it only pumped creatures of one color and not creature types.

Yeah those seem good, I’ll try to fit them in!

Grimgrinner on Toski's Happy Tree Friends

3 years ago

Optional upgrades!! - I will only recommend cards that stay on the theme of small creatures getting big or overwhelming. If you want a Toski deck full of big threats, look at another build.

- Hall of Triumph pretty solid honestly. I just had trouble finding the deck slot for it. Run it if you like!

- Birds of Paradise - sure it's a worse Scryb Sprites in this deck but its also another Scryb Sprites and ramps so eh?

- Hope of Ghirapur better than scryb sprites and comes in for free off our Helm of Awakening but doesn't benefit from our green buff spells. Also that ability will probably draw some ire when people can't cast their turn 2 Arcane Signet or Rampant Growth or whatever.

- Skullclamp ill let you figure this one out

- Commander's Plate Toski get big and protection from 4 colors. What's not to like?

- Bow of Nylea The static deathtouch alone is worth the CMC. $6+ though, not as budget friendly. If you played during theros though, you probably opened about 3-4 of these and they're sitting in chaff boxes.

- Exploration I mean, yeah. look at it.

- Azusa, Lost but Seeking Its pretty good. Hard to drop the lands consistently. Make sure you got the draw to fuel her and something to spend all that mana on. She's better in landfall decks, really, and our only landfall in here is Scute Swarm .

- Heroic Intervention great for board wipes or combat tricks. Not so smug with your 1-mana Blasphemous Act eh?

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