Scour from Existence

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scour from Existence


Exile target permanent.

Lardex on Mono Black Rats Deck (First Deck Ever)

6 months ago

legendofa, thank you for the advice and the welcome! I am planning on getting the physical version of this deck at some point. I figured it would be a good idea to put the deck up on here to work out all the kinks before I commit to paying for the deck.

As for what you said about Spine of Ish Sah and Scour from Existence, what would you recommend as replacements?

legendofa on Mono Black Rats Deck (First Deck Ever)

6 months ago

Welcome to the club, Lardex!

If you're on Cockatrice and budget isn't a concern, Thornbite Staff allows you to create an infinite number of Rat tokens with Marrow-Gnawer. Ratcatcher and Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm are more good utility and aggro options. (If you're pulling this together in paper and budget is a concern, then it's safe to skip these suggestions.)

I'm not sure Spine of Ish Sah and Scour from Existence are pulling their weight here. Sure, they can get rid of anything, but is a huge investment to get rid of a single permanent, and you're in a color that has a lot of removal options for just about about everything.

Above all, have fun!

DrukenReaps on Druken Distortion

1 year ago

Saw the Eldrazi Unbound pre-con. Wish they'd made more than 10 new cards but looking at the deck overall I think it's a good start for someone who doesn't have a colorless deck. It'll give them a taste at least, still I'd wait for the price to drop. These pre-cons seem like they are too much for too little in general.

Obvious spoilers follow. New cards found at this link, thoughts below-

Zhulodok, Void Gorger - Double Cascade is dumb powerful. I want to experiment with this one but might need to go more top heavy to really do that. Still as far as commanders go Kozzy is stronger.

Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate - meh, I mean it's cool and opens a new deck design in colorless but not here.

Ugin's Mastery - I don't like manifest. I do think this is a strong card. The wording indicates that you could flip things that are not actually creatures. So if you manifest your land/artifact/whatever non-creature, attack with 6 power and flip it. Not sure what happens with sorceries/instants or if this is even intended to be read that way.

Skittering Cicada - Neat. Another Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter that I won't say no to. Possibly better with it growing so large after a single cast of any of the 6+ -ish cards.

Rise of the Eldrazi - I'll take win the game for 12 xD Okay not quite that good but when you're dropping the titans and take an extra turn too. Yes.

Flayer of Loyalties - Steal their commander and cause 10 commander damage to someone with it. I just see this as being hilarious. Someone thinks they have a turn or 2 and then they don't. Theft effects are generally just decent, this one pushes the concept a bit further.

Desecrate Reality - Sits at a pretty normal cost for removal in colorless along side Meteor Golem, Scour from Existence, and Spine of Ish Sah but it does more. The restriction of even and odd could be annoying but I think in general it will outdo those other options.

Darksteel Monolith - This has hints of busted. I look forward to Sculpting Steeling it.

Calamity of the Titans - Not as good as the one sided All is Dust but potentially nicer than other board wipe options in colorless. Exile is always great too, which All is Dust doesn't do so mayhaps better in select situations.

Abstruse Archaic - Double the cast triggers of every titan for 1 and a tap. Not to mention other solid colorless ETBs like meteor golem. Could be a little too limited to always be useful though so might not make it in over something that works without needing another card.

Krugz on The Inevitable Annihilation

1 year ago

Profet93 What I gather from a lot of playtesting was this deck is terrible against aggro, go-wide and flying creatures during early turns. Presenting a lot of mana with nothing to spend to also invites enemies. I found out that a few staxx pieces like Karn, the Great Creator, Cursed Totem, Grafdigger's Cage help drag the game a little bit longer in order for me to get going, so I might update the deck with less ramp and more staxx.

What I like about Scour from Existence is I get to interract at instant speed. But maybe I'll consider Spine of Ish Sah if I ever decided to go to Grinding Station and/or Krark-Clan Ironworks route.

You're right, Eye of Vecna is better than Spare Supplies. Thanks, I'll look for one.

legendofa on infinite rats

1 year ago

I'm a little skeptical of the "remove anything" claim. doesn't go big into "destroy target permanent" or "exile target permanent," that's more and . The closest I can come up with after a few searches is Decimate, which is definitely powerful, but can be played around. Unless it's something like Scour from Existence, which is very mana-heavy and single-use, or Karn Liberated, which is the one I would worry about the most.

TypicalTimmy on A Discussion of Staples

1 year ago

We all know that certain cards are staples in this format, such as Sol Ring and Mana Crypt if it is affordable. However staples also have a little bit of fluidity in that they have color restrictions. If you are playing a deck that contains and you are not playing Necropotence, you are running decidedly below your potential.

