Root Sliver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Root Sliver

Creature — Sliver

Root Sliver can't be countered.

Sliver spells can't be countered by spells or abilities.

Mortlocke on A Pimp Named Sliver Overlord

4 months ago


Hol up - so you think 4 CMC slivers arent worth running? So slivers like Shifting Sliver, Magma Sliver, Bonescythe Sliver or Root Sliver aren't worth running? That is a hot take that I can confidently say is just outright bad. Why are you suggesting Zur the Enchanter for a Sliver Tribal deck? As for Buried Alive and Intruder Alarm - valid suggestions, but not necessarily staples.

Goyfs-R-Us on Sliver Overlord

7 months ago

GeminiSpartanX There are many ways for Slivers to go infinite in mana, creatures or damage. I will start by listing 3 of the most common ones you will generally see to get you started. The rest I will leave for you to discover through play.

  1. Sliver Queen+Mana Echoes: The classic, will generate infinite mana and Sliver tokens, combine with a haste sliver for an infinite attack or use Lavabelly Sliver for infinite target damage and life.

  2. Basal Sliver+Sliver Queen+Lavabelly Sliver: Infinite target damage and life gain.

  3. Intruder Alarm+The First Sliver: Not truly an infinite combo on it's own but can be with the right setup or hit's off cascade triggers. Intruder Alarm combos with a ham sandwich so not hard to make infinite with mana/haste slivers and Hibernation Sliver and Darkheart Sliver.

Bonus: The most important cards to consider for combos. Sliver Queen, Basal Sliver, Lavabelly Sliver, Hibernation Sliver, The First Sliver, Gemhide Sliver, Manaweft Sliver, Heart Sliver, Cloudshredder Sliver, Firewake Sliver, Darkheart Sliver, Cautery Sliver, Sliver Overlord, Homing Sliver, Mana Echoes, Intruder Alarm, Faces of the Past.

Support Cards: The most important cards to protect your combos. Crystalline Sliver, Root Sliver, Sliver Hivelord, Quick Sliver, Ward Sliver, Force of Will, Patriarch's Bidding.

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

11 months ago


I think that the latest batch of Slivers aren't overtly power crept, but with the right deck can be an absolute menace. I feel the same way about the new art as well, I was never a fan of the Shandalar Sliver variants. The humanoid form just makes slivers seem like a fairly generic monster - the original form that debuted on Rath is iconic as it's so alien but oddly cute.

When I find that my playgroup loves to run interaction I simply adjust my decks to fit the local meta. My opponents love to counter Slivers? Then Root Sliver would love to have a word with them. Opponents love to run spot removal? I proceed to laugh as Crystalline Sliver shows up. So on and so forth. There's always a Sliver for the job when it comes to a problem, but running your own interaction and work-arounds is key. Try running counter magic as form of protection and see where that takes you.

Votecat on The Queen's Egg

1 year ago

Depending on the meta I might cut Carpet of Flowers , Mystic Remora / Rhystic Study , Delay , or Swan Song for Root Sliver . I agree that with the addition of Root Sliver and the use of Cavern of Souls, Rhythm of the Wild does become redundant and even with riot isn’t a particularly attractive choice.

I would definitely agree that Intruder Alarm is a very risky play and only provides consistent value in specific metas.

I personally use Dregscape Sliver solely as a low mana recursion win con and usually wouldn’t see any long term value returns from Yawgmoth's Will.

I agree with your assessment of Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth. I will usually only use them if the color isn’t being played in the pod.

Although I do like having an additional mana loop win con, I probably wouldn’t run Ashnod's Altar if I didn’t also run Morophon, the Boundless. Thank you for the thorough reply.

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

1 year ago

Hello Votecat, thanks for commenting on my page. Just as a side note, you can tag the cards you reference by using:

[[card:Sliver Overlord]]

I have thoughts on every card suggestion you made, and i'll address them individually. Root Sliver is on permanent standby for me. Depending on the nature of my meta (Rather, when I actually get one - RL has its challenges) i'd find a way to work it in, but I'm uncertain on what i'd cut - what would you cut from my list to make room? Rhythm of the Wild is a great card, however it's unnecessary as Slivers do all of the things this Enchantment can do - but better. Why be confined by Riot? Having to choose Haste or a +1/+1 counter? Besides, dedicating so many resources to countering one form of interaction is just unnecessary with the inclusion of Cavern of Souls and the potential inclusion of Root Sliver.

Intruder Alarm I have my own issues with - namely that it's a dead card in hand until you have all the combo pieces on board to fully take advantage of it before an opponent does. The effect can very easily backfire - and has backfired on me personally - and has forever soured my take on the card. Also, keep in mind if you are ever in a mirror match, there is always a chance the opponent can out maneuver you with the exact same pieces. This simply makes me miss Paradox Engine that much more. The printing of Urza, Lord High Artificer made the banning of Paradox Engine essential if players were going to use him - so I forever hate on Urza, who personally ruined my fun with one of my favorite cards.

