Liliana, Death's Majesty

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Liliana, Death's Majesty

Planeswalker — Liliana

+1: Create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token. Mill two cards. (Put the top two cards of your library into your graveyard.)

-3: Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. That creature is a black Zombie in addition to its other colors and types.

-7: Destroy all non-Zombie creatures.

Caerwyn on The more I think about …

5 months ago

TypicalTimmy - I take three issues with your analysis.

For starters, I think saying Amonkhet started in the “broken remains of a destroyed world” is a bit hyperbolic. Amonkhet, in the first set, was in a world with issues - but it was hardly a “broken” one. The city was thriving, with an advanced, sophisticated culture. Everything about Amonkhet (the set) oozed with life. Look at Liliana, Death's Majesty, for example - though Liliana is shrouded in her typical dark colors, the elements from the plane (the mummies, the chair, the background) are in bright tones of yellow, gold, and blue, something uncharacteristic for Liliana cards.

This was one of the advantages to doing the story in two sets - they did not just give us a desolate world and rush to completion. They gave us a living, vibrant world, enough time to find it fascinating - then turned it on its head and made all its positive, hopeful factors into the very tools of its destruction.

Second, our culture absolutely can handle stories ending in loss and failure - dozens of examples from literature and film spring to mind. But, to choose one which closely resembles Amonkhet’s trajectory - Empire Strikes Back is almost universally considered the best or second best Star Wars movie. That is a film which starts bleak (the opening crawl says that the victory in the prior movie still left the Rebel Alliance on the run, since their base was discovered), gets more bleak when they are crushed on Hoth, and ends with the main characters all soundly defeated. People love it.

Finally, the single biggest complaint I see about Magic’s lore is that there are not more stories like Amonkhet; more stories where there are consequences which actually mean something.

Hour of Devastation is, perhaps, the only story in recent memory where everything did not wrap up in a nice little bow. Every other story tends to end with all the characters right back where they started and the planes devoid of any real lasting impact. Even the most recent Phyrexian invasion lacked consequences - the compleated planeswalkers look like they’ll be basically fine; the planeswalkers who lost their spark will still be able to use omenpaths and show up in whatever sets Wizards wants.

Contrary to your claim that players are not ready or able to handle stories like Hour of Devastation, the near-totality of players I have spoken with about the game’s lore are begging for more stories like it.

DreadKhan on Merieke Esper Control

10 months ago

I had a longer post but it got lost in the shuffle. Anyways, I like what you're doing here and hope some of these janky ideas will work!

I like Grasp of Fate in a deck like this. If you know who is able to remove it you can make a point of not targeting anything too serious of theirs, in some metas it's not hard to keep this out (lots of decks without Green or White). Stroke of Midnight is another reasonable removal spell with a high level of versatility.

Since you run a lot of wipes and removal I feel like Kothophed, Soul Hoarder is a pretty solid include. As long as he kills what he blocks he'll draw a card each time, any removal that sends stuff to the graveyard is much better, and your wipes can easily feel like Decree of Pain, obviously not great if everyone is on infinite creature combo (in which they don't win that turn as well) but if people have ~10 creatures out you'll get a new hand. Kothophed also draws cards vs things like Fetchlands and Treasure/Clue tokens, I think he's more risky if you don't have a good counter package.

Have you thought about something like Sakashima the Impostor to copy Ioreth? If you have your Commander out she can kill off the entire table except the best thing, which you can keep.

Liliana, Death's Majesty is a nice fit in cards that like the idea of a wipe but might already have several, this Liliana makes tokens and can reanimate stuff in a pinch, but it's the wipe that's extra spicy.

War Tax is a janky card that can be used to protect your planeswalkers, but it can also be used politically, though it suffers a lot of people don't keep their word, the way I like to use it is to make deals with people, they agree either to not send at me (or send less at me), and if they do I don't tax, if they don't I either tax or remove stuff of theirs as punishment. It's really good if the next player is the most aggressive, and the effect is worse if you have 'better' things to do with your resources, but this is a mana sink that people really sleep on.

Jabber on Liliana, Baby of Chaos

1 year ago

Cards id Consider adding:

Diabolic Tutor should be in the deck

Killing Wave should add this great finisher and liliana text

Command the Dreadhorde Liliana with great artwork and a nice finisher

Mutilate great board wipe with Liliana text

Liliana's Specter goes with the current theme

Oath of Liliana good removal and on theme

Liliana's Scrounger great for all the planeswalkers and removal

Liliana's Scorn bad removal but also works as a tutor

Liliana's Reaver fits into the discard theme

Liliana's Influence tutor and kind of a board wipe

Liliana's Indignation direct damage and fill graveyard

Liliana's Elite weak but gets stronger with graveyard

Liliana's Contract kind of bad draw but on theme

Liliana, Death Wielder old planeswalker but could be fun

Liliana, Death's Majesty token maker and is pretty good

Liliana's Shade Bad but kind of ramp

Entomb great card

Reanimate great card

Gravecrawler great card for combo but idk if it fits here

Settle the Score bad removal but helps with planeswalkers

Triumph of Cruelty on theme with discard

Demonic Tutor Liliana art work and quote

Finale of Eternity finisher and removal

Professor Onyx on theme and decent

Baleful Force bad top end but cool quote


Dread Summons


Mind Rot Liliana quate and discard theme

Rise Again

Rise from the Grave

Rottenheart Ghoul

Tainted Remedy

Dark Petition

Necromantic Summons

Young Necromancer

Swap to these lands:

