Dimir Charm

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dimir Charm


Choose one

-Counter target sorcery spell. - Destroy target creature with power 2 or less. - Look at the top three cards of target player's library. Put one back and the rest into that player's graveyard.

Max_Hammer on Can I save my creature …

1 year ago

If I have a creature such as Ornithopter and an opponent casts something like Cut Down, my poor Ornithopter dies. ):

However, if I have Octavia, Living Thesis and cast Opt or something to trigger her ability, targeting my Ornithopter, making it an 8/8, does it save my baby by making it an invalid target or is it a waste?

Does the same work for Dimir Charm or other cards like that?

Poolplayer on The Eyes Have it

1 year ago

What's worst about Halimar Depths is that if you don't like the three cards, you get to shuffle the crap back on top...Nope. I'm either going to Opt or Dimir Charm. I'm going to sideboard the Black Sun's Zenith and opt for 2 Contagion Engine and keep the negatives on that side of the board.

wallisface on Art-Infect

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • As has already been said before, infect decks generally want to be just running creatures that can deal infect damage - you currently have a LOT of cards that have no place in an infect deck, namely Alloy Myr, Coretapper, Darksteel Myr, Evolution Sage, Obelisk Spider, Shimmer Myr, Titan Forge and Myr Matrix are all creatures (or make creatures) that are completely useless for an infect strategy.

  • You seem to have a lot of cards that are just 1-ofs and 2-ofs here. That's going to lead to a really inconsistent (and so weaker) deck. Aim to mostly play playsets of cards if you can.

  • You seem to have a bunch of cards that have no real place in either Infect or Modern in general. Mana rocks like Dimir Signet, Coalition Relic, Myr Reservoir certainly have no real place in an Infect deck, and don't really make it into any Modern deck unless they're doing something particularly janky. Leyline of Abundance, Force of Vigor, and Dimir Charm are all also really weird spell choices.

  • You have nothing to do one turn 1. Infect decks are known for being fast and reliably threatening lethal on turn-2 or turn-3. Not being able to cast something on turn-1 reliably is going to put you ages behind and put your opponent at a huge advantage. You should have at least 8-12 cards you can cast on turn-1 (so far you have 0, meaning you're always starting a turn behind your opponent). Furthermore, sooo many of your lands enter play tapped that you won't even be able to reliably do something on turn 2... fix that landbase!

  • Your mana curve goes waaay too high. I would suggest ditching all of your 4 and 5 mana cards, and at least halving your amount of 3-mana cards (if not removing them entirely).

  • You're running waaay too many creatures for infect, and you don't have nearly enough ways to pump them. This is going to cause you all sorts of problems. Infect creatures are generally weak, so you want to aim to end a game quickly, and going-wide doesn't help you achieve that.

An example of where to start with infect is here - this page lists 3 infect decks of various budgets, and should give you a good idea of the direction the deck should head in.

wallisface on Dimir Horrors

2 years ago

Vampire Hexmage doesn’t particularly help you here, as it only interacts with Thing in the Ice  Flip, and is only mildly faster than casting spells anyway (while leaving your counter-magic down, so likely more vulnerable to interaction). I’d ditch it in place of Opt.

I’d also suggest removing Dimir Charm for more copies of your other, better, counterspell options. The charm is just going to be too situation too often to be useful.

I think you prolly want to work towards the full playsets of all of Darkslick Shores, Underground River and Watery Grave - your deck feels super-dependant on having access to both BB and UU on turn 2. If you can afford Polluted Delta, they’d obviously help too.

Skysurfer on

2 years ago

The idea is litty and i love it but this list has 3 major issues:

  1. Your sheer lack of turn 1 proactive plays makes you so hilariously screwed if you are on the draw and being on the play not nearly as threatening as you could be, along with you likely having a difficult decision of playing hero or thought erasure turn 2.

  2. The massive amount of 2 ofs will likely make it really hard to have any idea of what you might draw or even see in a game and be able to critique and figure out how to mesh and meld your deck as you play more with it.

  3. Your sorcery speed plays and instant/flash speed plays are all of very similar mana costs and i imagine make the deck a struggle to figure out what to play each turn; the deck cant decide if it wants to play midrange value or tempo.

I would probably with your current setup delve more into the tempo option. The first issue can be easily solved by just molding at least 2 of the Thought Erasure into either Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek so you almost always have it in your opening hand (the last erasure can mold into either another of them or a 4th Spell Queller) Drown in the Loch seems like a really good tempo option so i would take out the 2 Discovery / Dispersal for 2 more Drown in the Loch. I dont think Tomebound Lich fits very well into what you are trying to do so I would search for something more in the 1-2 drop area to be better capitalized on by ojutais command/ahtreos (Delver of Secrets  Flip or Esper Stormblade??) I would also cut 1-2 lands as 24 is only really played for decks that scry a lot like control. Dimir Charm or a creature buff for the tokens like Collective Effort might also be a spicy option to put in exchange for some of the spot removal like path or push. I hope this all helps. Good luck in your matches.

zapyourtumor on Glint Delver

2 years ago

Fair points.

For cards that are both removal and counters, Drown is by far the best unfortunately. Some other ones are:

Dimir Charm (would be really good if the last mode let you put one into your hand, might be an ok sideboard card since it can counter treasure cruise)

Silumgar's Command (very versatile card but the 5 cmc is rough, wish it were 4 cmc)

Decisive Denial (Pretty meh here imo unless you have a Tasigur or Kroxa down, but being able to be used as a negate can be nice if you have no fatties)

Izzet Charm (can also help fill your yard, seems solid)

There are some other ones like Sublime Epiphany and Quandrix Command but those seem bad here.

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