The comparison of Dregscape Sliver and Yawgmoth's Will is like a 9MM vs. a Nuclear Bomb. YawgWill is leagues beyond the potential of what Dregscape has to offer - you can play a land, any spell that isn't a Sliver, oh and a Sliver, until the end of turn out of your graveyard. The best part is that said Sliver doesn't get exiled at the end of turn. There is a very good reason why this card is on the reserved list. I'm not going to be swapping out YawgWill anytime soon.

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth are both good cards - within context. Urborg is kind of meh outside of a monoblack or 2 color deck that also utilizes Cabal Coffers - and doesn't have access to Green. Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth on the otherhand is uh...meh? Slivers aren't a Lands matter deck and there aren't any Slivers that gain +X/+X for each Forest I control - though that would be sweet. Honestly, these lands would do more harm than good as fixing the manabases of my opponents is something I generally want to avoid.

Ashnod's Altar is not the most optimal choice unless the commander is Sliver Queen herself. Without the other combo pieces on board, Altar just kind of sits there as an optional sac outlet that could potentially ramp you - but to take full advantage you would absolutely need Quick Sliver on board. Again, it's a good card for Sliver Queen the commander, but in a Sliver Tribal deck i'm just not convinced.

Crowd Lands - first time i've heard Bondlands being referred to as that. Cool. I don't always play this deck in a pod so having lands that always come in tapped is simply not ideal. I lean more toward the Shadowmoor/Eventide Filterlands e.g. Flooded Grove, Cascade Bluffs, etc. if I were to swap out my Revised Dual Lands.

Thanks for commenting by the way, please leave a +1 if you like as I will be doing the same on your deckpage.

chitinous approval ensues

B0NGUS on Getting Slivvy With It

3 years ago

I've made some cuts!

Changed Maelstrom Nexus for Descendants' Path . It's 2 mana value lower, requires 4 less colors, still casts, and doesn't care if it casts a MV greater than or equal to a creature I control.

Changed Shared Animosity for Rhystic Study . They're the same cost, but drawing cards/taxing my opponents is more important than making the hive deal more damage.

Changed Leave / Chance for Teferi's Protection . There have been multiple improvements in card draw and Chance was never used in gameplay. Leave forces me to cast all my board again.

Changed Ready / Willing for Cyclonic Rift . I needed more one-sided boardwipes, and have plenty of other forms of defense that makes Ready/Willing too redundant.

Changed Watery Grave for Vampiric Tutor . Going down to 37 lands is fine, and part of the manabase that's out of balance. Vampiric Tutor is the most powerful tutor, no explanation necessary.

Changed Polluted Delta for Overgrown Tomb (apparently it wasn't actually in the deck). Just updating imbalanced manabase, I don't need every fetch in this deck.

Changed Apex Devastator for Vanquisher's Banner . V Banner is 1/2 the cost and provides card draw upon casting. Apex Devastator was fun, and it can explode very well, but it's better elsewhere.

Changed Fury Sliver for Bonescythe Sliver . Just mana reduction costs, they both provide doublestrike. I may reconsider adding Fury Sliver back in for redundancy.

Changed Cleaving Sliver for Brood Sliver . Creating additional slivers at no cost is better than +2/+0, right?

Changed Commander's Sphere for Realmwalker . Additional sliver and card advantage, as well as scouting the top-card for cascade potential.

Changed Pillar of Origins for Prismatic Omen . Pillar of Origins is a mana rock for about 1/2 the spells in the deck, Prismatic Omen color fixes all my lands for all of the spells in the deck.

Changed Averna, the Chaos Bloom for Shifting Sliver . Averna was fun, and the mana ramp was explosive, but let's give no-non-slivers a chance to see how it impacts cascades.

Changed Explosive Vegetation for Reflections of Littjara . Reflections of Littjara doubles Mana Echoes, Distant Melody, Lavabelly, Manaweft/Gemhide, Opaline, Sedge, Spiteful, and Thorncaster effects.

Spells being considered that I own currently; Hollowhead Sliver , Doomskar , & Pyre of Heroes .

Spells being considered that are being purchased soon; Necrotic Sliver , Root Sliver , Bloom Tender , Pulmonic Sliver , Spoils of Victory , Darksteel Mutation , Synapse Sliver , Magma Sliver , Intruder Alarm , Horned Sliver , and Amoeboid Changeling .

Galerider Sliver is being purchased soon and will be changed for Winged Sliver .

bryanedds on Cavern of Souls and Budget …

4 years ago

Ah, cool! Not sure how I overlooked Root Sliver ! Thank you!

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