77hi77 on Zombie Tribal - Deciding My …

1 year ago

Max_Hammer I do actually have Liliana, Dreadhorde General, she's just in another deck (which would probably benefit more from Liliana of the Dark Realms, it's a whole thing). I think you're right, Varina will involve more milling and would enjoy Liliana, Death's Majesty. I've never considered Liliana, Death Mage, thank you!

You know what, I'm getting a very subtle sense that you don't like Nevvy, but I'm not so sure.

No, I definitely hear you, I think the biggest challenge in building that deck will be to make it fun to play against. The other deck I'm referencing (the one that my Dreadhorde General is currently in), I BEG YOUR F@CKING PARDON??!!! - Razaketh, is so far proving to be a failure at that. I was hoping to make something chaotic that results in a laugh, I ended up building a deck where the wincons involve no interaction with the other players, I just tutor and cast two cards (Fraying Omnipotence and Wound Reflection), and it really doesn't matter what the actual board state looks like. Everyone calls it my bullshit deck, it's not overpowered or tuned in any real way, it just lives in its own world and ends the game way too suddenly to be fun.

So with Nevvy, I like him because he seems to bring that same self-destructive chaos I was hoping to capture (and, down the line, will hope to capture again when I build a Rakdos the Defiler deck), my challenge will be to have that chaos without it feeling like I'm stopping others from playing. It's why I'm exploring a few different commanders, I want to see what leads to the most fun Zombie deck, without it being the exact same Zombie deck that everyone plays/expects to see.

As an aside, I do also have a proliferate deck in mind, but it'd be to pull off shenanigans like Vraska, Scheming Gorgon's -10.

Max_Hammer on Zombie Tribal - Deciding My …

1 year ago (Not an actual website)

If you don't like that idea, here's some actual suggestions.

For Grimgrin Liliana, Death's Majesty is just a good all-rounder and makes easy-to-sac tokens.

For Varina, same thing. Easy to swing with and not care too much about and it mills. If not her, then Liliana, Death Mage will work well for both of them.

For Nevvy, don't. Don't do Nevvy, I beg of you. At least infect/proliferate kills me quickly through sedation. Please, no-

DreadKhan on EDH Merens Reanimator

1 year ago

If you're interested in playing fair, then you might like Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest. This can take a board full of utility creatures and make them very formidable very quickly. Hell's Caretaker is a card I find useful that doesn't go infinite with anything I know of, it just lets you sneak stuff in once per turn. If you don't include anything like Pitiless Plunderer you can set up repeatable sacrifice loops to generate XP for Meren, probably to reanimate a Protean Hulk or someting else juicy. For this you might use Gravecrawler or Haakon, Stromgald Scourge and probably a 1 drop Knight to have something you can keep killing over and over. Any card that cares about creatures dying will go off, so some stuff that draws on death might be nice, Liliana, Dreadhorde General is a versatile card that fits the bill.

In my experience, the best thing you can tutor up is usually Protean Hulk, Sidisi, or Razaketh, any of these tends to spiral out of control in a deck that can reanimate them on the end step or sooner. Hulk can find various creatures to solve whatever problems you have, but you probably need a sac outlet to ensure it dies right away, the others are more generous. Razaketh notoriously likes abusing Life / Death to set up a pretty quick win when you're ready, you can find stuff like rituals to generate enough mana to go off.

If you want another reanimator that isn't picky, there is Demon of Dark Schemes that helps clear the board of weenies, and as long as you don't have cards that generate mana the Demon won't go infinite with something like Mitotic Slime or Underworld Hermit, they'll just give you lots of triggers for your extra mana. Demon also likes Merciless Executioner type creatures, they can easily generate Energy. Another reanimator I often forget reanimates stuff is Liliana, Death's Majesty, this brings back stuff as a Zombie if you don't want the ultimate, and she survives some wipes as a PW that can make 2/2s while milling you. Some people don't like PWs so ymmv.

I suspect that if you're not sure if you need more wipes, you might want to try one or two more. In Black there is Make an Example that is very brutal as you always hit your priority target for each opponent. It won't clear the board, but it can help manage it, and you can follow it up with a bunch of forced sacrifice. One card that likes seeing a wipe happen (that makes running extra feel less problematic) is Ogre Slumlord, if you run enough 'pay life'effects you might want Sangromancer, and if you think you can kill enough of your opponent's permenants then Kothophed, Soul Hoarder might work out, that can turn a Damnation into a big draw spell.

