
Control/Combo deck powered by Dralnu, Lich Lord. Dralnu is an extremely janky commander due to his massive drawback, but that's also what makes him so interesting to brew around. This deck is a love letter to janky combos and interactions, and features several elaborate combo paths to victory. This is not a highly competitive deck, but it can usually durdle into a win around turn 8-9.

The deck aims to control the general flow of the game using counterspells and board wipes at key points to police the overall game state and not allow a single player to get too powerful. The overall plan is to stay political with our removal, cutting deals with several social cards like: Burning-Rune Demon, Epiphany at the Drownyard, etc.

Our main win condition is an explosive combo win, which can come from several different combo-pieces that also mostly work as regular spells for our overall game plan, especially as we can mostly recur them later using Dralnu. We can generate large quantities of mana with Turnabout/Dark Ritual by casting them and flashing them back with Dralnu, this mana can then be spent on a Drown in Dreams/Epiphany at the Drownyard or Exsanguinate to set us up to finish the game, or win outright with Laboratory Maniac/just killing everyone with Exsanguinate.


Lich's Mastery + Aetherflux Reservoir + Skirge Familiar let's us chain together massive storm counts for large life gain and card draw to shoot opponents with the Reservoir or just win with Laboratory Maniac (Dihada's Ploy can be snuck in there for additional life gain and card draw). Usually we can chain together enough casts of manarocks and other spells to draw the entire deck in one go. Gilded Lotus is notable here, as it lets us cast Lab Man by just discarding 5 random cards to the Familiar, ensuring we can combo out in one turn.

Lord of the Forsaken + Dralnu, Lich Lord can instantly end the game with Exsanguinate in the graveyard and flashing it back with Dralnu and pay a huge sum of life for a large X value. Alternatively we can deck ourselves with a Drown in Dreams in the graveyard.

Dreamscape Artist works really well with Drownyard Temple and Dakmor Salvage.

The untappers like Vizier of sands and Kelpie Guide work both as ramp (untapping lands or mana rocks) and to give us more Dralnu uses. We're running several lands that tap for multiple mana to maximise this effect (Lotus Field, Guildless Commons, Dimir Aqueduct, Temple of the False God), and to make our Turnabout turn as impactful as possible.


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97% Casual


Revision 18 See all

(13 hours ago)

Date added 2 months
Last updated 13 hours

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

52 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.95
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone
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