Hordeling Outburst

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Hordeling Outburst


Create three 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens.

TimelessLove on Krenko's Goblin Meat Market

3 days ago

Here are a few cards I think you should consider:

Umbral Mantle, it's basically a cheaper Sword of the Paruns

Staff of Domination, it's also Sword of the Paruns but with a side of High Market and Skullclamp

Pashalik Mons, it plays like a Goblin Sharpshooter

Hordeling Outburst offers 3 goblins for 3 mana, better than Goblin Rally at 4 goblins for 5 mana, Goblin War Party even offers 3 goblins for 4 mana with a modular alternative.

Heraldic Banner and Patriar's Seal, colored mana ramp with a side of +1/+0 or untap respectively.

Quest for the Goblin Lord, a cheap and easy way to get +2/+0 on all your creatures. It helps the deck win even when you don't manage infinite.

Goblin Recruiter, tutor for goblins is terrific for the deck and stacks the top of your library letting you add Muxus, Goblin Grandee, you could play Goblin Recruiter and put 7 Goblins on top of your library, draw Muxus and either play him normally or cheat him with Warren Instigator or Goblin Lackey to cheat the top 6 Goblins on your library.

Mirage Mirror, it's more of what you want in the deck.

nuperokaso on Boros Impact

3 weeks ago

Crow_Umbra on Phyrexia: All Will Be One …

1 year ago

TypicalTimmy Ovika seems like a lot of fun with stuff like Hordeling Outburst, Magnus the Red, Hellrider, and all of the Impact Tremors effects

LeonSpires on

2 years ago

@ GrimlockVIII thank you for the Upvote and suggestions for my deck!

The deck tries to make a win attempt around turns 5 to 7 and Avenger of Zendikar is a bit slow for that without dedicated landfall. Don't get me wrong I like Avenger of Zendikar and it is an all star in my Kruphix Lands Matter *Primer* list.

Further more Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Zealous Conscripts is the easiest way this deck has to win. Gruul is good at tutoring for creatures but not instants and sorceries. The other combo lines rely on using at least one instant or sorcery and thus must be found using card draw. Consequently I have found it is almost always wrong to cast Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker or Zealous Conscripts for value. If one of them is in hand the goal is card draw to find a tutor to fetch the other.

Curious Herd looks like it would be a lot of fun in a more chill wort list. My strategy during the early game is ramp and token creation (to use to conspire spells latter). Once I cast Wort the strategy becomes card draw by conspiring draw spells. This means I try and keep most of the token creation at 2 CMC. The exceptions are of course:

Hordeling Outburst (3 CMC) It creates red tokens. This can matter as most of the ritual effects and card draw are red and need red creatures to conspire. If we get another Dragon Fodder / Krenko's Command functional reprint Hordeling Outburst will be replaced.

Goblin War Party (4 CMC) It also creates red tokens and can be used as a haste enabler for the Reiterate infinite combo.

TypicalTimmy on Will Lifeblood Hydra die if …

2 years ago

Enter The Battlefield is a trigger that goes on the stack. What happens is when something says "Enters the Battlefield", the game will check to see what conditions have been met, put that on the stack, and await to see if there are any responses and whether or not it resolves.

For example, if I have an Impact Tremors and I play a Hordeling Outburst, Impact Tremors is going to check to see if all three Goblins did in fact enter the battlefield, and further more if anything responds to it. I may have an opponent on their last legs who decides to use a Teferi's Protection in response, preventing Impact Tremors from dealing 3 damage to them - although Impact Tremors will still deal the damage to each other opponent, assuming we are playing EDH and I have multiple opponents.

However, State Based Actions do not use the stack. They occur automatically and can not be responded to. For example, suppose one of my other opponents happens to have out Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. What happens?

My three 1/1 Goblins DO still enter the battlefield, and Impact Tremors WILL still see them entering the battlefield, however Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite will also give them all -2/-2.

They will, therefore, enter the battlefield as (technically) -1/-1. Because their toughness is 0 or lower, they will die.

  • NOTE: They do not "die"; This is a colloquial expression that many of us will use in the community. They are actually "moved to the graveyard" via state based actions. This is why dealing 5 damage to Thassa, God of the Sea with Crater's Claws won't kill her - she's Indestructible - but hitting her with -5/-5 via Toxic Deluge will. Indestructible prevents damage from being lethal, but having Toughness reduced to 0 circumvents that.

So, because State Based Actions are what's being done here, you don't get a chance to go "Wait, I cast Echoing Courage in response!"

There's nothing to respond to. State Based Actions don't go on the stack. The Goblins simply get moved to the graveyard as -1/-1s where, as tokens, they are subsequently then removed from the graveyard and the game, as another example of a State Based Action. (Not put in exile; Exile is a zone "outside of the game", within the game. It's... weird.)

Icbrgr on

2 years ago

thank you abbatromebone! very much appreciate your suggestions and after I playtest/make changes id love for more feedback!

So far in my playtesting with sticher and mentor (in various ratios) I haven't really felt the pain of having prowess 1/1 tokens becoming vanilla 3/3 tokens... I typically don't cast more than a spell or maybe two on either my turn or my opponents turn for any prowess triggers; I love Luminarch Ascension and have a full playset of them that I could take out of what left of my old Turbo-Fog deck but I just dont that that playstyle fits with this decklist as it is now... but if i did get ascension online I would definitely be flipping Poppet Factory  Flip back into stitcher I think.

land/color ratios all that jazz when it comes to making a mana base has never been my strength in deck building and will give it a closer look by playing with some of your suggestions in the play tester... I don't have any man or fast lands but I am certain that I have some check lands and the jeskai triome laying around somewhere.

I agree about Spectral Procession too; for a minute I had Hordeling Outburst in here but decided to go for Hard Evidence instead; its cheaper giving a blocker or something to boost from Poppet Factory  Flip and has a mana sink/draw feature... but I can certainly see just running Serum Visions instead. I also really like the idea of Boros Charm that card is just so dang good ill make room for it somewhere.

wolfhead on Inspired to brew UWR tokens

2 years ago

i think to play it youd need to focus on how its different from mentor+pyro,

and focus on turning tokens into 3/3s.

so things like Hordeling Outburst and Dragon Fodder.

i dont have much knowledge of token generators,

id be a boomer and go the direction of Spectral Procession, outburst, and Intangible Virtue,

(Glare of Subdual would make the crappy fall-apart zombies kinda cool)

maybe do weird graveyard stuff with Haunted Dead, Hornet Queen and Persist?

i dunno, like i said im sure someone else will be more helpful in that area,

but i think focusing on mixing the prowess and token-generation aspect is what will work the best with him,

and the deck isnt gonna look like what youd expect and probably want,

but shoving a copy or two into a more traditional mentor shell probably would be fine too

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