Red Sun's Zenith

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Red Sun's Zenith


Red Sun's Zenith deals X damage to target creature or player. If a creature dealt damage this way would be put into a graveyard this turn, exile it instead. Shuffle Red Sun's Zenith into its owner's library.

jamochawoke on Fire Dancing

1 year ago

That's a really good one!

One other you can do since you've already got it built into your deck with Mana Geyser, Runaway Steam-Kin, Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip and Battle Hymn if you get any of those to go off and get you 10+ mana you really want an X spell to dump all that mana and end your worst opponent (or the game if you're close).

My suggestions would be these:

  • Banefire - This is the most consistent one for ending someone and is best to copy.

  • Fall of the Titans - This one is great if you're certain it's not going to be countered and if you can cast it for its surge cost and then copy it as needed to take out everyone.

  • Crackle with Power - The biggest boom you can get with X iirc

  • Red Sun's Zenith - If you are certain you can dig into it again with all the card draw this is a good option

  • Jaya's Immolating Inferno - Decent like Fall of the Titans but not as good as Crackle

Also, since your deck relies on copying creatures so much you could add in more of that like Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker

wallisface on Red Hot

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • Banefire, Earthquake, and Red Sun's Zenith are all pretty weak in a burn deck as you don't have any form of ramp, and run a low land base. I would recommend ditching these.

  • Flamebreak is an interesting card but I feel like you're putting too much reliance on its effect to avoid having to run creatures. I personally don't see this being as good as just running some creatures... but in any case, i'm not sure this card keeps you safe enough.

  • Typically burn runs a few (~12) aggro creatures to help get the job done. Stuff like Monastery Swiftspear can easily outperform a single Lightning Bolt.

  • Lava Dart > Needle Drop.

  • I'm very confused by the sideboard choices here. Act of Treason and Anger of the Gods seem good and make sense, but the rest of the choices have me baffled... what matchups are you bringing these in against?

DawnsRayofLight on Eldrazi Tribal/Tron (Help is Appreciated)

3 years ago

I will say this will still be a unique tron list, especially if you can find a way to abuse the insane amount of ramp you have and using some X burn spell like Bonfire of the Damned, Devil's Play, or Red Sun's Zenith. AND DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE BINFIRE. That card destroyed an entire IQ I was at, I ran it in a Jund Beats list and people were honking mad when they got hit with it. They were all "Oh no my delver and resto angel!!!"

Hardhitta7 on

3 years ago

I can’t add too much to what nathanielhebert suggested, they got to pretty much everything.

The rituals will really help with the storm count as well as some cantrips. Manamorphose is a must have in storm, free storm count and replaces itself.

I would replace the frogs with more Moment's Peace or Commencement of Festivities .

I would cut the Nature's Spiral completely. And Past in Flames would be better than Call to Mind .

Things that cheapen your instants/sorceries would help a lot too like Goblin Electromancer or Baral, Chief of Compliance . If you don’t want creatures you can run Primal Amulet  Flip or Jace's Sanctum .

Aria of Flame is probably better than Red Sun's Zenith . Maybe better than Ignite Memories depending on what kinda decks your facing.

DemonDragonJ on Commander Legends Spoilers

3 years ago

In this set, I would like to see Nimbus Maze have a complete cycle, in addition to the battle lands and horizon lands having their cycles completed, as well; I know that that is not likely to occur, but it still would be nice.

A card of Kyodai, O-Kagachi's daughter, would also be great, since she had a brief but significant role in the story of the Kamigawa block.

Red Sun's Zenith is the only card in that cycle that has never been reprinted, so it would be nice to have a reprint of it in this set, and the same is true for Beacon of Creation and Beacon of Immortality, as well.

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor, can you imagine how powerful she may have been if she had been a planeswalker as Phage?

ITSMEDIO on Avatar: The Last Airbender

4 years ago

Poly_raptor, Im not sure, Id suggest maybe Red Sun's Zenith, just for the fact that Star of Extinction is just more damage, AND hits the flavor just right, Im not too entirely sure.

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