Unfortunately cards such as Crypt and Potence are very expensive, so not all players can have them.

In this thread, I'm not so much focused on the financial aspect, but the physical aspect.

I'd like to ask, what makes a staple? Now yes, casual play and competitive play are two different beasts. Competitive decks will be leagues behind if they lack specific cards, whereas casual decks will be slightly hindered but not really all that far off. Especially if there is a budget the friends adhere to.

Let's take for example Lightning Bolt. It is both financially cheap and resourcefully cheap as well. It is instant speed and works wonders as removal. Unfortunately, in many cases, it doesn't serve a great enough impact to win the game. Yes it can take down something such as a Thassa's Oracle or bolt a Sorin Markov so the opponent can't -3 you immediately. However, in the majority of plays, it serves as little more than a bump in the road to victory. Meanwhile, a card such as Path to Exile sees far fewer targets, but it'll remove that massive gargantuan 15/15 Ramos, Dragon Engine or Edgar Markov. So while Path has fewer total available targets then Bolt, it's impact is far greater and more disruptive.

  • (Although I prefer Swords to Plowshares. I'd rather give my opponent some life that will be gone in a turn or two, then a land of their choosing that they keep for the rest of the game.)

Similarly, a really good card in terms of mechanics is Scour from Existence. What hinders it is the mana value of . If it cost less, I'd expect to see it slotted into nearly every deck. The same applies to All is Dust. Yes, Wrath of God and Damnation are superior in that they cost less, however they also do less and are restrained to their own colors.

Mechanics, timing, color restrictions... These all play a role in what becomes a staple, and what doesn't.

So I'm curious, what are some staples across EDH that people know of, and do you have any opinions on what cards SHOULD be staples, that currently aren't?

DrukenReaps on Liberating Surprise

1 year ago

Grind, Profet93 it's no Sculpting Steel and certainly not Mirage Mirror but it still turns into any of my creatures, instants, or sorceries. I mean I guess I'm unlikely to have a reason to copy All Is Dust or a legendary creature, still feels like a decent number of targets and utility to it. Some of those are still not optimal really leaving me with the following- Conduit of Ruin, Endbringer, Junk Diver, Meteor Golem, Wandering Archaic  Flip, Scour from Existence, and Titan's Presence. I can even use it along side Mirage Mirror to grab a permanent copy of an opponent's creature. Alternately with Wandering Archaic to double up on some instant or sorcery my opponent's let me have.

A few Wastes still might not be a bad idea but I'm just not convinced cutting Mirrorpool is correct. It certainly doesn't seem like my weakest land to me. I think I'd sooner cut Eldrazi Temple, Tomb of the Spirit Dragon, Command Beacon, Winding Canyons, or/and maybe even High Market. Even the Urza lands, as my personal experience with them is that they are just non-basic Wastes lol. Though, I do want to give them another go since I only just put them back in the deck.

DrukenReaps on Liberating Surprise

1 year ago

Profet93 I basically just swapped Kozzy for Liberator. Only made a handful of other changes (some you suggested) but figured I'd make it as a separate entry on here. Colorless is my favorite though :D

For Portal I think when I consider some of my other removal is Meteor Golem and Scour from Existence the 9 mana price tag isn't that bad to remove 3 creatures from each opponent. It's a trade off as I'm not choosing which ones but it still sets them back outside of token based decks. I've only gotten to play it twice so far, so not a lot. They let it stick around too so I was getting pretty sweet value out of it. I think they were half expecting I'd play it again if they blew it up... They weren't wrong. Still I consider it experimental but it's nice when indestructible and shroud/hexproof are commonplace.

Immortal Sun is another that I'm testing. I was mostly just curious how often it becomes a dead card or causes me issues vs what I get out of playing it. I don't expect it to stay in the deck though.

Sanctum is a hold over from Kozzy being the commander. That's a good catch! Doesn't do me much good now since I don't have a cast trigger on my commander. I'll find a decent swap.

Ancient Tomb I'd say is in the same boat as Cavern of Souls. I just don't want to spend the money on a land xD

I'd like to keep Meteor Golem but I hadn't even seen Cityscape Leveler until NV_1980 mentioned it lol. Which seems odd because I was pretty sure I looked through the set pretty thoroughly before buying more cards, ah well. I'm a little hesitant to give my opponents extra mana they can use repeatedly but it's worth testing the card at least. After all I'm testing Immortal Sun and expecting failure there lol. The mana does have a harsh limitation on it too.

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