Breena, the Demagogue
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Breena, the Demagogue

Legendary Creature — Bird Warlock


Whenever a player attacks one of your opponents, if that opponent has more life than another of your opponents, that attacking player draws a card and you put two +1/+1 counters on a creature you control.

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Gleeock on Should I Keep Abzan Falconer …

2 weeks ago

for the same CMC, Breena, the Demagogue gives you card draw & an easy +2/+2 (or +4/+4 draw 2) if 2 opponents have more life than another & you have 2 attackers. +4/+4 is ridiculous on Atraxa. That is only including your own potential attacks. I keep trying to sell Breena as a powerhouse on her own, but also in the "99" in many decks, especially counter decks. My own build with her is based around proliferate.

Gleeock on Edh options

1 month ago

Breena, the Demagogue is certainly aggro & capable of winning with more players at the table. The precon was poorly constructed (IMO) to make you think it needs to be a political deck... Or you just pluck those cards & replace them with proactive aggro... and you don't need to add massive card-draw filler/fluff because the commander nets you easy early game card-draw. Mistmeadow Skulk & Needle Specter become easy powerhouses.. Really any low cmc lifelinker suddenly finds new life in this deck. Believe me, if you are pumping a lifelinker with +4/+4 on your turn, then possibly another +2/+2 on their own turns, your opponents often do think twice about taking advantage of that card draw clause.

Players commonly misinterpret this commander, it is: "EACH time a player attacks an opponent with more life" -- so it is quite easy to suddenly place +4/+4 on one of your creatures & draw 2 cards because your opponents had different life totals. You just need a few low-cmc creatures around, a very easy prerequisite & the commander functions just for being on the field instead of requiring haste. On top of that it is 3 CMC. I usually pump my field (instead of going Voltron) & that lends itself to control, my opponents HATE having to spend removal on Needle Specter but they find they pretty much have to unless they feel they can just afford to discard 3-5 cards on turn 4 or so. My version is probably less aggro than what you would go with, but it is more based on proliferate & walkers + aggro.

Isshin, Two Heavens as One also accomplishes what you want nicely. I would say that is less "build out of the box", less budget-friendly, & probably needs a little more card-draw fluff since the commander does not do that on his own.

DreadKhan on lonely goth girl

1 month ago

I'm not sure if Teysa would even want a friend, but Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker is a bit of a kindred, maybe they could hang for tea?

If you want people to attack a lot there is Angel's Trumpet, very handy that your Spirits have flying! Exquisite Blood is a combo piece, but it's also a strong card on it's own, it synergizes with your Commander very powerfully I'd say, if people come at you their creature's die, and if they go at each other then you gain life. Breena, the Demagogue can be used to make your stuff better. Shadrix Silverquill has a really good interaction with your Commander, if you give someone an Inkling and they come at you it dies and you get a 1/1, and if you give your board +1 counters twice than your 1/1s clobber inklings. I would run Transmogrifying Wand over Murder, it's 4 mana for the first creature but only 1 more for the next 2. You could also try something like Reckless Spite. I am a big fan of True Conviction, very good with a big token army.

It's a pretty janky card but I often enjoy using Axis of Mortality in White decks that are trying to stay on budget, you can punish or reward people as you see fit, it's a very strong political effect, and if people are losing creatures to your ability to lower your life total (while giving you evasive attackers) then you're probably gaining ground.

It's up to you obviously if you don't want to run more lands, but have you thought about including some MDFCs? I use Hagra Mauling  Flip and am happy to see it now and then, ETB tapped lands aren't great, but if the spell effect is also a playable effect their value is incredible. I'm sure you could find a use for Malakir Rebirth  Flip too, though that is less budget.

In the time that I've played Commander I've come to the conclusion that one of the hallmarks of a good deck is card draw, especially low to the ground effects. Stuff like Sign in Blood and Night's Whisper are very good in practice, there are also things like Village Rites, Corrupted Conviction, Plumb the Forbidden, and Reckoner's Bargain, these are all handy with your tokens, but also if you can't protect your Commander and they're getting blown up anyways, this can also prevent effects like Oubliette from working (which can be VERY helpful if your deck depends on your Commander, you might want a couple in the deck in case). If you think your tokens might stay 1/1s, or that you can get them to die with consistency then Skullclamp draws a lot of cards. Stinging Study draws a whopping 7 cards in this deck, for only 5 mana, I'd say that'd be handy late game.

AkaAkuma on Little Rey of Ishine (Reyhan/Ishai)

2 months ago

Hey Last_Laugh,

I really like that Breena, the Demagogue you have in here. I really enjoyed playing the Breena precon back in the day but couldn't find a fun direction to make it into a full deck. I think it will find a place in Reyhan however (or Ishai as he will appreciate breena the most i guess)

Last_Laugh on All Will Be One

3 months ago

I'd personally suggest cutting:

Viral Drake for Danny Pink

Guildpact Informant for Mutational Advantage

Lux Cannon for Beast Within

Atomize for Generous Gift or Stroke of Midnight

Juniper Order Ranger for Anduril, Narsil Reforged

Fuel for the Cause for Felidar Retreat

Tamiyo, Field Researcher for Marcus, Mutant Mayor

Otherworld Atlas for Breena, the Demagogue (make em earn the group huggy card draw)

Also consider Wave Goodbye and Ripples of Potential if you own them or they're in your budget.

Last_Laugh on Kalonian Hydra or Bristly Bill?

3 months ago

I'd personally suggest cutting:

Viral Drake for Danny Pink

Guildpact Informant for Mutational Advantage

Lux Cannon for Beast Within

Atomize for Generous Gift or Stroke of Midnight

Juniper Order Ranger for Anduril, Narsil Reforged

Fuel for the Cause for Felidar Retreat

Tamiyo, Field Researcher for Marcus, Mutant Mayor

Otherworld Atlas for Breena, the Demagogue (make em earn the group huggy card draw)

Also consider Wave Goodbye and Ripples of Potential if you own them or they're in your budget.

*copied and pasted onto your deck

EvolutionBaby on Isshin, Two Heavens as One [Politic]

3 months ago

bjgivesbj Correct! What’s more: you don’t necessary need goad to encourage your opponents to attack each other. It’s easier to convince a player to aggression when Breena, the Demagogue gives them two cards in return for such a favor.

This is a really fun and unique deck to play, but it requires a lot of cunning thinking to actually win.

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