Into the Core

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Into the Core


Exile two target artifacts.

MTGBurgeoning on Feather Locklear

10 months ago

I have not considered Mistveil Plains. A little graveyard-to-the-library recursion may be useful, particularly, as you mentioned, with Sunforger on our side of the battlefield. Maybe swapping this in for Needle Spires or Temple of Triumph is reasonable. Vandalblast's absence from the deck at this time can be explained by availability. When this deck was built, copies of Vandalblast were not plentiful. Now, after many instances of reprinting, it is much more feasible to include a copy of it here. As for Into the Core, I've always been a big fan of this card, and for the reasons you mentioned: Instant-speed artifact exile. Blightsteel Colossus is very, very popular in my playgroup, to the point of reconciling ways to answer it for when (not if) if hits the battlefield. Into the Core handles this problem well. Another card I love is Aria of Flame. I have championed this card since its debut in MH1. It is the second card I consider tutoring for after Aetherflux Reservoir. Its enchantment status gives it staying power on the battlefield, and if the Feather engine is revving optimally, then gifting our opponents with that extra life is never a problem. Give it a whirl!

VarietyBlack on General Beatdown

5 years ago

At first glance, I noticed a couple things about the deck. One is that the mana curve seems very high for the amount of ramp you play. Talisman of Conviction , Mind Stone , Boros Signet and Boros Locket all seem like they could really help pump your mana production up and reduce the number of lands in the deck, which also feels like it's a little high. Mind Stone and Boros Locket - as well as Sunbaked Canyon , the new Boros canopy land - also act as card draw, which I think the deck wants.

The second thing I noticed is you're playing a heavy count of Legendaries, and, therefore, Historic spells. Cards like Board the Weatherlight and Weatherlight help you to dig for your powerful creatures, and they can dig for artifact ramp if you decide to add more. While not Legendary, Seasoned Pyromancer can draw you cards and develop a bigger board state, as will Cavalier of Flame from Core Set 2020. Jhoira's Familiar makes all your Legends and artifact spells cost 1 less. And with a high legend count, Urza's Ruinous Blast hurts your opponents much more than it hurts you. In fact, I think leaning into Legendary or Historic tribal could really work here!

Third and final: targeted removal and combat tricks. Some of the removal spells you have here are great; others are overcosted. Rather than Into the Core , why not play Vandalblast or Wear ? What about Swords to Plowshares and/or Path to Exile for problem creatures? These are staples of Red and White decks for a reason. Boros Charm helps you survive combat and wipes a little easier, and a pet card of mine for Adriana is Cosmotronic Wave , which makes every one of your creatures unlockable for a turn.

I like Adriana a lot, too, and I'm not telling you how you have to play her, but I think some of these offerings can help tune the list up just a little bit.

BroadScholar on Liquidbeaver's Liquimetal Prison

5 years ago

I feels ya. Gambit seems better as a sideboard card to deal with tron. And I agree, Landshaper is weak. Dies to Noble Hierarch haha

I'm exited for Shenanigans . Automatic sideboard card in my 8-whack deck. And it seems like this deck can utilize it even better. It'd be a cool one-of in place of an Abrade .

I should mention Into the Core is a personal favorite sideboard card against Welding Jar . I guess you're already running Splinter which is probably better, but it's something to consider.

Good luck with this deck. Make people tilt!

JuQ on

7 years ago

I'm glad you liked my suggestions. I have a Omnath deck of my own (haven't uploaded it yet) where I have those cards but I'm reforming it because I can't make it work (that's why I was checking your deck), Omnath is expensive and it takes forever to star rolling even having tons of ramp. For me the problen is the deck being to heavy to move and passing the first turns doing nothing but taking lands out of the library and when I finally get to cast Omnath they kill it and now you have to get to 9 mana. Also I have big problems with flyers, I like your choices of Ulvenwald Hydra, Tornado Elemental and Cloudthresher, I was planning to run them myself.

Keep in mind that every meta is different, what works for me, won't necessarily work in your meta. From your deck I'd cut:

