Champion of the Perished

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Champion of the Perished

Creature — Zombie

Whenever another Zombie enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on this.

TheoryCrafter on The Drowned Perished

1 year ago

Personally, if I were going for redundancy in this deck, I'd have 3 copies of a lesser cost card, like Eaten Alive and Poppet Stitcher  Flip and 2 copies of a greater cost card, like Hero's Downfall and Geralf, Visionary Stitcher.

I don't think you have enough instants with a mana value of 2 or less to justify Discover the Impossible in your deck. May I suggest replacing them with either Fading Hope or Joint Exploration? Yes, you won't have any green to pay the kicker cost for Joint Exploration, but your opponents don't have to know that. >:D

May I suggest replacing Revenge of the Drowned with two more copies of either Crawl from the Cellar (for easier access to Poppet and Geralf) or No Way Out (for extra controlling aspects for the deck)? If these do not appeal to you then my next suggestion would be to replace Revenge of the Drowned with more zombie cards to feed into Archghoul of Thraben. May I suggest either Bladestitched Skaab or 2 more copies of Tainted Adversary? If you go with Bladestitched Skaab, I'd recommend replacing one copy of Champion of the Perished with it.

I hope all this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

Hypersayia9001 on Help make deck good

1 year ago

I would suggest Phyrexian Altar, which is admittedly pretty expensive but allows you to easily ramp up by sacing zombie tokens, but this also combos with Gravecrawler to give you infinite ETB and LTB triggers, which in turn goes well with the like of Noxious Ghoul, Butcher of Malakir, Champion of the Perished, Archghoul of Thraben, etc...

thefiresoflurve on Combo Commander

1 year ago

Cryptolith Rite can enable your commander's created tokens to immediately tap for mana, allowing a few more infinite combos.

I've done a lot of infinite comboing in my Esper ETB deck, and one tip someone gave me that was really helpful is: make sure your infinite combo pieces do work on their own. Basically: "Would I use this card outside the combo?" If the answer is "no", you can probably find a stronger combo.

a negative synergy I saw is Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Maskwood Nexus. The Nexus will turn all your creatures into Humans, disabling Mikaeus' last ability. Really, all of the tribal synergies here feel kind of out of place. You have four cards (Champion of the Perished, Ayula, Conspiracy, and Maskwood Nexus) that wouldn't be in here without the others.

Siona, Captain of the Pyleas only has 5 targets in your entire deck, great candidate for replacement.

papafranku99 on Unholy Frenzy

1 year ago

You're welcome :) I'm using my paper deck that i've been playtesting on forge. I think Champion of the Perished will work especially well, and Lord of the Accursed will be a brutal way to bolster your attacks. I'd be interested to see how it plays now if you can get your combo going with Carrion Feeder, Gravecrawler, and Champion of the Perished. I'll play against it some more and let you know what i think

Valengeta on Unholy Frenzy

1 year ago

Thank you! What deck are you using against it? I'm trying to fit in Champion of the Perished and Lord of the Accursed in there but had to remove Thoughtseize and Whip of Erebos for them. What do you think?

TheVectornaut on Dead of Night

1 year ago

I think the biggest weakness of this deck is that it's hard to curve out early with so many of the slots occupied by cards at 3 CMC or higher. The ideal play pattern is probably to slam down Champion of the Perished on turn 1 and then follow up with a zombie or 2 every following turn until finishing with a bomb. This is difficult to do with Relentless Dead as your only 2 drop, and if you don't draw Champion, the lack of 1 drops makes things even worse. I'd recommend adding something like Gravecrawler, Diregraf Ghoul, Cryptbreaker, or Dread Wanderer to provide early pressure in the absence of a champion. Then, on 2, I personally like Undead Augur for the draw, especially paired with a sac outlet like Carrion Feeder. Other 2s could be Waste Not with a discard package, Graveyard Marshal as a lordless Cemetery Reaper, or you could dedicate the slots to cheaper removal. Invoke Despair is very flashy but seldom as efficient as a Thoughtseize or Fatal Push. On 3, you have enough cards, although I would still offer Geralf's Messenger, Diregraf Colossus, and Lord of the Accursed as other options to consider. To make room, the most obvious place to start is the bloated 6-slot, and as much as I love using him in my Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest EDH deck, Champion of Stray Souls is very slow in 60-card formats. Helm of the Host, Liliana, Dreadhorde General, and Killing Wave (without a drain package with Gray Merchant of Asphodel) also seem underwhelming to me. It should be noted that I'm using modern as the basis for my evaluation. If your local casual meta is slow enough, running more big guys isn't as big of a problem, although I'd still try for more 1s and 2s just to avoid games where you're bricked until turn 3.

legendofa on The Modern Zombie

1 year ago

If you add a sacrifice outlet like Viscera Seer or something, you can supercharge Gravecrawler's and Razorlash Transmogrant's interactions with Champion of the Perished and the assorted "Whenever a Zombie dies" cards.

How competitive do you want this to be? I'm thinking Razorlash Transmogrant's ability might be a little too slow even with the discount, and Lotleth Troll doesn't seem to be pulling a lot of weight.

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