Ophidian Eye

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ophidian Eye

Enchantment — Aura

Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.)

Enchant creature

Whenever enchanted creature deals damage to an opponent, you may draw a card.

jamochawoke on The Chinese Firemind

8 months ago

Even though he's got horsemanship (basically unblockable) you've already got Hermetic Study and Psionic Gift to give your commander a ping to fire off his ability. But I like to run things in 3's if I can. So you might try Viridian Longbow or Wolfhunter's Quiver (if.. for some reason your meta runs a lot of werewolves? lol).

Also Neko-Te or Sigil of Sleep might be an interesting include since you could get double value with control for your pings since you'll want to be doing that anyways but tapping down or returning a creature might be of more benefit in the moment than drawing a card.

Ophidian Eye might also be interesting to play with to see if you could get even more draw although I see you've already got Curiosity which is strictly better.

MountainMan817 on Torture!

1 year ago

I feel like Curiosity combos pretty well with Nekusar, the Mindrazer or Ophidian Eye

RiotRunner789 on Welcome to the Izzet League

1 year ago

It looks good. I would cut a few creatures, start by looking at the 6 CMC+ ones first. You probably want to get down to 15-18 creatures.

Add in 2-3 more mana rocks and cut a land. Should be able to run with 34-35 lands with a low mana curve and more rocks.

Get rid of Cancel. There are a million 3 cmc counterspells that are cancel+. I like Admiral's Order but any other counter will work. Spell Pierce can also be a bit of a dead card once you get to the mid-game or late game.

You have enough islands that High Tide would be good. Ophidian Eye is another curiosity combo win. Could consider Laboratory Maniac or labman effect to have another wincon. Then anything that cantrips or creates positive card advantage like Preordain or Frantic Search helps with any left over slots.

vcannon on U/G Bogles

1 year ago

yeah i think i'm missing some card draw here too. tried to incorporate some with Abundant Growth and Brainstorm but i'd much prefer some more consistent draw. i had Snake Umbra in a previous version (which went heavy on totem armor), which at least gives a little more value than Ophidian Eye for the cost, but it felt like this deck wanted a lower mana curve and by the time i get a few turns past a three cost, Ancestral Mask should be a finisher. that said, what do you think about the benefit of the extra 1/1 on Snake Umbra vs the extra creature for forced sacrifice fodder on Tandem Lookout? What about a transmute effect like Dizzy Spell to find a one or two mana? Kinda flexible single card seek for later in the game.

That's a lot lol sorry

TheOfficialCreator on U/G Bogles

1 year ago

Ophidian Eye and Helm of the Ghastlord appear to be the only Pauper-legal Curiosity enchantment effects, but they're a little high mana value.

I might recommend Tandem Lookout maybe, or Entourage of Trest if you think the game will last long enough for you to play it.

Deliberate, Opt, and Consider are some standard card draw spells you could use.

rshistorysmuf on My Highest Powered Deck

1 year ago

I'm still amused that the Deck Editor thinks it is 2/3rds Casual.

As someone commented it is an fun deck. But like any EDH, you fiddle with to get better game play.

Ophidian Eye - infinite loop here.

I still like an idea of balance in a game, being hard but not being OTT.

Madcookie on

1 year ago

Niv-Mizzet, Parun seems like a nice inclusion. For me Blistercoil Weird and Delver of Secrets  Flip feels underwhelming in edh you can swap them for some more draw or since you like cipher even Triton Shorestalker and Mist-Cloaked Herald.

Since you asked for card draw suggestions the main staples are X spells like Blue Sun's Zenith,Pull from Tomorrow, 4 CMC type Fact or Fiction / Steam Augury or Behold the Multiverse stuff and cantrips like Brainstorm, Ponder etc. There are also wheels like Windfall. Have you checked Scryfall? Their search engine is rather easy to use.

I still haven't build my Niv deck but I plan to put in the transmute package to find me the three combo pieces

Dizzy Spell for Curiosity

Drift of Phantasms for Tandem Lookout or Ophidian Eye

Hope this helps. Cheers!

multimedia on My Highest Powered Deck

1 year ago

Hey, you have an interesting/fun deck, but sorry it's casual power level (PL) 5 at most.

Lands in the manabase and ramp sources are a big sign of what PL. A low budget manabase that has Highland Lake and Temple of the False God isn't PL 7-8. Very little ramp with a 4.0 avg. CMC is not PL 7-8. Please get rid of Temple of the False God.

It's difficult to get to PL 8 or higher on a low budget because the best lands and mana rocks are some of the most expensive cards in Commander. At best on a low budget unless playing mono-colored you're looking at PL 6. Your deck doesn't have any instants or sorceries? Izzet has many good low budget instants and sorceries especially for draw.

You have an infinite combo Niv-Mizzet, Parun + Curiosity, that helps to have a higher PL. Although, Niv-Mizzet, Parun is better as a win condition when it's the Commander not inside the 99. You have many potential other win conditions: Purphoros, God of the Forge, Reckless Fireweaver, Impact Tremors, Nettle Drone, etc., but lack enablers to combo with these win conditions.

To increase PL your deck needs to be more tuned to get to the final goal which is to win the game. PL 8 uses just about all cards in the deck to help to assemble a combo win, ramp, tutor, draw, protect the combo or stop an opponent's combo. If a card doesn't help to do one of these then it's not needed in the deck. Don't try to get to PL 8 unless you can spend for expensive price cards instead shoot for PL 6.

Here's some low budget cards to increase the PL of your deck:

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