If your deck is finding it hard to stay alive, you can use Dawnstrider to save you on needing to reanimate a Spore Frog, though I use both as I find Meren can be annoying to certain players.

If you like Phyrexian Arena and aren't using 'win on the spot combos', have you considered Protection Racket? This can draw plenty of non-land cards or deal damage to your opponents, both seem good as long as you don't care if you lose some random 1-3 drops. There is also Black Market Connections, this can provide various resources without being as busted/all-or-nothing as Necropotence.

Hope some of this is helpful! Any Commander that requires a lot of tutoring is very frustrating to learn to play, Commander is incredibly hard to master, but it's easy to get better with practice!

DreadKhan on Grimgrin - Needs your Help

1 year ago

When I was testing out your deck, I definitely noticed mana issues, you probably want a mix of a couple more lands and some mana rocks. There is the odd mana dork you could use, none generally as good as a Green one. I always like Dreamscape Artist in a Dimir deck that makes use of the graveyard, it's actual Harrow so the lands are entering untapped, making the ramp a bit better than it might usually be. With a 5 mana Commander I think I would run Sol Ring, especially without Green, there is also Talisman of Dominance and Dimir Signet that are solid. A really solid 3 mana rock is Skyclave Relic, it can be a 3 drop or a big (and versatile) efficient 6 drop. Not sure if you need all of those, but I think you want some of those ramp options. TBH, you might also lower your average Mana Value, you're well over 3, which might be a tad high for 33 lands in a reasonably competitive deck. A couple handy utility lands that are nice with Voltron decks include Witch's Clinic, Shizo, Death's Storehouse, and Tyrite Sanctum. Sanctum is a bit weird, but getting Indestructible on your Commander will probably feel pretty good. There are also some MDFCs that aren't bad in Black, you could replace one of your 2 mana Black removal creature removal with Hagra Mauling  Flip, risking 4 mana to remove something (with no restriction though) is harsh, but it's also a land which feels incredible in a lower land count deck. I hear Malakir Rebirth  Flip is also very good, especially with a Voltron Commander.

I also noticed that the deck seemed to not excel at clearing the board of threats/problems, this can include combo pieces or Voltron creatures. From a competitive standpoint, if you expect to play against decks that are 7s or above you probably want at least a couple more solid counters, it's hard to know which to run because actual Counterspell costs UU, which is hard to hold up obviously, but Swan Song and Negate might not be versatile enough, but I think any or all of those would make the deck more functional. Niche removal like Ravenform, Resculpt and Feed the Swarm are also worth a look, you never know when you'll need to tutor up an answer for either of those types, and being able to hit a creature is also useful, fwiw Black isn't great at exiling creatures. I see you only have 1 Planeswalker in here, have you thought about Liliana, Death's Majesty? She's got some synergy with Zombies for sure, and offers a potential wipe.

A tutor that might fit in here that you're not running is Final Parting, which is clunky at 5 mana but it also offers a two for 1 tutor, so even if it's a lot of mana it does a lot of work. I'm not sure how many cards you're that desperate to get into the graveyard, but Final Parting finds 2 of 3 pieces for Gravecrawler combos in my Meren deck, very handy if I have one in hand already.

Pretty tough finding stuff that sticks out for being suboptimal in this list! Here are a few I suspect could be upgraded: Reassembling Skeleton is a Skeleton. The recursion aspect is not particularly good at 2 mana for a non-Zombie body, with a max of one on board at a time. Undead Alchemist might do something sometimes, but I feel like it's a bad interaction with a lot of your deck, it's terrible with Living Death type stuff obviously, and if someone is close to death, this gives them way more life. Call to the Grave seems potentially iffy, you run some very good non-Zombies, and you can't sac a token instead to it, it eats only non-Zombies. Kindred Discovery seems questionable potentially, it negatively interacts with any combo that uses a zombie entering or dying repeatedly since you have to draw, this can also make you unable to swing with a huge zombie army, which seems agonizing without at least throwing in something like Capsize. More curious than certain, but do you often have 1 toughness things to work with Skullclamp? Any Zombie at 1 toughness is buffed by your lords, and the tokens you make are 2/2s iirc? If you ask me, unless you have a source of 1 toughness bodies I'm missing, you could instead run Mask of Griselbrand, it can draw cards too (sometimes way more), both require a sac outlet, and it offers real utility in combo by offering evasion and lifelink. I would run any of the removal I mentioned over Doom Blade and Go for the Throat, I feel like the versatility and some offering exile has an edge. For Tragic Slip, do you get stuck without a sac outlet very often, this seems like an unnecessary complication to have on your removal, but at least it can hit Indestructibles? IMHO if you can afford it run Deadly Rollick, this will also exile stuff without as harsh a requirement (I'd rather have the downside of 4 mana vs removing only x/1s).

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