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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Remove target artifact from the game. Search its controller's graveyard, hand, and library for all cards with the same name as that artifact and remove them from the game. That player then shuffles his or her library.

cyeRunner on Jund Midrange Modern Horizons 3

1 year ago

Hello, how are Tear Asunder and Splinter working for you in The One Ring Meta ?
I'm thinking of adding either or a mix of both to my infect sideboard.

Last_Laugh on Your Cheap Obscure Overperformers?

2 years ago

FormOverFunction - If you ever feel like losing friends by being extremely evil...

Splinter does a similar thing with looking for all copies with the 'same name' but picture turning a mono color decks basic land into an artifact first using Liquimetal Coating.

Balaam__ on Splinter Shell

2 years ago

You nailed it amarthaler. I only have a select few decks that can survive in a competitive environment, and this isn’t one of them. Most of the time I have more fun building around an obscure card/mechanic/interaction than trying to design something for the competitive space. I recently saw Splinter for the first time and just wanted to see what I could do with it.

wallisface on Forged Execution (Gruul Land-Hate)

3 years ago

I think there will be matchups where Splinter has its place, but i think the majority of the time it won’t be the case - though your meta may vary (i’m from a very competitive background, so the games usually close-to-already- decided by the time someone has the mana to cast this). Having as a sideboard option seems like a better decision, as it means you can bring it in for the games it matters, instead of being stuck with it the games it doesn’t.

I think Smash to Smithereens is a fine card, and good in this deck. I’d only thought of dropping a single copy to make room for the other mentioned spells.

As for the lands, the scry-lands are always better than the lifegain lands. 1 life seldom matters but being able to fix your draw often will. But if you’re looking to invest in a better land i’d suggest Copperline Gorge - it is a little pricier, but it’s much more useful and’ll generally go up in price over time, so’ll be a better use of your money.

As for the original question, imo Rust Scarab is better than Sunder Shaman (though i wouldn’t run more than 2). Your mana base isn’t tuned enough to cater for the stupid requirements of the Shaman.

MortisAngelus on Forged Execution (Gruul Land-Hate)

3 years ago


Hey! Thank you so much for the extensive feedback! You make a lot of good points!

However, I think you underestimate the power Splinter brings. Being able to remove all win cons from a combo deck or removing all basic lands of one type is what really makes ppl hate it. But I have been considering bringing the count down to 3.

I am surprised about you also not liking Smash to Smithereens; I see your point with always having a destruction card, but ultimately, the end goal is to kill the opponent, not just control them. So killing a permanent and pinging them 3 seems like a win-win imho. Or?

Ancient Stirrings is definitely something I must try to insert here. I have played against it; how have I not realized how good it would be here?..

And Barrier Breach I have already considered for side board. :) Gotta deal with those pesky God-creatures.

Ultimately, 4x Rootbound Crag is what I want for this deck. I am considering switching the Kazandu Refuge cards for the scry-equivalent cards instead. But we'll see.

But we never solved the original question, if you left the deck as it is for now, and only thought about Sunder Shaman vs Rust Scarab , which one would you insert?

Anyway, thanks a lot for all the feedback! Have a lot to think about now.

wallisface on Forged Execution (Gruul Land-Hate)

3 years ago

Nice build! Very juicy!

Some thoughts from looking through the list:

  • As you already mentioned, Shenanigans looks really good here. But I wouldn't necessarily drop Ancient Grudge for it, as Grudge will almost always be a 2-for-1, where as Shenanigans will always be a 1-for-1 (it's just you can have it in hand whenever you want it). Shenanigans is better than all of Destructive Revelry, Smash to Smithereens, and Splinter, so I'd suggest ditching one of them (if it were me, it'd be Splinter.

  • Your land count is really low. A bunch of your cards need for you to be at 3 mana, which you're going to only reach unreliably at 20 lands. I'd suggest going to 22 personally. This will also help you actually get Rust Scarab out too (which I personally think works good as a 1-or-2-of)

  • I'm really unconvinced by Splinter. If you're hosing your opponents boardstate, it usually won't matter whether they have more copies of a particular card in-deck. More often than not, it'll be the instants/sorceries giving you grief rather than the permanents (and Splinter can't hit those). This'd be the card i'd be ditching for Shenanigans as mentioned above. Splinter is a sideboard card at-best.

  • You mentioned on the forum-thread potentially using Voltaic Key, but I don't think this is necessary, as once the engine is going, the untap of the Key is just overkill. Something like Ancient Stirrings might be better suited though, as it gives you a turn 1 play, and lets you grab either additional lands, or grab additional Liquimetal cards (I would suggest staying at 20 lands if you added a playset of Ancient Stirrings).

  • Barrier Breach feels really strong here, though probably just as a 2-of. The cycling is nice if you're in a bad spot, but it's also going to end the game on-the-spot if you have multiple Liquimetal cards in play.

  • I reeaallly don't rate taplands (Kazandu Refuge). They're going to trip you up more often than they're going to help you colour-fix. Personally I'd sooner be running all your lands as basics, than include the Refuge. Only running 2 colours, and nothing needing multiple of a particular-pip you're very likely to be fine just running all basics anyway.

If it were me, I'd be ditching 4x Splinter, 4x Tin Street Hooligan, and 1x Smash to Smithereens, for 3x Shenanigans, 4x Ancient Stirrings, 2x Barrier Breach - but that's just me. You'll have a better idea of whether this sounds viable or nonsense.

Knivesthebrutal on Lord Windgrace CEDH Land Hate

3 years ago

Liquimetal Coating an opponents land (preferably a basic); then then you Splinter them ALL from your opponent's deck.

Argothian Wurm and Shivan Wumpus are also fun bodies to get out early and force opponents to make those hard choices, as does Deus of Calamity - it's actually decent creature removal. Opponents, in theory, shouldn't have the gas to have big blockers out, so they have to chump block or lose more lands.

Destructive Flow is nice stax card

Bramblecrush and Reclaiming Vines are ok spot removal of non-creatures (including lands)

Reap and Sow , Mwonvuli Acid-Moss are ok land-destruction themed land fetch

Daryl, Hunter of Walkers and Pyrohemia or Pestilence make decent critter control/card advantage (obviously works wonders against zombie decks), though that is getting away from the theme of the deck...

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