Goblin Rally

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Goblin Rally


Create four 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens.

TimelessLove on Krenko's Goblin Meat Market

1 month ago

Here are a few cards I think you should consider:

Umbral Mantle, it's basically a cheaper Sword of the Paruns

Staff of Domination, it's also Sword of the Paruns but with a side of High Market and Skullclamp

Pashalik Mons, it plays like a Goblin Sharpshooter

Hordeling Outburst offers 3 goblins for 3 mana, better than Goblin Rally at 4 goblins for 5 mana, Goblin War Party even offers 3 goblins for 4 mana with a modular alternative.

Heraldic Banner and Patriar's Seal, colored mana ramp with a side of +1/+0 or untap respectively.

Quest for the Goblin Lord, a cheap and easy way to get +2/+0 on all your creatures. It helps the deck win even when you don't manage infinite.

Goblin Recruiter, tutor for goblins is terrific for the deck and stacks the top of your library letting you add Muxus, Goblin Grandee, you could play Goblin Recruiter and put 7 Goblins on top of your library, draw Muxus and either play him normally or cheat him with Warren Instigator or Goblin Lackey to cheat the top 6 Goblins on your library.

Mirage Mirror, it's more of what you want in the deck.

legendofa on I read rod of absorption …

3 years ago

The mana value of all the spells you cast, added together, must be X or less. So if X=10, you could cast, say, Goblin Rally and Lava Axe , or you could cast Time Stretch , but you couldn't cast all three.

ABaggins on Adrenaline Rush!!!!!

3 years ago

Have you thought of adding Fire Diamond , Prismatic Lens , Fire Diamond , Star Compass , Ruination , and By Force ? You could remove the Traitorous Greed , Enthusiastic Discovery, Goblin Rally , Underworld Breach , Birgi, and Dwarven Mine .

Thelegendofus on Riku

3 years ago

I would take out Chandra, the Firebrand for Ral, Storm Conduit I would take out Goblin Rally I would look at this website for upgrades link text if you are on budget there is a budget verson that would help you.

exodus7 on The Will of Fire

3 years ago

Dude nice deck, exactly what I was looking for! Thoughts on running Mogg Infestation over Goblin Rally ? I think they can do about the same, specially on a board state with lots of goblin tokens. With Purphoros and 5+ creatures it can end games, and if you're desperate it functions as a board wipe.

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