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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
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Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Incandescent Soulstoke
Creature — Elemental Shaman
Other Elemental creatures you control get +1/+1.
, : You may put an Elemental creature card from your hand onto the battlefield. That creature gains haste until end of turn. Sacrifice it at the beginning of the next end step.

nuperokaso on
elemental lorwyn block constructed
8 months ago
- Play 4 Reflecting Pool. Works great with Vivids and Primal Beyond. No need to play Prismatic Omen.
- Supreme Exemplar is not very good. It works only with Incandescent Soulstoke.
- Horde of Notions is the best card you have. You should be playing more of them, most likely 4. If one is answered, you drop a second one. If not answered, he'll overtake over the game.
- Play more lands. Your deck is mana hungry, and even with Smokebraider you always have expensive things to cast or activate Horde of Notions.
- I would replace one Island with Mystic Gate. You have white and blue spells with double mana and this filter will help you casting them.
Shorketh on
Scavenge Returns
1 year ago
Lightning Serpent Is an amazing elemental, I've been modifying $50 Sack of Elementals And once you pull the right cards like Incandescent Soulstoke and Smokebraider then it's pretty low mana cost. Lightning Serpent is a good little mana funnel, especially late game. (If a deck that's basically only elementals ever reaches late game)
Phule451 on
2 years ago
More ways to be able to play more lands is gonna suit ya here. Burgeoning and Wayward Swordtooth will help with this.
Leafkin Avenger will give you value off all your tokens, and Incandescent Soulstoke and Creeping Trailblazer buff that team.
Zarthalius on
Harsh Elements
2 years ago
I've been perfecting my elemental Mardu deck for a year or so now. My goal was budget, heavy hitting tramplers, and reanimation. I had many of the same ideas you have here except black gives me access to Unearth and hand discard with Lightning Skelemental.
Some key differences:
- I use Stigma Lasher to stop lifegain decks by turn 3.
- I just recently replaced Double Cleave with the newly reprinted Twinflame. It makes sense to also use Twinflame on Thunderkin Awakener where Double Cleave didn't. I figured 1 instant speed double strike 6/1 was weaker then 2 6/1s with lifegain and hand discard effects.
- I also decided to protect Thunderkin Awakener with Infiltration Lens because he must attack for his ability to trigger; Him getting blocked is most likely how he'll die. So, why not make your opponent decide between 1 elemental from your graveyard or maybe 2 from your deck. Plus, I usually have an Unearth in hand. Or, maybe I'll draw into another Thunderkin Awakener.
- Infiltration Lens can also be equipped to the 6/1s to encourage full damage throughput.
- I find that the very persistant and constant barrage of 6/1s to be enough to overwhelm the opponent.
I do like a few of the elementals you have here like Incandescent Soulstoke. I'll have to see if they may work in my deck too.
Anyways, here is the link to my deck for reference. Tappedout thinks its 75% competitive.
DigTheDigger on
Miau! Mio! / Mono Red Elementals
2 years ago
seshiro_of_the_orochi , thanks for the suggestion. I really like the flavor, but unfortunately Savage Firecat and Blistering Firecat wouldn't synergize with Incandescent Soulstoke. Chandra's Embercat would fit but it just seems like a worse Smokebraider.
zapyourtumor on
Doomgape double strike
3 years ago
Liege of the Tangle is funny to Incandescent Soulstoke in.
mobizque on
$20 Sack of Elementals
3 years ago
Hey GrimlockVIII. These are both viable elementals, but I'd ditch Rakdos go mono red in that case. Paying with any other basic colors in the build can be punishing. Once you're cheating expensive creatures into play with Incandescent Soulstoke you can add other costly elementals like Nova Chaser.
GrimlockVIII on
$20 Sack of Elementals
3 years ago
Yo, would Incandescent Soulstoke be any good?
Also, dude, you gotta include Ball Lightning.