Lord of the Accursed

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lord of the Accursed

Creature — Zombie

Other Zombies you control get +1/+1.

, : All Zombies gain menace until end of turn. (They can't be blocked except by two or more creatures.)

papafranku99 on Unholy Frenzy

11 months ago

You're welcome :) I'm using my paper deck that i've been playtesting on forge. I think Champion of the Perished will work especially well, and Lord of the Accursed will be a brutal way to bolster your attacks. I'd be interested to see how it plays now if you can get your combo going with Carrion Feeder, Gravecrawler, and Champion of the Perished. I'll play against it some more and let you know what i think

Valengeta on Unholy Frenzy

11 months ago

Thank you! What deck are you using against it? I'm trying to fit in Champion of the Perished and Lord of the Accursed in there but had to remove Thoughtseize and Whip of Erebos for them. What do you think?

TheVectornaut on Dead of Night

1 year ago

I think the biggest weakness of this deck is that it's hard to curve out early with so many of the slots occupied by cards at 3 CMC or higher. The ideal play pattern is probably to slam down Champion of the Perished on turn 1 and then follow up with a zombie or 2 every following turn until finishing with a bomb. This is difficult to do with Relentless Dead as your only 2 drop, and if you don't draw Champion, the lack of 1 drops makes things even worse. I'd recommend adding something like Gravecrawler, Diregraf Ghoul, Cryptbreaker, or Dread Wanderer to provide early pressure in the absence of a champion. Then, on 2, I personally like Undead Augur for the draw, especially paired with a sac outlet like Carrion Feeder. Other 2s could be Waste Not with a discard package, Graveyard Marshal as a lordless Cemetery Reaper, or you could dedicate the slots to cheaper removal. Invoke Despair is very flashy but seldom as efficient as a Thoughtseize or Fatal Push. On 3, you have enough cards, although I would still offer Geralf's Messenger, Diregraf Colossus, and Lord of the Accursed as other options to consider. To make room, the most obvious place to start is the bloated 6-slot, and as much as I love using him in my Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest EDH deck, Champion of Stray Souls is very slow in 60-card formats. Helm of the Host, Liliana, Dreadhorde General, and Killing Wave (without a drain package with Gray Merchant of Asphodel) also seem underwhelming to me. It should be noted that I'm using modern as the basis for my evaluation. If your local casual meta is slow enough, running more big guys isn't as big of a problem, although I'd still try for more 1s and 2s just to avoid games where you're bricked until turn 3.

nlidmaster on Mono-black zomboys

1 year ago

This deck looks really solid! One of my close friends has been running a blue and black zombie deck for a while. I think your deck would benefit a lot from Cryptbreaker. Can generate zombies and card draw. Foulmire Knight is also a solid option.

As much as I love Grave Titan, depending on how fast/competitive you want this deck to be, he is going to slow you down a lot. I think Diregraf Colossus could be a strong replacement.

Lord of the Accursed can also be a game winning zombie lord. Although Consume Spirit adds to the lifegain idea, you still need at least three mana to cast it, and even then its not doing much work for you. Murderous Rider can not only serve as removal, but is alternatively a zombie with lifelink.

Cards I'd take out to replace with the ones I receommended would be Consume Spirit, Grave Titan, Graf Harvest, Headless Rider, and Shambling Ghast.

These of course are personal suggestions, you do what makes you happy!

ImNora on Cards that buff zombie tribal?

1 year ago

Here's the deck (for casual EDH):

I'm looking to add cards to it that will increase my zombie's power and toughness. I've gotta be missing some... I'm new to tribal stuff, so yeah.

So far, here's the list of things I found that buff zombies:

Heraldic Banner

Tomb Tyrant

Bad Moon

Cemetery Reaper

Coat of Arms

Death Baron

Death-Priest of Myrkul

Dragon Throne of Tarkir

Eldrazi Monument

Liliana's Devotee

Liliana's Mastery

Lord of the Accursed

Lord of the Undead

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed

Risen Executioner

Undead Warchief

Vanquisher's Banner

TheOfficialCreator on Remains of the Tuskmother

1 year ago

It also goes infinite with a single Carrion Feeder and an elephant as written :P

But I really vibe with the design! I love the idea of creating a bunch of undead elephants, and like Stardragon said it has tribal synergies as well, like Lord of the Accursed.

mrweaselman on Walking Dead

2 years ago

Headless Rider is better here than Open the Graves and Lord of the Accursed is better than Graf Harvest, I would recommend running 3-4 of each. You can cut the enchantments, Risen Executioner because it's basically Lord of the Accursed, and Foulmire Knight. Go up one Death Baron for the deathtouch you're taking out, then you'll still have 8 sources with Diregraf Captain.

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