

This is a work in progress. I've recently been moving cards to the Aquire board, so anything in the main deck is what's left over. Maybe board contains stuff that's too expensive or doesn't jive well enough. Side cards are ones that I did not list of which I have enough.

Main Idea: The idea is to use Traumatize and other milling cards (like Sultani) to fill my grave chock full of cards (100+), then use the cards from the grave or bring them back to the field by their own or other effects (Twilight's Call). There are also cards like Valor, Filth, and Glory that give my field creatures blanket effects as long as they are in the grave.Cairn Wanderer and Necrotic Ooze get massive numbers of abilities from creatures in the grave.Golgari Gravetroll, Boneyard Wyrm, and others get massively powerful from the sheer number of creatures and cards in the grave, leading to instant kills if they cannot be blocked. Grim Flowering and Gnaw to the Bone are also ludicrous to use as well in this case.There are plenty of cards to find and amass land quickly: Life from the Loam, Crucible of Worlds, etc.The deck really does need to be big, although not this big. Maybe 200 cards, so that when I cut my deck in half, I still have a deck. I want to determine this number through playtesting.

In addition to those listed, I am looking at accumulating any DREGE, THRESHOLD, or FLASHBACK cards that cross my path and work in this deck, as well as SOULSHIFT (cards that bring back spirits), UNEARTH (comes back for a turn with haste), and anything else I might have missed that comes back from the grave, or discards off of my deck for effects.

I am trying to keep this deck mainly BUG (Black,Blue,Green), but with enough multicolor mana sources, I could afford to have varying colors in here. Not to mention I would not have to pay mana costs for the creatures returned from the grave. (cheap Bringer of the White Dawn! Whoo!)



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Date added 11 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

8 - 0 Rares

6 - 4 Uncommons

9 - 2 Commons

Cards 27
Avg. CMC 3.15
Tokens Saproling 1/1 G
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