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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Search your library for a Plains card. If you control fewer lands than an opponent, you may search your library for an additional Plains card. Reveal those cards and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your library.

AstroAA on Edh options

1 month ago

I run a Adeline, Resplendent Cathar tribal humans/anthems deck that can get out of control very quickly. If you're in a four-person pod, Adeline makes three tokens a turn. If you stack anthems like Cathars' Crusade, all creatures you control permanently get +3/+3, including the tokens that just ETB'd off of her effect, making you go from 7 power on board (Adeline + three tokens) to 19 power on board (7 from Adeline, 12 from 3 4/4 tokens).

The only problem with the deck is it's mono-white, however I honestly genuinely enjoy building in mono-white. It's a challenge due to all your mana ramp being weird like Tithe or Land Tax, and all your card draw options giving opponents benefits like Secret Rendezvous or Cut a Deal. Either way, I enjoy the challenge. Since Adeline, Resplendent Cathar is mono-white, you have a fairly wide range of prison/stax options if you really wanted to go that route to control the board. Smokestack is a great option since you're constantly generating tokens and can just pay for it with them.

king-saproling on cEDH Zirda

8 months ago

What do you think of Sunforger? It gives you full access to your control suite and perhaps more importantly, Enlightened Tutor. Also since you have Angel's Grace you could include Final Fortune or Chance for Glory to safely take an extra turn using Sunforger.

This is probably too clunky for a streamlined build like yours, but you could go spice level midnight and take infinite turns using Sunforger and the previously-mentioned cards along with Tithe tutoring for Mistveil Plains, Enlightened Tutor for Expedition Map, Map for Deserted Temple, then use Temple and Plains to recycle Final Fortune and Angel's Grace each turn. Again this is more wacky than strategic but I had to bring it up because infinite turns in Boros!?!

Azoth2099 on Sen Triplets - Esper Control (Seeking Help)

1 year ago


Okay, so if you're specifically trying to outdo Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait, you're going to have to make sure that you're not being outdone by it's immense card draw & Ramp. Deep Gnome Terramancer, Archivist of Oghma, Esper Sentinel, Alms Collector, Monologue Tax, Smuggler's Share, Consecrated Sphinx, Faerie Mastermind & Ledger Shredder will help accomplish this. Black Market Connections, Scroll Rack, Sensei's Divining Top, Dark Confidant, Dark Tutelage & of course Necropotence are also great card draw options, but won't scale with whatever your opponents are doing. Tithe, Gift of Estates & Land Tax are generically great, but extra great in this context.

Consider Rule of Law, Arcane Laboratory & Archon of Emeria as well. Sanctum Prelate, Void Winnower & Chalice of the Void will also hit 'em with a big ole "NOPE" when adequately applied. Decree of Silence + Solemnity will do so as well.

Weird stuff like Deathgrip will also probably help you lock the game down, but it might not translate very well outside of trying to take down Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait lol. Depends on how heavy your group is, really.

Speaking of that, you really might just need more Counterspells or something! Stuff like Tale's End seems pretty good for your goal here. More Mana Rocks seems like a great idea here too. I'm sure you're buddy is running a bunch of traditional Ramp & Dorks, right? You absolutely must keep up, or you're gonna lose.

More Tutors will help you grease the wheels, too. They can get pretty expensive dollar-wise, but options like Diabolic Tutor, Diabolic Intent & Wishclaw Talisman are very affordable right now.

Let me know how you feel about these suggestions! Cheers!

king-saproling on Look at my horse

1 year ago

Wow this deck has some unexpected horsepower. What do you think of Emiel the Blessed? It makes infinite colorless with Workhorse.

Riding the Dilu Horse could be another thematic way to present lethal with Jegantha.

Some others you might like: Sundering Growth, Thundermare, Verity Circle, Tithe, Phantom Steed, Corpse Knight, Lu Xun, Scholar General, Capture of Jingzhou

king-saproling on Zirda Artifact Combo

2 years ago

No Enlightened Tutor?

Also you might like this Sunforger package: Chance for Glory, Angel's Grace, Tithe, Mistveil Plains, Burst of Energy. This package allows you to take infinite turns.

king-saproling on Full Metal Alchemy (Retired)

2 years ago

Sunforger seems like it'd be fun here, especially if you included Pull from Eternity and maybe even Tithe + Mistveil Plains. It can also fetch combo pieces via Enlightened Tutor.

Also Moonsilver Key might interest you as a tutor for certain combo pieces (Monolith, Metalworker, Ironworks, Treasure Vault, etc.)

I take it Grim Monolith is excluded due to price?

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