  • Apocalypse Hydra I'd cut it because it only synergize with the Elemental Mastery otherwise is another expensive underperforming fatty, you can put the elemental mastery on any of your power 5 creatures and get a good value out of it.
  • Golden Guardian  Flip from among all the fliplands in IXL and RIX that's probably the one I like the least, you need mana to play and flip it and you also need a big creature of your own to kill it in a fight, when you flip it you create tokens that don't synergize with the deck so I don't really see the point of it in this deck. If you have it because it produces two mana IMO Dowsing Dagger  Flip for a total of mana, you can flip it the same turn you play it and you can give the tokens to a player and attack another, on top of that the land produces 3, it's basically a cheaper situational Gilded Lotus
  • Frontier Guide to ramp a single land feels awfuly slow and inefficient, I'd rather play any of the CMC4 ramp sorceries.
  • Incandescent Soulstoke I don't think you can really win or deal serious damage by cheating a fatty for a turn and then losing it. Best thing you could throw at him is Molimo that depends on your lands, so in early game it's small in late game you can just cast it. The overal number of elementals in the deck is low. maybe something like Elvish Piper, Deathrender, Quicksilver Amulet or Champion of Rhonas instead?
  • Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer It's big and it has trample, but CMC7 is too high but I don't think it earns his slot without cheating it onto the battlefield.
  • Rubblehulk a cheap molimo without trample and Bloodrush which I guess not playing double strike you won't use that often
  • Spawnwrithe if there was a good plan to make this guy and his copies deal combat damage to an opponet I would love it, but he will be lucky if he manages to do it once on his own.
  • Mask of Avacyn unless you are protecting a low toughness guy Swiftfoot Boots or Lightning Greaves are better at protecting your guys. You can also use Steely Resolve to protect them all at the same time, but haste is king.
  • Seer's Lantern This card is terribly weak. You are already ramping like a mad man and if you want artifacts Worn Powerstone, Thran Dynamo and Sol Ring are better mana boost. For utility you can try Conqueror's Galleon  Flip (check if you can have combined power of 4 or greater the turn after consistently before including it).
  • Whispersilk Cloak this card is way too subtle, you want to combo off and crush your opponents with your 5/5 elementals or you are going 4th of July and throw sparks everywhere. If you just want protection the boots or the greaves are better cards.
  • Animist's Awakening you start the game with 40 lands in a 99 card deck which mean that at best you can only expect to find one land for every mana you spend on the . I say at best because you have many ramp spells that take lands from the library lowering your chances with this spell. Try instead Boundless Realms maybe you want to include more basic lands
  • By Force Not a bad card but you may want to swap it for Vandalblast or Into the Core if there are indestructible artifacts in your meta.
  • Clear the Land aren't there any more decent ramp spels with CMC3? find one that at leas don't give lands to your opponents Realms Uncharted don't ramp you but it will put lands in hand and graveyad, and not just basics.
  • Creeping Renaissance I want to like this card, but every time I tryed it, it underperformed. In this deck you have few permanents of a single type except for lands and you don't dredge yourself to put stuff in your graveyard. You do have a lot of lands, but to get those lands better use Splendid Reclamation, World Shaper, Ramunap Excavator or Life from the Loam. For a big, more flexible recursion spell I like Seasons Past
  • Growth Spasm replace for Kodama's Reach, or Cultivate. they are commander staples for a reason.
  • Mizzium Mortars replace for Blasphemous Act kills your creatures but you can be sure that it will kill almost everything and with discount
  • Pirate's Pillage allows you to cast Omnath on your 5th land but still i'd swap it for Harmonize another green EDH staple.
  • Primal Growth good card but you won't have disposable creatures on your early game and as a late game card is weak. As I told you before Kodama's Reach, or Cultivate (whichever you didnt used before).
  • Search for Tomorrow another good card that will perform better in other decks that really need to get to four mana ASAP, IMO some beefy ramp spell would be better for Omnath. Another one I like in this deck is Khalni Heart Expedition
  • Evolutionary Leap swap for Ashnod's Altar, you want your sac outlets to be activated without mana and without tapping. Your opponents will probably start worrying as soon as the see this card as it is often used for infinite combos.
  • Fires of Yavimaya for Anger. Mainly because you can cast it and put it on the battlefield to block in the early game and later you get the haste bonus. other good options for this end in this deck Ogre Battledriver and In the Web of War, same effect different formats.
  • Rite of the Raging Storm I ended up removing this enchantment from the deck because it is slow and don't help me with my defense, it's for more aggressive decks. The elemental that pops and sacrifices is nice when you have the commander, but It doesent justify the 5 manas.

What I'm still missing in the deck.

For me the problem with this deck is you need to so many card slots and turns ramping that you don't do much more. It is quite spectacular when you manage to combo off, but it feels a bit like a one trick pony. so that is why I'm tinkering with my Omnath deck trying to find balance for my meta.

Good luck with your deck, I hope I have been of some help.

Panas on Last minute Brion Stoutarm help!

7 years ago

I'll start with the questions since that's easier.

1) +x/+0 effects are not necessary. Damage multipliers could be nice since you will be playing a fair-er deck.

2) Dreadnought is worth the money for the right deck. That deck is piloted by Varolz, the Scar-Striped. I wouldn't consider it for Brion.

3) Kiki-jiki is worth it. A wonderful combo piece that can go wild in almost every deck that runs red. In your colours, he could be a secondary win condition with Restoration Angel and Zealous Conscripts (you could add more combo pieces but that would draw the deck away from what you want to do by taking too many slots).

Alright! Now on with suggestions and notable omissions:

Bloodshot Cyclops is a second Brion and I think it's necessary in every Brion deck as a backup.

Might Makes Right is an interesting repeatable threaten effect. The drawback can be negated by most giants since they tend to be larger than average.

Vicious Shadows can be another mighty red enchantment.

As a matter of fact I would include less creatures that die at end of turn. Either that or include more recursion like Karmic Guide and Sun Titan. Try to find space for Kor Cartographer and Knight of the White Orchid as some of the only land-ramp in white.

Another major issue with the deck is your Sunforger. Where are the instants it will tutor for!? You need to improve that package with a lot of other cards. My suggestions for a decent boros package are Into the Core, Boros Charm, Swords to Plowshares, Return to Dust, Wild Ricochet and Master Warcraft.

Then card draw... I'd like to see (a lot) more, you will probably like to see more as well. But in boros that may be rough, sadly...

For boardwipes you have the classics (e.g. Day of Judgment) but you may find some interest in cards like False Prophet and Bearer of the Heavens. They can be very political and can prove a very literal threat with your commander. Otherwise opt for cards that offer versatility like Tragic Arrogance and Fell the Mighty.

Lastly, i would recommend taking a look at Brion's page on EDHRec. It's by no means the golden standard to pick cards from there, but it's a decent source of inspiration.

I hope this was at least a little bit insightful for you. It's always nice to see unconventional commanders and I would have loved to see a Brion deck at my table!

Panas on

8 years ago

Then may I suggest a Sunforger package? Helps both aspects of aggro and control.

There's so many strong instants in white and red and a lot of blue ones that share either white, or red. Like Counterflux and Render Silent in addition to the plethora of removal (e.g. Swords to Plowshares) and protection (e.g. Apostle's Blessing). There's just too many choices to make and those can be meta-related, but some that are always strong include those I've already mentioned plus Return to Dust, Into the Core, and Boros Charm.

Hope this helps a little bit more than before!

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